liposuction limit

liposuction limit

(two days and one night) i must be here first. hi, junho. hi, siyoon. (junho arrives shortly after siyoon.) happy new year. (they wish each other a happy new year.) (defconn is next to arrive.) where's the grand award winner?

- hello. / - jongmin? where is the grand award winner? the vip always arrives last. - the very last? / - of course. all right. is he waiting to make a grand entrance? probably. "warm up the viewers for me." "set the mood for today."

unbelievable. he's suddenly so arrogant. someone needs to put him in his place. i agree. he has changed. he needs a good beating. (the grand award winner arrives.) - here he is. / - mr. grand award. (the slander didn't faze him.) my gosh, the grand award winner is here.

(they instantly start to grovel.) "award makes man." ten years on the show paid off. (all i did was put in hard work.) where to now, mr. grand award? this way. (they head to shoot the opening.) why are we starting off the show near a stream? i hate it already.

are you kidding me? can't we at least have a pleasant opening? don't you think we've done enough? the view is amazing though. - here. / - look. where do you want us to jump from? - where? / - here or there? it can't be higher than 4m. is it there or there? tell us.

it's really high. - what now? / - it's perfect to jump off from. we're at suseungdae in geochang-gun. suseungdae means to relax your mind while enjoying the magnificent view. what's with the letters engraved here? were they done by our ancestors? they look at least 100 years old. the rock's named after a turtle

- since it looks like one. / - i see. many famous scholars wrote down their words and yi hwang's poem is also written on it. since the three kingdoms period, scholars came here to relax, enjoy drinks, and write poems. - they had great taste. / - i love it. it's nice. didn't it fall under baekje's land? it was right along the border of baekje and silla.

- so this was an outdoor club. / - that's right. handsome men and women of baekje would come here. "are there any women from silla here today?" that's what men of baekje would've asked. (they're a year older but still immature.) we should head over there. this place is great though. i agree. why are we here though?

now tell us why we're here. today is all about waking up our senses. it's the sixth sense special. - six pence? / - what's that? - six pence. / - really? it's sixth sense, not six pence. - sixth sense. / - oh, sixth sense. i was taken by surprise. - it's because you're old. / - gosh.

- his hearing's worse. / - i was alarmed. i couldn't believe what i had heard. how could you mistake the two? what exactly is sixth sense? - the five senses are touch, taste / - right. - sight. / - sight, legs... - taste. / - yes, taste. - taste, sight... / - what now? - chest! / - what?

they're supposed to be senses. - taste. / - hearing, sight... thoughts! - thoughts? / - that's a good one. - is that one of them? / - he's the best. touch, sight, taste, smell... - hearing. / - hearing and thoughts. - there are six in total. / - including thoughts. - thoughts are one of them. / - i guess so.

they were blown away by mr. grand award. that was truly a good one. the sixth sense is usually known as intuition. - i knew that. / - intuition. that's why we say "instinctively". - right. / - instinctively. which sense do you find yourself most sensitive of? (which of the six is it?) i don't know.

- for me, it's touch. / - i don't have one. - maybe smell? / - i'm sensitive to touch. (he jumps at the slightest touch.) (i'm sensitive to touch.) i think he's right about that. i'm sensitive to touch. he usually starts off without any clothes. - he's like that. / - you're right about that. right.

we're now going to play a game to find the king of sixth sense out of the five of you. the king of sixth sense? all right. that sounds good. you will all now close your eyes, and we'll only let one of you have a dried persimmon. you'll use your intuition to figure who that is. he who answers correctly will be crowned as the king. if none of you gets it right,

- the one who ate it... / - wins? - we guess afterwards? / - afterwards? how can we possibly guess that? how? it will be stuck in their teeth. kissing each other would be the easiest way. my gosh. is that your grand idea? we should try siyoon's idea. it's a good one.

i think i'm going to vomit. (love is already in the air.) bring forward the blindfolds. (anyway, the game now begins.) (the blindfolds are all put on.) (now, they just need to stay apart and start.) - let's begin. / - are we ready? - all right. / - are we ready? (peeping)

(jongmin approaches junho.) let me rearrange where you stand. (jongmin pretends to be a staff and moves junho.) (he is sly.) (junho has no idea he's getting closer to the water.) - this really scares me. / - my gosh. (he's annoyed.) (he ends up dipping his feet in the cold water.) - you, come here. / - this is unbelievably scary.

- you're annoying. / - what's this? am i falling down? - my goodness. / - what on earth is this? (meanwhile) what is this? isn't this water? (what are they doing?) - what's going on? / - gosh, what is this? - what's wrong? / - i'm pushed to the back. (taehyun crawls on the ground.) are you guys all pushed to the back?

(defconn even performs the moonwalk dance.) why are we going towards the back. (he spots a new prey.) i can't do this. it's hard to jump in there. (he lets junho handle him.) (he doesn't realize anything.) (jongmin, pretend you are being dragged.) (okay!) are you all right? stay away from each other.

don't forget that we shouldn't touch each other. (let's go.) hurry up. - why does it take so long? / - hang on a second. hey! what's going on? (junho also falls into the water.) - what are you doing? / - what's going on? (junho is caught by defconn.) (he's thrown into the water for the third time.)

- are you going to do that again? / - i'm sorry! - i'm sorry! / - will you do that again? i'm sorry! - what's he doing? / - i'm sorry. (he surrenders.) - how dare you. / - please save me. (it was jongmin who set all this up,) (but junho is being punished.) - stand up. / - you should've made him dive.

why didn't you throw him into the water? what's wrong with you? why did you do that? - i knew you'd get that. / - you're so dead. seriously, you're so dead. - what happened? / - the water is ice cold. take off your blindfolds and stay far away from each other. then, put the blindfolds back on. (this time, the staff properly checks the blindfolds.) it's all set.

(will it be the glutton, defconn?) (will the two dummies get the dried persimmon?) (or will the actors get it?) who ate it? take off your blindfolds. (junho suspiciously coughs.) who is it? you're not supposed to smell it.

just say who it is with your intuition. - you're the one. it's you. / - what? - your nose is red. / - your nose says you ate it. - you. / - it must be you. i heard the sound from here, but i wonder why you two are talking to each other. (everybody is suspicious.) we always talk like we are obligated to. we always talk.

what's suspicious to me is that you started talking just a few seconds after eating the dried persimmon. junho, what's wrong with your throat? you keep touching your neck. why do you do that? you were touching your neck during the conversation. - what about it? / - it kept moving and trembling. - isn't it normal? / - is it? my gosh, junho. what's this on your face? what is this?

(there's some smudge on his face.) isn't this dried persimmon? (he's flustered.) - what? / - the game is over. (is he really caught?) - in 1, 2, 3. / - there's some persimmon on his face. is that make-up on his face? why is the make-up so sweet? hang on a moment.

- is there some stuck in my teeth as well? / - no. (you should've been more careful.) - in your teeth? / - open your mouth. he has some more stuck in his teeth. (there's some dried persimmon stuck in his teeth.) even your tongue is yellow. (the director approached junho.) (he secretly gave a dried persimmon to him.) who is eating it?

(i'm eating it.) (he got it all over his face while wiping his mouth.) - i got you. / - defconn is indeed an expert in food. - he got me. / - i'm a big eater. it was an easy game for a big eater. - he's a big eater. / - i'm a big eater. please add some computer graphic effect on him. - that sounds good. / - something like a baguette. - a baguette? / - a baguette like this.

he will die if it's pulled out. imagine there's a baguette and eat it. if you eat up all, you'll die. hey, if you eat everything up, you'll die! i'm fine. (he needs a bride to help him out.) (at the rest stop near mount jiri) (it looks totally different from where the others are.) (this is the land of ice.)

(suddenly, a man shows up.) (it's joonyoung.) - hello. / - hello. - how are you? / - happy new year. how have you been? i've been reading. (he's excited and awkward to shoot after a long break.) it's so cold. we've been here before. it was snowing when we were here.

(he was here with the members three years ago.) it was also winter then. (he recalls the memories.) actually, the other members are now shooting in a different place. today, you're going to go hiking alone. (you're going to go hiking alone.) (hiking alone?)

(he bursts into laughter out of embarrassment.) (he has to go hiking on arrival.) the other members don't know you're coming today. you can only join them if your name is mentioned by the members. (joonyoung. did you call me?) they don't know this rule, and soon they are going to pick a number.

your name must be mentioned as many times as the number to join them. while hiking? (if you wonder why...) (two days and one night without joonyoung) i divided it into six, but joonyoung isn't here. (was somewhat awkward,) (since they were used to the number six.) i'm doing this because i think he'd like it.

that guy. (they even wanted to introduce him to the guests.) (joonyoung used to help them out.) only if joonyoung was here. (joonyoung was good at everything.) (his absence was a big loss.) we don't have enough people. we look shabby. (they missed him even more in the new year.)

because joonyoung isn't here. (they miss joonyoung.) (they always call joonyoung's name.) if your name is mentioned as many times as the number while hiking, you can go down right away. if that doesn't happen, you need to finish the hiking course. isn't this mount jiri?

(it's not so easy to come back.) defconn, the king of sixth sense - will draw a lot. take it. / - okay. (joonyoung's future lies in this game.) i always like to draw the one in the middle. (having no idea what it's for, he picks one.) please open the paper you drew. are you sure you don't want to draw one again? no. i'm usually lucky. i'll just go with this.

- in one, two, three. / - let's go. - it's 30. / - 30? - do we get 300 dollars? thank you. / - 300 dollars. we won 300 dollars! - what does it mean? / - tell us. - they are smiling. / - what does the number mean? - be honest with us. / - don't make things up. - don't lie to us. / - is it about taking pictures? the meaning of the number

is going to be revealed throughout the trip. - is a big number bad? / - what could that be? - could we open the rest? / - what does it mean? the rest? okay, go ahead. - what are they? / - see what's written on them. imagine you picked the paper. - it's 15. / - it's 15. - next. / - it's ten. it's ten.

- this is 20. / - we picked the biggest number. so 30 is the biggest number. - it's the biggest. / - this must be a good thing. - it's really big. / - it should be a good thing. it must be a good thing to have a big number. (they don't feel entirely comfortable.) - it must be. / - i told you i'm usually lucky. it's a good thing. no worries. we just received news

from them. what's the number? (it's 30!) (he got the biggest number, 30.) as i explained earlier, if the members mention your name 30 times, you can stop hiking and join them. if not, you will have to go to the top of the mountain with us.

let's go to the top. if your name isn't called 30 times until the shooting is over, unfortunately you can't join the shooting this week. i hope you keep it in mind. (this would be one of the hardest things to achieve.) since it's cold now, you can change into the hiking outfits prepared. let's get started.

let's go! (it won't be easy. 30 is quite a big number.) it's impossible to be mentioned 30 times. (what will happen to him?) (sixth sense special) (with all the snow, the hiking is expected to be fun.) (where am i headed to?) we're going to climb manbok peak in mount jiri. (today's destination is manbok peak.)

it is named so to bring luck to many people. it's famous for its snowy branches in the winter. it takes three and a half hours to reach the top. there's a steep hill after an hour and a half point. you'll have to save your strength. now, you'll start hiking. (welcome to manbok peak!) (joonyoung starts climbing the mountain.) (it's quite a steep climb.)

(he said it'd get steep after an hour and a half.) (but the course is steep and difficult from the start.) (it looks like joonyoung will have a tough comeback.) (the tough hike makes him overuse exclamations.) it looks like there was a snowstorm. isn't it pretty? (he walks in a snowy forest.) (it's a snowy masterpiece created by nature.) (he's immersed in the beauty of white snow.)

i'm already tired. (no, he isn't.) (he stops talking because of the tough hike.) (poor joonyoung.) (after 30 minutes of hiking,) (he suddenly thinks of something.) didn't they call my name yet? i'm sorry, but no. (he's sad.)

- wasn't it a good guess? / - yes. (these guys are in suseungdae.) - right. / - what does 30 stand for? maybe it's walking 30cm with our eyes closed. like a 30m relay race with our eyes closed? something like that. - i think we have an advantage. / - right. (they guessed it wrong.) - that's for sure. / - it reminds me of someone

who turned 30 this year. - are you 30? / - no. - then who? / - joonyoung. - is joonyoung 30 already? / - how old are you? i'm 32. - you're pretty old. / - yes. nobody's in their 20s anymore. right. everyone's in their 30s. (now everyone is over 30 years old.)

(there's a man watching them.) - you're right. / - come over here. (the owner of a cute yellow notepad) why? - there's something there. / - okay. (he's very meticulous.) (director joo is watching them.) good news. they called your name twice.

there's 28 more to go. (goodness) will it be the first and last time? (when will my name be called 28 more times?) - did they say it twice? / - yes. (there's a long way to go.) let's think positively. (he gets his hopes up and starts climbing again.) tomorrow,

- jongmin will buy dinner. / - for everyone. - i'll buy. / - so don't go home. come to that restaurant after work. we're in geochang, so everyone should call a designated driver. (drive safely.) everyone, call a designated driver. it's 300 dollars per person and there are 100 of us. that'll be 30,000 dollars.

(the designated drivers will cost 30,000 dollars.) 30,000 dollars. (can you handle it?) - it's 300 per person. / the service fee. the grand award winner should tell the director. (me?) please tell him. tell him you'll pay if he won't. tell him you'll win an award from other networks.

- tell him you'll transfer. / -transfer. - say you're a free agent. / - tell him. - sir! / - tell him straight up. which camera are you looking at? - he's looking at all of them. / - pick one. - sir. / - don't say, "thank you." thank you for the award. - if we achieve 20 percent rating / - three times. please send the staff

and the members... - to a pit? / - to where? (he makes a grand promise.) let's move. (they move to the next destination.) (they pass a wintry valley.) - it looks warm but the water's frozen. / - gosh. - look. / - it sure is winter. back in the day, this would've been a skating rink.

(it's all natural skating rink.) - people would've had fun in joseon dynasty. / - yes. - doing triple axel jumps in the cold. / - yes. (on the other side of the valley...) - are we there yet? / - look. look. is there snow? - is it a sledding slope? / - is it? it could be a sledding slope.

(what's waiting for them on the slope?) it's awesome. it's here. - gosh, it's snow. / - i'm a year older... it's a sledding slope. i haven't been to one in 20 years. (it's a small sized sledding slope.) it brings back memories. when we got ran over by a ball. it's...

(he had to run down) (a sledding slope in freezing winter.) a bit more. (it was cold, irritating,) (painful, and embarrassing.) i ran naked and got scraped all over. - we have to be careful. / - when soochan was here. you'll now play the sixth sense special "lunch game".

will there be a 30-second limit or something? you said 30 before. that must be it. 30 must mean time. - then we picked a good number. / - you're right. - we got it, right? / - defconn's the best. - good job. / - you picked a good one. - you're the best. / - it's going well. (joonyoung, it's not looking good.) it's so steep.

(you'll have to go to the top.) we won't have to take clothes off, right? this time, the sense is - sad premonition. / - sad premonition? (it's sad premonition.) ♪ why is a sad premonition ♪ - ♪ never wrong? ♪ / - ♪ never wrong? ♪ (he's just excited.) please reveal the mission.

(what is it?) - will they spray snow from there? / - what's that? - what is that? / - two days and one night... "two days and one night," "the first mount everest climbing". - last time, / - yes? you wrote three things you'd bring to mount everest. - i remember. / - oh, yes. what did i write?

(oh, no.) (they filled out a survey in sokcho.) (the last question was the eeriest.) (list three things you'll bring to mount everest.) i wrote helicopter. he wrote helicopter. - i wrote something ridiculous. / - helicopter? (the question was absurd,) (but the answers were even more so.)

(helicopter, slave, money, oxygen tank, snowboard,) (heater, climber um honggil, ration, hot drinks...) with the three items, you will climb to the top of mount everest. you'll each carry a flag when you climb up. the three people who climb to the top and fixes the flag down the fastest will eat geochang korean beef galbi tang.

- we'll carry the items we wrote down? / - yes. this is crazy. i have to carry a slave, a helicopter, and money. - this is ridiculous. / - then i have to... we prepared the items you requested. - i... / - please bring them out. (they bring out the must-have items.) did someone ask for a boat? is this a person?

- isn't it? / - is there a helicopter? please reveal them. - what? / - it's climber um honggil! - no way. / - really? - it's a blanket. / - whose is this? - i don't know. / - is this mine? - that's... / - is that jongmin's? (jongmin's items are a blanket, a burner, and a tent.) i wrote a sleeping bag.

we tried to find the thickest sleeping bag. others were too light. this one was the thickest. so we got you this one. (thin ones are no good.) - why is it so thick? / - goodness. (these are jongmin's three items.) - look at siyoon's. / - what does he have? this is amazing. - what did you write? / - a camera, a sleeping bag...

a camera, a sleeping bag, and hot drink. whose is this? - gosh, helicopter. / - are you kidding? (he's disappointed.) (did you think we'd bring a real helicopter?) - what? / - gosh. (this is the oxygen mask taehyun really wanted.) that's it. that's what i saw in the movies. wait. junho's items are so simple.

look at the helicopter. what's this? - is that money? / - who carries coins? - is that money? / - people carry bills. (light items aren't good.) what's yours? instant food, warm clothes, and climber um honggil. if um honggil isn't here, then i have the best items. defconn, what's this? defconn wrote um honggil, the climber,

so - is he here? / - we asked him to be here. - seriously? / - no way. he'd never appear on a show like this. - it's an honor. / - is he really here? i'm a huge fan of his. sir, please come on out. he'd never... - i see. / - no way.

(it was very hard to find.) (a life-size cardboard cutout) he'll be hard to carry. you can't leave him behind. we tried our best to invite mr. um on our show, but he had a schedule to appear on "immortal songs". - "immortal songs"? / - what? he passed up our show for "immortal songs"? that was booked ahead.

- for real? / - yes, exactly today. did he want to come on our show? (we'll invite him some other time.) where's my slave? (enough is enough.) where's his slave? junho... (junho's slave) it's time we mentioned your favorite song.

(what?) - now... / - isn't it "stigma"? your slave will appear as you start singing "stigma". (his slave will come out as he sings.) - right now. / - out of the blue? go ahead. how big he is in size is most important. what does the song have to do with his slave? - "the slave hunters"! / - i hunted a slave.

the song is from the drama about slave hunters. (looking for my slave) (the first encounter) finally, i meet my very own slave. in my boiling heart... ♪ as if it burned my heart ♪ ♪ as if the tears cut me like knives ♪ (to meet his one and only master,) (the slave runs across the cold snow.)

(master!) - my slave! / - this is unbelievable. a day is as long as a year hyuk, i can't believe that it's really you. - no way. / - my friend. is it really him? (the man of disguise, director yun gyutae) - it's director yun. / - gyutae. his hands were very thick.

i took his hands and they were big and squishy. are you aiming for joonyoung's empty spot? (it's the third time.) he keeps popping up everywhere. he might get cast in a tv series at this rate. (his addictive looks threaten the members.) i have to take you with me? - of course. / - you'll carry everything.

he probably would. (his items are all ready.) you need to take him with you. it's not a competition, but you won't do it alone. two of you will go together. first up are jongmin and siyoon. - what? / - siyoon would win. - only the time matters. / - that's right. (only their record time will count.)

i probably look weird. he looks adorable. - why is he still handsome? / - don't waste your time. this isn't what i was going for. (junho didn't mean to make him look cute.) (his intention was this.) - see? / - that's awesome. i did a great job. (no wonder he won the grand award.)

i'm freezing. remember that you're climbing mount everest. (today, a group of men test their fate.) (if i were mount everest, i'd ban him.) it's freezing now. i'm here on the top of mount everest. how on earth did he win the grand award? well, there's no one who can top that. who can possibly beat him?

it's impossible. at this rate, he'll win two years in a row. is that your goal for this year? he's already a front-runner. we'll hand you a cup of hot coffee. there must be at least one-third of it left at the top. i bet that siyoon will win. - how much? / - i bet my slave. you can take him.

you're unbelievable. - are you ready? / - good luck! all right! on my mark, get set... look how fast jongmin is. (jongmin has an early lead on siyoon.) siyoon, you're spilling your coffee. (he can't help it from spilling.)

- siyoon. / - no way. he can't win this. (first course, the rope) (they start off the new year with slapstick.) (they now move onto the crawling course.) they're fast though. hang on. look at them. (the duvet gets in the way.)

(siyoon keeps spilling the coffee.) this is hilarious. that obstacle is a monster. how can one crawl through that? you've got to be kidding me. (unbelievable!) (the doomed obstacle course) (siyoon is first to make his way out.) what on earth is going on?

watch out. (third course, the rockslide) my gosh. (jongmin finally makes it out.) look at him. (just then...) (what made them surprised is...) (a big fan and flour) siyoon's cup is empty now.

(staggering) (strong wind blows his way.) (thanks to his gear and good looks,) (however, jongmin looks like he's evacuating.) (darn the portable stove and cotton duvet!) (siyoon is almost at the top.) (there are only a few steps left.) the wind is too strong. (wait for me!)

(he fights his way to the top and mounts his flag.) (jongmin still has a long way to go.) (the balls are flying left and right.) (take it easy!) is this a natural disaster movie? (a series of attacks) (jongmin is already on the ground) (when flour comes blowing his way.) the flour was blurted his way.

(he fights all odds and successfully mounts his flag.) (he doesn't forget to cheer.) (to wrap up, he puts on a final slapstick.) - jongmin won. / - check siyoon's cup! (did siyoon manage to save one-third of the coffee?) did you spray flour on me? the bottom of the cup leaked. siyoon's cup is empty! he's disqualified then.

there's no coffee left. no matter how slow we are, we'll beat siyoon. (there isn't a drop left.) my bad. (why did he write down a hot beverage?) i shouldn't have asked for a hot beverage. all right, let's go. next up are defconn and taehyun.

(taehyun has useless items.) mr. um, hang in there. we can do this. (mr. um's life is in the hands of defconn.) (climbing mount everest, the suffering of mr. um) - i'm ready. / - i can do this. mr. um, we're in this together. - let's go. / - mr. um. mr. um.

let's go. (they make their way to the first course.) maybe i should throw these. mr. um! (they pass faster than expected.) (mr. um, we're now at the crawling course.) (i'm sorry, sir.) sir, i'll see you up there. i'll see you up there.

(toss) wait right there. (he's a big man, but he gives it his all.) sir. now for the wind. (they're only at an altitude of 2m.) (it's like he's mr. um himself.) (nothing can seem to stop defconn.) (the last obstacle)

(the wind is strong enough to knock him off balance.) (there's strong wind and balls are thrown.) (mr. um suffers a knee injury.) - sir. / - mr. um. - oh, no. / - take care of mr. um. (mr. um flaps in the wind.) oh, no. (take that!) (mr. um's back is bent way too backwards.)

defconn, take good care of him. (make sure he reaches the top in one piece.) (defconn never lets go though.) sir, hold on. (we're almost there.) - sir. / - this is insane. (i tell you this again.) sir! (we're only up 10m from the ground.)

no! (defconn loses his grip on the flag.) my flag! (taehyun takes the strong wind head on.) (the third obstacle course isn't easy.) - sir. / - where are you going? (mr. um has already been knocked out.) (he still doesn't let go of mr. um.) that's right. yes!

(he successfully pins the flag.) (mr. um hong gil's signboard conquers mount everest.) (taehyun also doesn't give up and pins the flag.) (exhausted) mr. um. i saved you. what's wrong with them? is mr. um okay? i broke his back. (it's wrecked.)

gosh, i'm exhausted. (what are we doing here?) if we hit the slave with the ball, - he won't be able to get up. / - yes. it's because he doesn't have to climb up. we should aim him. he won't climb up. you need more. i should draw some more. (they're having fun drawing.)

i'll draw on your whole face. keep drawing. (he is now branded as a slave.) - you drew on my face, right? / - i sure did. (are they going to make a good team?) all right. let's go. if you pull any tricks, i'll plant the flag here and turn you into a goblin slave. - i'll plant the flag here. / - don't worry.

- don't try to be funny. i must eat. / - don't worry. (look at these silly men.) (sullen) (the mount everest climbing with a slave) - ready. / - yes! (it's the final race for lunch.) i'll finish within 40 seconds. let's begin. ready. (will they create a synergy effect?)

- run. / - gosh. - hurry up. / - goodness. (the slave is carrying all the baggage.) run. run. hey. run faster. - i'm running as fast as i can. / - hurry. here. i'll step on it. jump over. (junho makes way for him.) jump over.

(giggling) (they have to crawl now.) get down. (get down, slave.) (he crawls slowly.) (they're as slow as snails.) - i'm so tired. / - get up. - get up. / - wait. gosh, the helicopter got stuck. - the helicopter. / - hurry up.

hold on. (they turn on the wind machine.) (they have been quick so far.) oh, gosh. (as they pass the falling rock area,) (four evil men await.) (as soon as they're within the range,) (they start to attack.) fire!

(they start to attack.) (today is a bad day for junho.) my goodness. keep throwing. (actually, the slave is using his master as a shield.) this is so fun! (you little...) stand in front of me. my gosh. be at the front.

(his slave stands in front of him.) (the strong wind is too harsh on those pitiful men.) (he falls down.) (laughing) (while both of them are flustered) here. (the ball hits the target.) (the master falls down feebly,) (and the slave can't keep himself steady.)

(is he a slave or a burden?) junho. (please help me, master.) (i'm coming.) (hang in there a little longer.) they'll soon get here. (january 2017, master of the month) come on! (he pulls his worn-out slave)

(and takes each step towards the top.) (they're almost at the top.) let's throw! (they only need to bear up the last attack.) you're almost there! (is that a cotton duvet?) (go away!) (they look so excited.) (come on, guys.)

i'm exhausted. - hurry up. / - i'm exhausted. (his legs can't support him.) (my gosh. give me the ball.) (go home!) (he falls hard.) (he still tries to do his job as his slave.) give it to me. (it's a battle with himself now.)

(against the harsh wind,) (junho and his slave) (successfully pin the flag together.) (it's a touching scene that shows the harmony of) (two people with different strength and status.) they finally did it. - gosh. / - let's turn this off. (they're too tired to even get up.) great work. you did great, slave.

(you should at least pay me.) - i didn't do well. / - they look really tired. did he freeze? (strike that slave.) you guys. "the first mount everest climbing" is over now. congratulations. you all got to the top. - we got to the top! / - yes!

let's climb down now. we can't climb higher than this. you should consider our age now. all right. i told you that the top three scorers will get geochang's galbi tang made with korean beef, right? the last place made a record of - 3 minutes 50 seconds. / - who is it? that's not us. we made it in two minutes.

- no way. / - you looked like people climbing mount everest. - totally. / - they were struggling. - he looked like a bigfoot. / - they looked tired. he was helping his injured servant. i released him today. i don't want to keep him anymore. (please go. you're free.)

- he's free. / - everyone should be equal. that's right. being alone is the best. siyoon, we asked you to keep your warm drink. were you able to keep one-third of it? it's empty, right? - but listen. / - did you spill all of it? - it's hard. / - you spilled all of your coffee. it's like my pushing my slave down to the bottom. - but your slave... / - i protected him.

your slave is... since siyoon still kept his cup until the end, - we'll just give him a penalty. / - that's good. we'll add 30 seconds to your record. - just 30 seconds? / - you should add 3 minutes. three minutes are too much. adding 30 seconds, siyoon's record is 1 minute 57 seconds.

- gosh. / - really? - it was 1 minute 27 seconds. / - and jongmin made a record of 1 minute 59 seconds. (jongmin's record is 1 minute 59 seconds.) - siyoon is still the first place. / - that's true. defconn's record is one minute and 49 seconds. defconn is in the first place.

- am i the first place? / - you are. was he that fast? - gosh. we all get to eat. / - but he struggled a bit. we all get to eat anyway. the fat guy won the first place. (the final result of mount everest climbing) - defconn is strong. / - did you see it? - be careful. / - gosh, it's scary. (they ride a sled to go down.)

- it's no joke. / - are you going to ride that? - really? / - i'm sledding! mr. um! oh, no. (that is...) (it's where they struggled to crawl.) (he's going down at high speed.) (it's hard for him to dodge it.) - look at him. / - how did you do that? - why isn't this moving? / - this is too fast.

(taehyun tries it this time.) - look at this. / - this doesn't slide. (he passes below it.) hey. this is fun. (it's so easy to pass them this way.) it's so thrilling. should we stamp our feet? (they're still slaving him around.) - we're moving. / - yes!

gosh, my back. what are you doing? (he's still weak.) - didn't you feed him? / - he's weak. (they all give up.) - it's okay. / - i'll just get up. (at that time, a man is really climbing a mountain.) (his steps look heavy,) (and he pants for breath.)

haven't they called me yet? (desperate) they will call me. they should. (why aren't they calling me?) why aren't they calling my name? we've walked 1km already. (i know.) (but they're the only ones he can count on.) when you were off the show, did you talk to them often?

yes. we have a group chat room. (they contacted each other in the group chat room.) we talked very often. just (they often contacted joonyoung.) talking to them often was good enough for me. (he was grateful for their consideration.) as soon as i came back to korea...

(he came back after a trip alone.) we got together. (the members showed their care for joonyoung.) we talked a lot. even joohyuck came. (they're close like brothers.) i saw them twice or thrice. (he wants to continue talking,) (but the slope gets steep again.) does it get steep from here?

(he suspects a steep slope.) (he's lost for words.) this is not a trail for the intermediate. (mount jiri is difficult to climb.) (the whole crew hikes the difficult trail.) this mountain is like mount everest. (it's like mount everest.) it looks like a place to rest.

is that a place to rest? (he's desperate for a break.) come up here. - i need to take a break. / - what? (everyone is exhausted.) (he's exhausted and running out of breath.) (a beautiful and bright view lies below.) isn't it beautiful here? (mount jiri is mystical.)

it's beautiful up here. (the mountain is covered with cloud and mist.) where is it? (they arrive at the first stop after 2.5 hours.) (he drinks up to quench the thirst.) (he's dumbfounded.) (they didn't forget about me, did they?) when? (the others go to eat.)

when is your surgery? how long must you rest? if i get it on thursday, i can't drink for ten days. it's to get rid of the fat under my eyes. how about we go on wednesday? (they seriously discuss junho's surgery.) - before the surgery... / - he shouldn't drink a few days prior to the surgery. i'm closing the door.

- please clap for us to start. / - it's for my eyes. in one, two, three. - are you getting plastic surgery? / - cameras are on. for what? he's getting liposuction to win the grand award in 2017. that's why he's getting liposuction. - he wants to be funny. / - that's amazing. i feel fine, but everyone says i look tired.

you do look tired. you'll be known as a celebrity with plastic surgery. - i'll get it done in secret. / - you don't need it. congratulations. what if you get a third eye as a side effect? - he'll get another eye. / - he'll have three eyes. you might even get four eyes. why did i bring it up in the first place? why did i bring it up?

i don't think it'll look good on you. i can't imagine you getting plastic surgery. it's not even considered plastic surgery. we'll see. (we hope he will look younger.) - it must be delicious. / - it smells good. it smells amazing. - what is it? / - it looks incredible. i'm getting stressed out.

look at this table. why does this always happen to us? they're so mean. today's lunch menu is galbi tang and galbi jjim made with korean beef raised by feeding on geochang's mugwort. by feeding on mugwort? galbi will taste like mugwort. (it's a delicious and healthy meal.)

enjoy it before it gets cold. - thank you for the food. / - thank you. it looks amazing. even the radish in galbi tang is pretty. it's because we're in the countryside. the soup is excellent. the beef was boiled for a long time. the taste is rich. it was boiled for a long time.

(they're in love with the soup.) i'll try galbi with my hand. have some galbi. put some sauce on it. - right. / - brush some sauce on the rice like you're writing calligraphy. "writing calligraphy"? (he wants to eat too.) (he debones it instantly.)

- he's deboning it. / - it must be very hot. i wish his teeth would come out as well. the meat is seasoned well. it's a perfect combination of soy sauce and sugar. i bet it's made with honey. seriously. (galbi is best when eating with the hand.) the galbi has the same color as mugwort. oh, my goodness.

(they're in paradise while the rest suffers.) it's seasoned so well. this is annoying. i got annoyed four times already. taehyun and i have been starving and sleeping outside. aren't you tired of it? this is delicious. (jongmin ignores their complaints.) can't you describe the taste a little better?

you even won the grand award last year. can you describe in detail? be more expressive. you've been saying "it's delicious" for years. - this place is great. / - it's very delicious. look at this meat. i think mr. grand award is exceptionally greedy. - do you mean jongmin? / - yes.

you might find something in his pockets. in his pockets? what do you mean? (junho searches jongmin.) (he searches in jongmin's jacket.) jongmin is very quick. what's going on? why are you eating so fast? i think he feels crisis.

- what's wrong? / - get away from me. move out of the way. - move. / - what are you doing? - give it. / - what's wrong with you? - let me see it. / - i'm still eating. - where did you hide it? / - hide what? - give it to me. / - that's mine. (that's my belly fat.) - where is it? / - he's hiding it somewhere.

didn't he bring it? junho is unbelievable. maybe it's not there. kim jongmin. (you little rascal!) what's this? he can't do this as a winner of the grand award. how could you? - you cheated. / - let him eat first.

you told me to hold on to it. - when did i say that? / - let's talk this out. get away from the food. (please take away his utensils.) (he takes them away.) you don't deserve to eat. stop eating. why did you take it when you get to eat? - i know. / - i can't understand this.

he did it out of habit. how could he do it after winning the grand award? how dare you? - it was instinctive. / - how could you? (it was right before they got off the bus.) (taehyun stared at something and got up.) it's something you can't buy. (he handed leftover gimbap to jongmin.) (will he take it or not?)

(he puts it in his pocket.) (he didn't even hesitate for a moment.) - you fell for it. / - what did you trick me? it was taehyun. that's also cheating. why did you fall for it? - come here, mr. grand award. / - that's it. we'll confiscate it. you can't eat it.

don't we get any food? since both of you worked hard, we prepared a special meal for you. please serve them. our director has changed because it's new year. i bet it's something strange. thank you. hiking was exhausting. (he's hopeful.) what is it?

- it looks delicious. / - gosh. - it's persimmon. / - isn't it persimmon vinegar? - what is this? / - why did they serve it? the theme of today's trip is finding the sixth sense. - that's why we served persimmon. / - it's annoying. we must force ourselves to eat it. is it edible? the persimmon vinegar is edible.

(it's full of vitamin c and good for the skin.) one of you can take jongmin's spot. let's play a game. let's see who drinks this faster. (junho hates the idea.) how is that possible? - won't it make me sick? / - no. you can get rid of the aftertaste with this.

get ready. (it's been diluted with water.) i'll give this galbi to the winner. start. junho and taehyun are doing well. (he gulps it down.) - you can finish it. / - look at taehyun. (he watches junho's speed while drinking.) come on, junho.

doesn't it taste bad? taehyun won. (taehyun takes jongmin's spot.) give me some water. i need some water. i just drank vinegar. i didn't think you'd finish, so i waited until you did. (taehyun was being so kind.)

(taehyun goes to eat galbi tang.) it tastes horrible. (he washes off the taste with galbi tang.) why would anyone drink this? i don't understand. why would anyone drink that? (as mentioned before,) in case i win, i forced myself to drink it. (persimmon vinegar is full of vitamin c.)

play one more round for acorn jelly, pajeon, and galbi. - in a wrap? / - yes, in a wrap. let's do that. ready. (junho versus jongmin) - ready... / - wait. - i need to warm up. / - okay. (groaning)

is that your way of getting ready? i'm hypnotizing myself. (it's delicious.) you should do that. (i can drink it.) it is persimmon vinegar battle. - it's very sour. / - start. (junho is busy drinking the vinegar.) it leaves a bad aftertaste.

i should make a wrap. (jongmin tries to pull a trick on junho again.) what's that? what did you do, jongmin? what's that, jongmin? (he acts like a grand award winner.) i give up. did you drink it? you spit it out. no, i didn't.

- i'm sure you spit it out. / - i didn't. i saw you turn your head. what are you talking about? did he drink it? - stand up, jongmin. / - i drank it all. - is that true? / - stand up. if you spit it out, you are a genius. what happened? - did he drink it? / - it's like a magic trick.

how could he spit it out? where? you should search him. he turned his face. how did he do that? (you rascal.) (how do you like them apples?) he threw it away in another cup. (he is a genius.) - how would we ever beat you? / - gosh.

i can't drink this. - it tastes bad. / - just drink it. okay. (they study each other's face without drinking it.) drink it. - shall we stop now? / - okay. - let's stop it. / - i drank it all. - do you like pajeon? / - i like it very much. put some kimchi on it.

- this is for you. / - the kimchi is good. (they build up a friendship with a wrap.) thank you. he's nice. he shares everything he has. he's really nice. try this. there's love in the new year. this galbi jjim is very good.

it is delicious. - do you like it? / - he got me. it's delicious, isn't it? it tastes like mom's cooking. this is good. - it is delicious. / - i like it. - can we clear the table now? / - yes. i'm full. - i was happy eating it. / - thank you for the food.

i ate it all. can you clap for us to start? jongmin. you can do that. (he grabs something.) jongmin, stop it. i was going to give it to junho. he does that all the time. i told you. (at that time, joonyoung stops)

(to grab a bite of cold gimbap.) (taking a bite) (he feels cold and lonely.) (joonyoung looks lonely eating gimbap.) is this a prank or something? (he is suspicious of the staff.) you should admire the view here. how many times did they call my name? only three times?

(he is obsessed with his name being called.) really? (he's sad that they didn't call his name.) we are almost halfway to the top. - are we almost halfway to the top? / - yes. (he's not even halfway there yet.) i'm not even halfway there. (he is shocked.) it is too shocking.

(he starts walking again feeling shocked.) (after walking for a while silently...) (what if you encounter an asiatic black bear?) what do you think we should do when we encounter a bear? (what if i see a bear in the mountain?) i should attack the bear first. (jongmin insisted he should press an attack first.) (i miss them. i wonder what they are doing now.)

i'm in the bathroom. junho. it's been more than ten minutes. i can't believe this. it's a violation of human rights. what are you doing? we are waiting for you. i have a stomachache. (he finally flushes the toilet.) what is he doing in there? is the toilet clogged?

- what? / - is it clogged? doesn't it flush well? (you are being rude. i'm professional at this.) it's not clogged. i can tell by the look on his face. (junho looks serious after using the bathroom.) look at his face. he has slimmed down. you look slim. it was smooth thanks to the persimmon vinegar.

persimmon vinegar is good for constipation. it was a lot easier. (persimmon vinegar is good for constipation.) persimmon vinegar is very good. i like it. (taehyun bursts into laughter looking at the gimbap.) jongmin took the vj's gimbap. he is very hungry because of you. that's too bad.

we've worked together for the past nine years. and you did this to me. i will buy you something delicious tomorrow. he will buy you lunch tomorrow. - korean beef. / - just make a reservation. let's eat beef tomorrow. (he wants to eat some beef.) can you wait a moment? - why? / - i need to go to my car and take some pills.

it's right here. i'll be right back. take your time. you should stop him. he takes pills until he feels full. (you should keep an eye on him.) maybe he's eating something else. (they move to the next place.) that was a good meal.

(mr. grand award feels drowsy after eating.) i know. (they can't just let it go.) mr. grand award, wake up. (how can you sleep around us?) (fire at the grand award winner.) (he passes it to siyoon.) this is your first time. it's really hard to wake up early in the morning.

you missed it. (you can't wake up mr. grand award like that.) (watch how it's done, siyoon.) he is the grand award winner, indeed. he showed an exaggerated reaction. - i know. / - he's right. he was disappointed in siyoon. i learned something from you. you can't be funnier than the grand award winner.

his goal is two straight wins. he wants to win a universal award. universal award? (we all hope jongmin will win the universal award.) they look like old houses. (they drive down a country road for a while.) where are we going? - sorry? / - where are we going? we are going to the next destination.

are we playing "dinner game" there? - it's too soon. / - are we doing it already? i didn't eat much for lunch. he's always hungry. (he is a hungry middle-aged man.) i wish we had someone here. we can't do anything with only five members. we need one more person. i wish joonyoung were here.

we can't do this with only five members. joonyoung bought this for you. he bought something for you. (he checks a message from joonyoung.) (we miss you, joonyoung.) we are here. - okay. / - get off here. is it a backstreet? what is that? is it a hot spring?

we are missing one member. where is he? - that's jongmin. / - mr. grand award. mr. grand award is tired. (he is sound asleep.) mr. grand award hasn't come out yet. (come out now!) (i want to hit him.) mr. grand award is coming. look at the grand award winner.

he looks different now. (he gets off the bus in an arrogant manner.) it's a hot spring. - a hot spring? / - really? - what is that? / - it says a hot spring. - what are we doing here? / - it's a hot spring. (an open-air bath catches their eyes.) - is it a hot spring? / - it looks very hot. this is nice.

what's that? is it an open-air bath? i didn't know there was an open-air bath here. it's not common. this place is an open-air bath in geochang surrounded by mount deogyu, mount gaya, and mount jiri. the water comes from mountains. - it's hot. / - it looks hot. wow, it's very hot. (they will bathe in this hot spring today.)

you will perform your next mission here. first, i want you to go change your clothes. (why should we change our clothes?) - i knew it. / - into a swimsuit? we prepared your clothes. it's too cold. (that doesn't sound good.) we just came from a snowfield. i'm cold.

- let's go. / - let's go. - what's that? / - is this the one? what are we doing here? why is it backless? - is it for us? / - yes. (it doesn't seem to be normal clothes.) flower-patterned shorts? that's impressive. (they are too colorful.) what is this? is this a shirt?

is this the back? is it? (they all get changed into their clothes.) (they finally get into the bath.) - i'm cold. / - it's hot. it's really hot. - i'm freezing. / - once you step in here, you won't think that. gosh, it's hot.

(gosh, it's hot.) it's so hot. (i can't take it.) - it's hot. / - it's hot. - gosh. / - it's too hot. - gosh, that's hot. / - isn't it hot? it's hot enough to cook me. we'll be boiled just good enough to eat. don't be a baby and come in here.

is that cold water? is it only for him? (as if that would do him any good.) - my goodness. / - it's incredibly hot. (grunting) how macho am i? old men love bathing in hot water. it's nice once you get used to it. he's right.

it's only hard at the beginning. (the hot water melts their bodies.) i can't get past that first step. i heard that good water feels slippery - and that's how it is. / - it's like this. my head's cool, but i'm warm below the neck. - that's the beauty of this. / - i feel relaxed. the water of the hot spring here has the highest alkalinity

compared to any hot spring in korea. there's no need to go to japan anymore. (they cleanse their body and souls for the new year.) - i'm sleepy now. / - i feel the same way. now, it's time to tell us what we're doing. the sixth sense special. what you'll be tested on here is insults. (insults)

- you insulted me. / - you insulted me. the korean word sounds like "bath". on your back, we'll paint each of you a drawing. in three minutes, he who erases the most amount of his opponents drawing wins. let the drawing begin. they're not even experts.

- this is insane. / - careful not to exfoliate. i want to see your artistry in these drawings. who came up with this game? (they put their souls into their drawings.) this truly is insane. we do something new each week. we'd have to taint the water though. they'll be changing it with clean water afterwards. i'm itchy, so draw more on the right-hand corner.

you can apply a good amount of force. - we're the pandas. / - yes, the pandas. - i'm from china. / - we're the clean-up. i feel confident for some reason. hurry up with the shot. my panda's angry. don't tell me that mine is chubby. - yours is fat. / - is it? let me help it gain more weight.

(ta-da!) - he instantly gained weight. / - see? - let me see. / - this is how my panda is. - now... / - when it's full though, this is what it becomes. it's a one on one match, and the loser will dive into the cold bath. the loser will dive into the cold bath. (horrified)

the last man standing will get the opportunity to become an emperor. - an emperor? / - he'll eat whatever he wants. so let's see who will be facing who. can you switch it up this time? - they always face each other. / - we're both small. - he's right. / - i'm not that big either. you're my height though. it's tricky since we only have five members.

i know. bring someone else on board or join us yourself. bring in the props. are there props? (it will decide the matches.) under the bucket, you'll find a loofah. the two with the same color loofah will take on each other. pick the odd one out

and you win a game by default. please let it be me. you will now choose one. (they decide to play rock-paper-scissors.) ready or not, rock-paper-scissors. (siyoon wins.) you can choose for everyone. we'll take what's in front of us. i get number four. can i change it to number three?

- no. / - no, you can't. can't you even let me have that? - all right, let's see. / - then... yours is yellow. - yours is yellow. / - yellow. - don't let mine be yellow. / - oh, no. - yellow. / - don't let mine be yellow. - we all want to avoid him. / - let's see one by one. - mine's yellow. / - here i go.

- his is red! / - it's red. (junho picks the red loofah.) - i wonder who has a yellow one. / - it's probably me. (jongmin and defconn battle again.) (taehyun versus siyoon) (junho is qualified to the next round.) i was right in not letting you swap. - thank you so much. / - this is frustrating. jongmin, mommy will wipe you down clean.

(he'll be in heaps of his own dead skin.) ("insult match", preliminary rounds) (junho wins the game a default.) first up is jongmin and defconn. this is as good as the grand finale. since defconn has the upper edge - in terms of strength, / - i need some help. - we'll have to give you a handicap. / - good. instead of a loofah...

it's necessary since i'm 30kg lighter than he is. gain the extra 30kg then. (unbelievable) should i gain weight just to take you on? - it'll be fair then. / - right. - that's a simple solution. / - i know. this is way too soft. (they apply soap to their props.) this won't do anything for me.

knock him out, face him down in the pool, and then rub his back. - it'll be easy. / - take him with force. - that's scary. / - i'm getting my revenge today. - gosh. / - i'm getting my revenge today. (the nightmare of sokcho) (mr. grand award's pride was heavily wounded that day.) (you pig, i'll eat you alive.) (defconn versus jongmin)

that's a sweet panda. can i rip it off your skin? i won't lose without a fight. - good. / - that was cool. i might even rub off one of your eyebrows. i'm nervous for some reason. - i'll give you three minutes. / - only three minutes? jongmin will pass out before that. jongmin, goodbye. farewell. (defconn's ready.)

- bring it on. / - you're like po in "kung fu panda". even i'm scared of him. (defconn seems hungry for payback.) look how ready he is. (i'll rub you into oblivion!) (no, don't be intimidated.) (for that day at sokcho) (it's time to get revenge for himself.) - i'm thinking of a way. / - my eyes sting.

- my eyes sting. / - now's the time! - ready, go. / - hurry. bring it on. go for it. he can't rub his eyes. (when you meet a bear,) (throw the first punch!) that's it. good job. (the sneak attack worked.)

now's the time. (jongmin takes this chance to take control.) (one counterattack knocks him over though.) that must hurt. (defconn strikes back.) (life spins round and round.) you can't leave the bath. you must stay inside the water. (it's now mixed martial arts.)

- it won't come off. / - the drawing doesn't come off. - it doesn't work. / - wait right there. bring it on! (defconn strikes back hard.) (jongmin's back is defenseless.) (rubbing hard) - hold on. / - it's coming off. i'm dying here. (i'm dying here.)

(dizzy) he's dizzy. (defconn comes at him again.) it hurts. that hurts. (defconn shows no mercy.) (poor jongmin.) (he gets thrown around.) wait. - i won't fight you. / - he's giving up.

he'll let you rub his back. (jongmin's panda is barely visible.) it's not nice to see them rub each other. turn that face away. (signs of detest) (they're too exhausted to even stand.) (they're saved by the whistle.) - i'm exhausted. / - me too. (jongmin's a mess.)

that's as expected. - here's the result. / - show your backs. - show us your backs. / - who won? - who won? / - let us see your backs. - you're neck and neck. / - really? no, defconn erased more. (defconn, jongmin) so i won? - did he rub a lot of it off? / - we can barely see it.

i see. so defconn wins. amazing. (who will be crowned as emperor?) (as the others rub off heaps of dead skin...) this'll be easy since it's downhill. (joonyoung's name hasn't been called enough times.) (he's now nearly at the top.) (the terrifying uphill appears once again.)

(it drained all of his energy.) if i take some of my clothes off, it'll be easier. (the climb makes him forget that it's cold.) (4 hours and 30 minutes later...) (he can finally see the top.) (there's only 300m left until he reaches the peak.) (it's like joonyoung is filming a documentary.) (since they didn't mention my name, i keep climbing.)

oh, my. (he walks toward the sky.) (joonyoung and the nature,) (have become one.) i'm here. (he finally arrives at the destination.) (it's manbok peak in mount jiri.) i'm on manbok peak. (thanks to the members, he reached the top.)

(he's exhausted.) (the hard work pays off.) (the nature makes him feel humble.) since i'm back, (since he's back,) i wish we will have more fun and stay healthy this year.

they've been waiting for me. i wish we can get along even better than before. (i'll see you guys soon.) (next week) ("insult match" isn't over.) (he provides the best service.) (what's going on? this is scary.) (i don't want to play anymore.)

(how is "insult match" going to end up?) ("dinner game" follows.) (the missions using their sixth sense continue.) (they use soybean lump for the first mission.) - what kind of game is that? / - what are we doing? (they must stop the lump before it touches the head.) there you go. (failures mean pain.) (they need to sense the smell.)

(the second mission) (it's about a nightingale.) (is it about a song that the nightingales sing?) (joonyoung!) (meanwhile, joonyoung awaits their call.) (will joonyoung be able to join them in the end?) how many times did they mention my name so far? (see you next week.) ("excuse me" by aoa)

("i'm fine" by vromance)

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