liposuction laser

liposuction laser

welcome back to studio 5. if you have problemareas that don't seem to respond to diet and exercise, you may be considering a simplelaser procedure to get your body ready for warmer days ahead. summer faulkner is a nurseat davis surgical and has seen some impressive results on patients treated by dr. josephjensen. it's good to have you here, summer. thanks for having what areas can you treat? what can be done to treat those trouble areas?the areas that can be treated are all the areas that you can treat with normal liposuction:your chin, your flabby arms--your "batwings," some people call them--your tummy, your flanks--oryour muffin top--and your thighs, and your lower, it's an advanced game of "heads, shoulders,

knees, and toes," pretty got it! and you say--you compared this procedure totraditional lipo. so, what's the difference? so, smartlipo is very similar to traditionallipo. there are a few differences. i think a few differences that make it superior totraditional lipo. the first difference, the canula--it's a laser canula that's insertedthrough little, teeny incisions in the skin--like, let's say you're doing your tummy--so little,teeny incisions and the laser canula goes under the skin; so the number one differencebetween...the canula is smaller, but the difference as it goes in it it heats up, so it kind ofmelts the fat--for lack of a better word--it melts the fat, so you get better fat recovery--youcan get more fat out with smartlipo; that's

the first difference from traditional lipo.the second difference is, again, that canula that goes under the skin it heats up, so asit goes under there, it heats up and cauterizes the blood vessels that are under the skin,so you get less bleeding than you do with traditional lipo. and less bleeding is good,because you get less bruising, less swelling, and also speeds up the recovery time. so youget your results quicker. you see what you want to see faster.what type of results are you seeing from the smartlipo?well, let me tell you, the third reason it's different from traditional lipo, again, thecanula heats up, so it heats up that under-layer of skin and it tightens. so, that skin tightensup. so who doesn't want to be smoother and

tighter? right? but with traditional lipo,the heat isn't there, so you're left with that flabby skin. so, it tightens everythingup; those are the three main differences between the two. the results: smoother. tighter. whodoesn't want that? smoother. tighter. everything--they're taking out that extra fat and they're shrinkingdown that skin so it's all tightened up and smooth.what's the downtime for something like this? the downtime for smart lipo? this is great--it's1-2 days. you're back to work. we're busy! we're moms. we have jobs. we don't want tobe laid out for a week looking all bruised up and in a lot of pain, like traditionallipo. and the cost for a procedure like this?the cost? right now, this is great, we're

running a special: the first area is $2,500and the area is those areas we mentioned at the beginning--and i had a patientask a funny question, "well, does my one thigh count as one area?" and i'm like, "no! no!no! both thighs = one area." we'll take care of both legs...both thighs!i think, also, number four reason that smartlipo is better than traditional lipo--dr. jensen'sgoing to do it! he's the best doctor! he's really, really good at what he does, and hecares about his patients. he wants them to be happy with the results, so he is reallygood at taking the time to talk with you, find out what you want, what you're shootingfor, what your goal is, and work together with you to get that final result that you'rereally happy with.

that's definitely important. where can peoplego to set up a consultation to see if this is a good fit for them?go to our website. there's so much great info and there's great before and after'll get excited. you'll see those pictures and be like, "oh, yeah! i'm getting rid ofthat jiggly belly! i'm getting rid of this muffin top!"we'll say goodbye and not look back. summer! thank you so much. we'll be right back.

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