liposuction laser machine

liposuction laser machine

alicia: so i've got the cool advantage applicator on it's the new 35-minute cool sculpting treatment and it's amazing it's so comfortable almost like it seems like i'm almost half way done i'm going to both sides in just over an hour like an hour 15 minutes dr. zadeh: you're going to be on your back alicia: oh i'm going to be on my back? dr. zadeh: yeah your back is going to be like this

so the applicator will be kind of be off to the side okay just tell me where to go or how to do it whatever dr. zadeh: are you comfortable? you look kind of sideways umm. okay i'm like i'm afraid it's gonna fall off but i guess it's not dr. zadeh: well if it falls off now we haven't started the suction alicia: oh yeah it's not. i mean it's fine i think i was making it more uncomfortable you know being in a weird position

dr. zadeh: yeah alicia: just laying down its fine dr. zadeh: okay good. it's only 35-minutes this one so you can't move or twist or turn anything like that alicia: okay i remember the other one you just like massage that's good. i'm gonna die i'm so ticklish laughing

this is the best part sarah: is it burning? alicia: yeah a little tingly lets put that on right now. watch this stuff its crazy vacuum right on. woop! there it goes. yeah! getting skinny already yeah cover up my toes, my feet, and my belly you know what really kind of stings a

little bit when it's unthawing you know like like literally like you know when you get a brain freeze the with the thing sarah: floaties? alicia: yeah the floaty on i can't help it. it's so ticklish ok so i just finished my cool advantage 35-minute coolsculpting treatment on

i did both of my flanks on the side here this one's a little pink because it's the last one i just did so it's frozen you can't feel anything during the whole treatment so it's awesome and then they do a little massage on the area after its kind of a little bit numb kind of feels like you're in the freezer obviously so but when it

unthaws right after it just feels tingly like like brain freeze on there it's really weird but it's awesome it's almost all gone i can barely feel anything and i'm all done i'm gonna get skinny now. yay! when they put on applicator it was like a vacuum on the area like a really strong vacuum and it just sucked right on and i thought it would

fall off but the suction is so firm that i literally could just get on a bed lay there i mean you don't want to move around so it pops off because then you're going to have to restart the treatment but um yeah it's really even though it's like sucked on like a really strong vacuum it's really comfortable it's not um

doesn't feel like it's pinching or hurting or anything and then it goes to temperature really quickly so literally within five six seven eight minutes you're in your treatment everything's numb and you're watching tv i was on my phone the whole time is awesome so i was texting people and doing face time showing them the

treatment they were getting a kick out of it so i'm happy i did it can't wait to see my results looking forward to seeing what it looks like when i'm done in this area so touch base with you later

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