liposuction jokes

liposuction jokes

- i'd like to talk about, if youcan--if you don't mind, caitlyn. - yes.- so, your dad, who was bruce, is now caitlyn,and that's gotta be a lot for you as a young womanto deal with. - yeah.- the transitioning your dad... - [clears throat]- to your-- - i feel like--that's cute. i feel like it was, um... it was the only thingi really bottled in.

i don't bottle ina lot of things, but, um--and i feel likemy family was a little upset about that.- mm-hmm. - but, um, i got through it, and now i almost--i like ita lot better, honestly. - you like herbetter than bruce? - i like her better than bruce.- why is that? - because we talk about makeupand clothes... - uh-huh.- and we bond a lot more,

but not only that,i feel like there's not a huge secretin the family. i feel like there was alwaysthis big secret, and i've honestly known about itfor a really long time, and there was always-- we actually caught him then, um, dressing up as a girl...- mm-hmm. - when my sister and i were,like, six and seven, maybe. so, we've known for a whilethat there was something,

but it was never talked about. - but then, if he was into--ifhe's always been this way... - yeah.- he didn't wanna talk about makeup with youbefore when he was bruce? - honestly, like, i'd bewith my girlfriends sometimes and he then would come in and be like, "what're you guystalking about?" and kinda joke around, and i knew--i knew therewas something,

but now it's just... i feel like we hang outa lot more. there's no secrets.- mm-hmm. - like, she's really livingher authentic true self. - mm-hmm.- and i feel like that's awesome,and also, like, i wanna be someonefor my generation to, like, be an example 'causei think that's so awesome... - yeah.- and i think that

other girls and boys my age,like, will maybe see that i'm so accepting and beaccepting of other people too. - yeah, because, i mean,obviously you're not the only childof someone who has gone through a transition.- yeah. - there are a lot of kidsout there. - yeah.- so, it is good to see that, and i think people assumethe younger generation is totally cool with itand understanding

and you can be totally coolwith it and understanding and at the same timeit be confusing for you because it was your dad...- yeah. - and now it's not your dad...- yeah. - so, you're grievinglosing a dad... - yeah.- but you have a new friend. - but, honestly,'s, like, she's the same exact person. she just looks different.- yeah.

i guess.- yeah, and so the first time you saw her, i heard,was a hilarious story. - so funny.i was super drugged-up coming home from the dentist, and i was--guess was trying to facetime every family member, and my dad is the only onethat picked up, and she didn't thatshe was on facetime and she was like, "oh, my god,i'm so sorry this is

the first time we're meeting,"and i'm like, "no, you look so pretty." it was just so--afunny experience. - wait, so all of a sudden--socaitlyn is facetiming... - yeah.- and she's fully now caitlyn... - fully caitlyn.- and that's the first time you saw her--when you were highon drugs from the dentist? - yep, first time. mm-hmm. - you just moved out of yourmothers house 'cause you're 18.

- i just moved out.- so, you got your own house. - yes.- now, why would you do that when you had it made livingin your mom's house? - it's cool, i guess. i needed--it'sthe responsibility. it's cool.- yeah? - so, you just wantedto be alone with tyga? is that why you, uh--- [laughs] no.[chuckles]

- i don't know--i don't knowwhat's going on. all i hear is thatyou're with tyga. you're not with're with-- - no, honestly,people have it all wrong, but-- - what is it?what--straighten it out. - well...[laughs] - we all--we're herefor that reason. [cheers and applause]- stop! [laughs]

- that's--look, they're not herefor 12 days. we're all here for that reason. we wanna knowwhat's going on with tyga. - no, um, we're not broken up.- good. - we just--honestly, we... we became best friendsbefore anything happened, so i think that that's awesome,and we're just, like, i don't know, hanging life. - so, you're hanging out.- we're hanging out.

- what does that mean"hanging out"? - [chuckles]um...that's it. - you're still together?- we're still together. - didn't he buy you, like,a car or something? - didn't he.--- i know. i drove it here. - well, i mean, stay with him.he bought you a car. - [laughs]i know. - yeah.- yep. - all right.

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