liposuction for fat people

liposuction for fat people

what happens if i gain weight after usingkybella? what will the results be if i gain weightafter using kybella? what if i do my best to maintain my weight through healthy dietand exercise, but then become pregnant? thank you for your question! you asked a very straightforward question:what happens if you gain weight after you get kybella treatment? well, just to give you a little backgroundabout myself, i’m a board certified oculoplastic surgeon which means i specialize in facialcosmetic surgery and complex eyelid surgery. in addition, i am also board certified ingeneral cosmetic surgery or full body cosmetic

surgery by the american board of cosmeticsurgery which means i do body procedures like breast augmentation, liposuctions and tummytucks. so this question about fat reduction is very important. and what i explain to patientsin consultations whether it’s for fat under the chin or fat in the jowl areas or fat inthe body like the love handles, the stomach is that when fat is reduced, regardless ofthe method, whether it’s by suction, sculpture, laser or injection of a fat metabolizing drug,those fat cells are gone. once those fat cells are gone, they’re gone. but if you gainweight, you will still gain weight but not at the same places. there’s a myth in the liposuction is that amongst consumersor patients is that once you have liposuction,

the fat just moves to somewhere else. that’snot actually the case. the fat itself doesn’t move. it’s the weight gain that becomesdisproportionate. for example if you have liposuction in the abdomen and in the flanksand if you were to gain weight, you might gain weight disproportionately in the thighsand you might get increased volume of fat behind the muscle or visceral fat and nowyou’ll think: what happened? well again, it goes back to the same principles. the fatthat was reduced, removed from whatever method, won’t come back because it was physicallydiminished. but you can still gain weight in other areas. so thinking in those terms, be mindful ofthat impact. in terms of your face, if you

are someone who tends to become more rounded,then that will still happen but the area under your chin will not get fat in the same under the chin, there are deeper fat pockets that are not being addressed by subcutaneousor under the skin liposculpture and these are in the deeper compartment and those canbe affected. so it doesn’t mean you won’t get elevation but it depends a lot on geneticsand tendencies. again, in review, it’s just a matter of how you tend to gain weight andwhere the fat ends up. understanding that no matter what, the area where the fat wasremoved, that fat can’t expand. now some fat is left behind, as a side note, that thatcan expand but it won’t typically be the same as it was prior to your procedure.

so you should meet with doctors and firstget a proper diagnosis. i can’t emphasize this enough. a lot of times, people misdiagnosethemselves as having excess fat under their chin. as a facial cosmetic surgery specialist,i deal with this question every day. people who have no significant fat under the chinbut have a little lose skin will say to me, “doctor, can you just liposuction this area?”and i’ll teach them that, as hard it is to understand, sometimes, there is not extrafat but there is loose skin. for someone who has loose skin, this is not an appropriateprocedure. we don’t do other liposuction or kybella because it’s not going to addressskin laxity. the same applies for people who have neck bands or extra cords under the know the fat under the chin is usually

a small part of the issues a patient who complainabout an undesirable look under the chin. the ideal candidate for this type of injectionor liposuction of the chin is typically a younger person who has good skin quality andtone and doesn’t have these other limiting issues. as well as the fat pocket or fat accumulationi should say, being present in spite of being close to their ideal body weight. i thinkit’s unfortunate that a lot of people try to think of liposculpture or something forundesirable fat as a quick fix when the global issue is managing diet and exercise. and thatdoesn’t mean that there are many people who have this genetic tendency to collectfat under the chin, it can be a common trait within the family, but when you are within10 pounds of your body weight and you still

have this, then you are an ideal candidatefor someone who would either have liposuction procedure or to consider this drug that requiresmultiple injections in different time frames in order to dissolve fat. i hope that explanationhelps you make a decision whether or not to pursue this treatment. so i hope that was helpful, i wish you thebest of luck and thank you for your question!

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