should i get a necklift and chin implant orwill just a necklift fix my double chin? would the neck lift fix my double chin orwould you also recommend a chin implant? would i be ok with just a necklift? (looking toget rid of my double chin completely and have a more defined jaw line). thank you for your question! you submitted a single photo with a side viewand your question is should you get a chin implant or a necklift with a chin implantwith the ultimate goal of having a more defined jawline. well, i think that when you ask aquestion like this, you probably are not aware of other options that are also possible foryou to help you with your desire for a better
neck definition. although you haven’t statedspecifically your age, it looks from the photo that you are relatively young and the questionswe ask when we do an evaluation to ourselves and to our patient have to do with a lot withthe decision-making process of what procedure to choose. i’m a cosmetic oculofacial plastic surgeonpracticing in manhattan and long island for over 20 years. we do a lot of facelifts, necklifts and neck liposuctions and facial implant including chin implants and submalar cheekimplants. first we speak to someone who wants better neck definition, we first have to decideabout the age and skin quality. why is that? the term neck lift is typically interpretedby a surgeon where an incision is made slightly
in front the ear and mostly behind the earto lift excess and redundant skin, sagging skin and to also deal with platysmal bands.that means that the muscle that is underneath the skin, where you get these little bandsor contributes to the sagging with facial aging. this is a procedure we reserve forthat type of situation. so we would first evaluate and see do youhave extra skin or is this anatomy of you side view more a function of other anatomicissues specifically there’s a bone called the hyoid bone. the hyoid bone is what definesthe neck angle. for some people, it’s low and forward and other people, it’s highand back and there’s also in the middle. so in determining whether or not a lift willdo the job or what is your potential, the
hyoid bone is a very important anatomic featureto determine that. because you have a very low hyoid bone or it’s very forward, thenyou have a very short distance between the bone and the chin which means, when you pullup the skin, you’re not going to get that much of a differentiation. this is very importantfor people who have facial aging because there is also kind of a downward decent of migrationof the hyoid bone. so in consultation, we typically lift the skin to show the patientwhat is there maximal potential benefit because they often look at friends who have faceliftsand they want to have the same result. but if their anatomy doesn’t allow for it, wehave to communicate that. the choice of a chin implant, in other words,to add projection to the chin is also a not
straightforward and this has to do with whythe chin is back. is it because it is relatively short or is it due to the position of themandible or the jawbone relative to the upper jawbone, the mandible and the maxilla? soa lot of times, people who have the perception of a weak chin, it’s because their teethare relatively misaligned. it’s basically by doing a simple examination in the mouth,you can see if someone has relative overbite and the chin is posterior. if that’s thecase, if they were to get a chin implant, they would actually get deepening of an areacalled the labial mental crease which is crease between the lip and the chin and that wouldcause it to look deeper and may not look very flattering. now in some people, it can beadjusted and you can position the chin implant
and choose a size that would fit that faceif they’re not interested in doing some kind of oral-maxilla type of procedure. butyou actually have to understand that. now, in a situation like yours, where youmight be a candidate for a chin implant and you may also want to consider neck this procedure basically reduces fat along the under part of the jawline as well as belowthe chin if there’s extra fat below the chin. but we also have to be conscious ofnot taking too much away. a lot of times, plastic surgeons are very aggressive aboutremoving fat and we have had patients who actually have to get fat transfer to restoreor we did something to rehabilitate the skin because the thin layer of fat under the skinactually makes skin look youthful. when you
look a younger person, that person looks youngbecause of volume and so if you take away that fat too aggressively, it can actuallymake them look older. now, the last issue of course is your physicalweight. are you overweight? if a younger person is well over 10 pounds their ideal body weight,then a lot of times, simple weight loss can actually help define the jawline and the neckbut it’s important to at least entertain that before considering a more invasive procedure. that being said, you ultimately need to havea physical examination with a qualified experienced cosmetic surgeon. the photo is helpful andcertainly it triggers in my mind certain question to ask but to make a recommendation that isdefinitive would require an examination. remember,
we talked about anatomic features such asthe position of the hyoid bone, physical weight, the position of your mandible relative tothe maxilla in terms of your bite, you have an under bite or a normal bite. so all ofthose things are a factor before making this decision. so i recommend that you meet withqualified experienced cosmetic surgeons and see where you feel comfortable and explorewhatever those options are and you probably would want to get more than one opinion. andin the meantime, i wish you the best of luck, i hope that was helpful and thank you foryour question!
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