liposuction boston

liposuction boston

hi everybody. i'm dr. david reath, and i'mhere to talk about this week's truth-o-meter tuesday i mentioned in the post yesterday, this one comes from the fat tuesday departmentbecause we're talking about fat. and the question was this, we said that "whenfat is removed from one area of the body through either liposuction or coolsculptingit will return to other areas of the body within 3-6 months.and the answer to that is false. now, i must say that in 3-6 months we're assumingthat generally the weight of the patient's going to stay stable.but when you do remove a fat cell from a certain location, that removal of the fat cell ispermanent.

the fat cells in the body basically storeenergy that we don't use, and they either get larger or smaller depending upon the amountof excess energy that we're storing as fat. and when you remove that cell and the fatthat's contained with it, that cell's gone. it doesn't come back. it doesn't shift toother areas of the body. now the question is, what happens after you'vegained weight. of course if you gain weight, then weightcan come back in a number of areas. but assuming your weight is stable, once the fat cell isremoved, that's a permanent removal. that's what makes such procedures as liposuctionand coolsculpting very effective procedures. but let's find out who this week's winneris.

heather moler. heather, congratulations, you'rethis week's winner. we have a $100 gift card for you so please come into the office andpick that up. for everyone else who played this week, thanksso much. we'll have another question next week.

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