liposuction best doctors

liposuction best doctors

in this segment, we'll talk about the immediateprior, and aftercare for liposuction. after the topographic marking, and the surgery hasbeen completed, which typically will take anywhere from one to three hours. the patientis sent home in a compression garment, and a compression garment is designed for severalfactors. one, to make the patient more comfortable. two, to decrease swelling, and three, to helpshape the areas that have been contoured. and a compression garment is really a girdle,simply a girdle with a stretchy, elastic material that has zippers and clips, and allows theareas that have been treated, to remain under some degree of compression, to help as stated,with shaping, and decreasing swelling. patients will wear their garments for approximatelythree to six weeks after surgery. of course,

removing them to shower, and then there arelighter garments that are more comfortable, that they will get into, after they have theiroffice visits. the typical office visits will be, first at about four to five days, to checkon the patient, and see how they're doing. we do encourage patients to shower, at abouttwo to three days. remove the garment, and then wash it, and reapply the garment, ora new garment.

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