liposuction benefits

liposuction benefits

good day, we are going to continue with our educational videos today we will see how to place the garment (faja) and our lipofoams and abdominal board here we have the garment and the famous "triangle" what it is for, what are its benefits. later we will show were it can be purchased. this is what we call an abdominal board, which has hard texture and the three lipofoams which we use to "pack up" the patient. first thing we do, that you will notice is move up the garment past the legs we are facing the patient from the posterior angle

the patient can grab on to something and we will proceed to lift the garment you will see here it has a different type of fabric more stretchable you grab it from were the stronger fabric is surrounding we do not recommend using garments with the butt out or cut out why? because many times it occurs that they arrive to us and we have to cut the garment why? because they are stuck in the garment due to the inflammation caused by the bbl so what happens, the garment in the end can not be moved up or down, it is painful and also leaves a deformed shape and that is not something you want in a freshly done bbl so we do not recommend and you also end up cutting a garment which is pretty expensive

once the garment has been lifted up to the waist we proceed and place the triangle. the triangle will be placed with the point aligned on top of the butt line what is the function of a triangle? the majority of people know or if you don't know we will explain the sacral area has this shape, like if its a little deep and by the force of gravity the liquid tends to accumulate in the sacral area so that build up can lead to a seroma, which we don't want. we all know what a seroma is it is very uncomfortable, so to avoid the build up of a seroma what we do is place the triangle, so we eliminate the possibility of liquid being able to accumulate

soon after you will notice i always work behind the patient we proceed to place the first lipofoam, how do we place it? in this way, horizontally from the beginning of the spine moving towards the front look carefully, i place my hand here and start to tuck it in easily with this hand i stretch it open and continue to tuck it in i can now let it go without a problem, the other side is the exact same thing from here, from the middle all the way around tucking it in as i go along once the lipofoams are placed we automatically lift the straps and ask the patient to place her harms in the sleeves we have basically finished the back part of the dressing

now we turn over the patient, we will not be showing the patients face or chest for privacy reasons now we will see how to do the front, you can take a seat there are two important factors here first we will place our third lipofoam this way vertically why do we place this here? and not just the board directly? because many times girls will place just the abdominal board on and the liquid then tends to accumulate around the abdominal board then the next day the patient will come with a red lump surrounding the board, very painful, very hard to work with and that can also lead to a build up of seroma if we do not have that dressed correctly

something else that is very important is that we can also place a marble how do we do it? in the majority of cases a marble is used... it can be this type of marble, what is it used for? in this case our patient really doesn't need it, but in a majority of cases the belly button will start to droop so we get a marble and place it in the belly button to help hold its shape they can be bought anywhere, and we will place it on the patients belly button using a band aid or tape we then place the marble in the belly button and just place the tape or band aid right over it very easy, this easy trick keeps your belly button from losing its shape and just turning into a line now we place the lipofoam vertically and tuck it in, make sure it is not bent anywhere

very simple, not too low just right under the breast now we place the abdominal board if you guys will notice their is a hard side and a softer side the softer side is what goes toward the inside and the wider side goes on the bottom. now we begin to place it good, now just tuck it in not too low just right in the middle now we have the lipofoam in and the abdominal board, this will now prevent lymphatic liquid from accumulating one important thing to know when it comes to latching on the hooks many girls complain that they start to latch the hooks and once they get to the top some on the bottom have undone themselves very easy, we just ask the patient herself to move up her hand as i latch the hooks, her hand must be flat not cupped

as you guys can see as i latch the hooks her hands keep moving up and the hooks on the bottom don't undo themselves very easy and small tricks but make a big difference during the recovery process. done, now to cover the patients chest just move it like so and we are done, our patient is all dressed well this has been an educational video, i hope it is helpful for all of you. thank you for watching, have a great day!

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