most effective liposuction method

most effective liposuction method

in this clip we'll talk about revision surgeryafter liposuction. there are instances where a desire is to further improve a result. thiscan be because not enough fat was removed from a certain area. actually, that consequenceis easier to handle than too much fat. that is the reason why we have to be very cautiousand careful about not removing too much fat. if too much fat is removed, that can causea problem where there is a deformity or a concavity somewhere or an irregularity inthe skin. irregularities in the skin can be very difficult to correct. if there is a deformityor concavity, it may be necessary to go back and level that area down by performing somevery careful liposuction around and then taking some fat and actually grafting or placingthe fat back in the area where it has been

removed. unfortunately, this is not alwaysthat reliable and so should only reserved for situations where it can't be avoided.if there are minor irregularities, sometimes some various treatments to the skin such asone which is called entomology is a treatment that involves actually almost ironing or vacuumingor suctioning from the outside to try to improve the contour of the skin which may help withminor irregularities and cellulite.

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