mini liposuction

mini liposuction

there's different kinds of tummy tuck. youcan do the traditional tummy tuck, which basically the traditional tummy tuck is making an incisionbelow. cut around the belly button to free the belly button. then drape all the extraskin all the way down, and then cut the extra skin, and then make a new hole for the bellybutton and bring that belly button out. so the stock itself and the location of the bellybutton does not change. what changes is the location where the hole is made in the abdominalwall itself after we cut the extra skin. so that is the traditional tummy tuck. then wehave another procedure that came, it was called lipoabdominoplasty, and this lipoabdominoplastywas invented by a physician or a surgeon in brazil. his name is dr. avelar, and we callthat the avelar tummy tuck. and basically

with the avelar tummy tuck, we do liposuctionbecause most of those patients would require a little bit of liposuction, there are accumulationof fat there. so with the traditional tummy tuck there is no liposuction at all, so youend up with having the same thickness of skin with the fat in it, and sometimes it doesn'tlook good, people don't like that fact that they have a lot of thick fat in there. withthe lipoabdominoplasty, with the avelar technique, we do liposuction, and we thin that skin tomaybe 1 or 1.5 cm, to a nice healthy layer, and then we go ahead and do the same kindof thing where we cut the excess skin and bring the belly button out. and that is calledlipoabdominoplasty. and then there is a, what's called the bikini tummy tuck, or the minitummy tuck. if the area above the belly button

is nice and tight and there's no excess skinthere, and the abdomen does not need to be plicated or sutured up, because sometimesyou have weakness in the abdominal wall. if they don't have that, and all of the extraskin is only down below the belly button, then we can do what we call the mini-tuckor the bikini-tuck, where we make a small incision a little bit below even the hairline, and then we cut the extra skin and it would be at the level of the bikini so thescar is basically hidden. and if they need the liposuction in addition to that, we canalso do it in the same setting.

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