liposuction yağ aldırma

liposuction yağ aldırma

hi. welcome to beverly hills cosmetic plastic surgery. i'm going to be having beverly hills liposuction today. in a couple different areas. i've alwayshad larger arms. so he's going to liposuction back here and around my waist. the lovely love handle area. around my outer thighs a little's to contour those areas where i have a little bit more padding. the interesting thing about katie is she is one of myemployees. i've known here for over four years. we've worked together

for a long time and she is probably the last person iwould've thought that would of been interested in beverly hills liposuction just becauseshe's been seeing thousands of patients come and go and since she's been working with me prettymuch exclusively for the last several months i think she has seen i've had many patients who are very satisfied, very happy with their liposuction results. getting to see his patients. getting to see how he interacts with his patients. seeing his liposuction surgeries before and after. i feel very comfortable with him. i mean it is a very private surgery and it iskind of intimate. you've got to have that trust

and you've got to have that bond.i've had the opportunity to be around him for years. i've seen him in the operating room. i've seen him with his patients before and after. i'm comfortable with him being my doctor.very much so. for katie we performed beverly hills liposuction of the abdominal area, of the waist, the lower back, the arms and then theinner and outer thighs. we first started by addressing her abdominal area. that for her was one of herprimary concerns. we initially did that and then addressed the flanks or the love handle area and the lower back. we actually turned her completely on her side so wecould really get to her lower back. really

give her some assemblance of a waist,somewhat of a shape. that takes a little longer but i think it is really animportant thing for any patient who wants to really address this area well. it also allows us to see how theskin sits, how the tissues fall, because when they're laying flat youcan be fooled and when i do liposuction i take it very seriously and i want to makesure that we're seeing everything from all true angles that would bereplicated when someone is standing up. you can see we've given her an arch to her lower back and how that transitions into the buttock area. that's what a lot of women want.

in her case, because we were doing multiple areas.some areas were a little more difficult than others in terms of thefat being more fibrous, thicker quality. we thought we would use a power assistedliposuction approach. with the power assisted liposuction cannula the actual machine providesvibrations for the cannula. it actually mechanically breaks up the fat. in terms of end results i thinkthey're better because there's less surgeon fatigue. it's much easier toextract fat from difficult areas and it also minimizes bruising because there's lessin and out with the cannula. with one pass you can more efficiently extract more fat cells than with a non power assisted cannula.

the results just keep getting better and better.which is nice because i knew that was the progression of it.i finally got to the point where fourth of july weekend came and that waslike my turning point where i was just ready. i actually put a bikini on, walked the strandand i was pretty confident at that point. it was really actually a fun experience.i'm so glad i did it. pretty much all her swelling is gone.i think there is maybe a little more to go but 95 percent of it is gone. she looks great. what's nice is when prospective patients call she can show them her liposuction results or eventell them on the phone. it's one thing to have seen all these procedures. to actually havegone through it, had beverly hills liposuction,

you can actually empathize with the patient.what you're saying is actually correct. if someone is telling you something it's onething, but if in fact they had it done then there's some credibility there. oh my god you have shrunk up a lot. i would definitely do it again. i have no hesitation saying that even though there's pain afterwords. even though there was a time when i was swollen. i would easily do this this again justbecause i feel so much more comfortable now. looking back i kind of almost wish i would have thought about doing it sooner. dramatically there is a hugechange in my clothing. dramatically there is a huge change when i put on a swimsuit.

i feel it as well even just in the waythat my body feels right now. it's a lot tighter. i don't have any of those little insecurities.even when i bend over i don't have that bunch on the side. where we usually havethat little love handle. after the liposuction surgery was done i had so many people ask me how much weight i had lost and what i was doing and out of no wherepeople were like you look really good. i've always been pretty social and i've always kind of had a confidence behind me. now it's like a little boost there. it reassures me that again i don't have to sit a certain way. i don'thave the pillow sitting on my stomach.

i don't do certain things like that i'm just pretty comfortable just being me.

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