liposuction tea

liposuction tea

with dr. amron i had liposuction of the thighsand the upper arm. as i got older, i hit thirty three and gained a lot of weight and i wasthe heaviest that i had been my entire life besides when i was pregnant. it was primarilyin those areas and i felt really chunky, not happy with those particular areas. i had alwayshad it in the back of my mind, never really had the need to get liposuction until i wentto vegas in like september of last year thinking, yeah i don’t really think i should be wearingthis bikini. i made that decision and called, and came in right away. when i came in to meet dr. amron he had mestrip down into my undergarments and he kind of showed me what he thought would be thebest plan of action to take for the liposuction,

and the problem areas that i had. i actuallydidn’t think my arms were a problem until he showed me, and then i was happy to go forwardwith the procedure. on the day of surgery i was a little nervous.i usually don’t have problems with surgeries or operating rooms but i was a little nervous.dr. amron met with me before, talked with me during the entire procedure. i had somesort of conscious sedation so they were able to tell me what they were doing and it wasactually very nice. it was more like just hanging out than it was a truly medical procedure.the girls were great, dr. amron was great; came to talk to me after which i hadn’texperienced with normal surgeries, doctors haven’t come in to talk to me right was very comfortable, i could stay until

i wanted to leave and once i felt comfortablei was able to leave. he was there the whole time. i was actually pretty happy that dr. amronused local anesthesia vs. general because he does almost how you move your body partsaround or he moves them for you but as they would be in the normal course of you movingyour body. he sees how it would look in the real world, not just on the operating was a natural thing to see your arms and legs moving and therefore see where he couldmove the fat from. i actually liked that a lot instead of just being flat out on thetable and dead weight. after i left that day, i actually did get a phone call from dr. amron;and i was sleeping so i couldn’t take the

call but he was just checking in to see howi was, and i thought that was a nice personal touch. it’s been 5 months since my surgery. i startedback at the gym i think three months after. i could have before but i wasn’t motivateduntil dr. amron told me i needed to lose weight and that was my huge wake up call. i’m gladthat he did because i’m seeing the results so much more and i look a lot more defined,and i’m really enjoying. it’s only five months out so i’m told it gets better fromhere. i think that liposuction is a great tool to use, it’s not necessarily somethingyou can use independently like i thought but it is definitely something that helps youget passed a plateau if you will. i’ve lost

significant weight but i would not have beenable to look the way i look now without having the liposuction. the older i get, the morei get bottom heavy and there’s no amount of time in the gym that’s going to takethat away. i would definitely recommend dr. amron for anyone who’s looking for liposuction.after seeing what i’ve been through, my husband now wants to come in. if that doesn’tsay anything then i don’t know what to say.

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