liposuction quotes

liposuction quotes

[all chanting] hey, hey, hey, y'all,wait up, hold on. hold on.listen up. listen up. - yeah.- come on, man. y'all ready for this? (all)yeah! that's right, y'all. 'cause you know what?we only get one chance. [all cheering]

let's leave it allon the field today. no doubt.we gon' give 'em something they can remember. (all)yeah. yeah, let's do this. ah! yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. we unstoppable! ah.(all) yeah!

but this is whatwe worked for, y'all. it's time to handleour business. oh, we're number oneup in here. [all shouting] we the best of the best,of the best, of the best. (all)oh! don't never let nobodytell you different. failure is not an option. we gon' show 'em thatwe're the best that ever was.

whoo! this is our time. this is our moment. nah. we can't let nobody take thisaway from us. we a team, y'all. we got to do this together. [grunting] okay. i ain't never hadno family like this, y'all.

[grunts] y'all's my family. y'all my brothers forever. you know i gotyour back, y'all! and i know y'all got mine. (all)whoa! we taking this all the wayto the super bowl, y'all. this is our year. that's right.

this is our destiny. [tense music] ♪ what? [all coughing] [suspenseful music] let's keep doing likewe been doing all season. if we dowhat we was trained to do... can't nobody stop us.

[ominous music] (on phone)we can do anythingwe set our minds to. [sword hits floor] [whimpering] [timer beeping] [classical music] [loud explosion] play this game like it'sthe last game of your lives.

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