liposuction quote

liposuction quote

>>bruce: oh, wow.>>adam: so, the genie was, uh... he's, uh, nanobots, or somethin'? [bruce laughs]>>james: no. the genie is a magical being. he's existent through-- >>bruce: it doesn't make any sense. >>lawrence [whispering]: fucking shit...>>bruce: you can't free a genie, take away his powers, and then he still has his powers. >>james: you don't take away his powers! they just freed him! that's what i'm saying! >>bruce: well, why would they ever free him then? >>james: you take the collar off a dog, it's still a dog!

>>bruce: no... the genie's not a dog. >>james: he's a genie. >>bruce: right! exactly! >>lawrence: god..>>bruce: but when you take the fuckin' off the genie, he's not a genie anymore! >>lawrence: god damn it, rockstar.>>james: yes. he is. >>bruce: genies are not dogs. >>james: and it's not the collar. it's his wristbands. that's what keeps him contained.>>bruce: oh, yeah. you're right. yeah, you're--

>>elyse: ok. let me ask you with the little mermaid. if they took her legs->>adam: i saw the sequel. >>james: yeah.>>elyse: is she still a mermaid? >>adam: but she gained a vag. >>bruce: they took her legs?>>james [laughing]: that's true. 'cause she got the vag. >>elyse: -without fins.>>james: and it's because she got- she got vag, and the vag smells like fish. >>elyse: oh... >>james: all kinds of easter eggs they hide in those disney videos.>>adam: there are. it's true.>>bruce: that sound's awesome! >>james: did you know it says "sex".. in the sky.. when aladdin is fucking.. jasmine in the ass?

>>bruce: did you come up with that one on your own? or did somebody tell you? >>james: walt disney came up with it. he told me. >>lawrence: nice.[bruce laughs] >>bruce: walt disney?! [♪♪]>>james: he was like, "i love tits!".>>bruce: "and i hate jews!" [♪♪]>>james: "and i hate jews. praise me!" [all laughing]>>james [laughing]: he cuts his own head off with a saw. "aughghghgh!" [sawing sounds]>>adam: "i'm coming for you, eva braun!" >>james [laughing]: he's gonna fuck hitler's wife??

>>adam: he left for her!>>bruce: eva braun's been dead for fifteen years. >>adam: hey, what're we doing today, lawrence? >>lawrence: we're doing belly grinding racing. remember awhile ago we did quad bike grinding? >>bruce: yeah.>>james: no. >>lawrence: now we're going to do super car grinding. so grind. >>adam & james: ok. >>lawrence: get ready to grind! >>james: is this a new... car? a new vehicle?

>>bruce: it does look like a new car. >>james: way too soon, adam! way to soon![bruce & lawrence groan] >>adam: way too soon. i'm sorry.>>bruce: aw, c'mon... >>bruce: hey, there's water all over the track.>>james: yeah, it's all wet!>>adam: it's kinda slow! >>james: don't get knocked off! >>adam: you ass!! >>bruce: you're done. [laughs] >>adam: well, thanks for watching, everyone. >>lawrence: well.. the race is over. >>bruce [laughing]: right as gameplay to starts off,>>james: anyways.. so aladdin..

[adam laughs]>>bruce: immediately, knocked off.>>lawrence: last place. >>lawrence: oh, look at that.>>bruce: you have to fight for 1st, man! >>lawrence: don't know if you remember that.>>bruce: they're not gonna give it to you. they hate you! >>adam: i know. >>bruce: the online community hates us. you know that. >>james: alright. use the speed here to whip yourself around this corner. >>adam: uh-huh.>>james: schwoom! >>lawrence: waa-cha!>>bruce: it's like apollo- it's like apollo 13. >>adam: i can do that.>>james: remember gary sinise?

>>adam: they left him behind? >>bruce: you're gonna climball the way to 1st. i can feel it. >>lawrence: here we go. still doing it. nice recover.>>bruce: alright. still in last place. >>lawrence: just gotta drive back there a little bit.>>adam: uhh... >>adam: ok...>>bruce: oh...>>lawrence: you got this. >>lawrence: just drive down on the blue stuff.>>adam: oh, that's not water! >>james: that's not where you're supposed to go.>>lawrence: no. it tricked you. >>bruce: oh, you thought it was water, and it's not! >>adam: you thought it was too, but you don't want to admit it!

>>bruce [whispering loudly]: no, i didn't. >>bruce: that's water!>>james: ahh! that's real water! >>lawrence: i was gonna say, we should all pretend to be disney princesses, and then- >>james: fuck each other.>>lawrence: -we go on dates- and yes, see how- see how long it takes for us to fuck each other. >>james: who do you think is the cutest disney prince? >>adam: jack sparrow. >>bruce: disney prince?? >>bruce [laughing]: "jack sparrow.">>james [laughing]: he said that without hesitation!

>>bruce: damn! that was so fast!! >>lawrence: -fucking huge.>>bruce: i was gonna say michael j. fox. [james clicks tongue] >>adam & bruce: 'atlantis'. >>james: oh! 'atlantis'!>>bruce & lawrence: there we go. >>bruce: yeah, you guys got it.>>adam: i was gonna say the 'frighteners', but.. >>lawrence: took me a second. yeah. >>bruce [laughing]: i don't think that's a disney movie! >>adam: it was miramax! i'm pretty sure.[james laughs]

>>james: mine's- mine's the robot from 'spacecamp'. [♪♪]>>jinx: how else would i take it? >>james: the movie 'spacecamp'? you haven't seen the movie 'spacecamp'?!>>adam: nope. never seen it. >>bruce: no. absolutely never seen it.>>james: it's so good! >>bruce: that sounds so stupid. >>james: it'd b- me, having gone to space camp, could really relate with the characters.[bruce chuckles] >>bruce: i know. you wanna talk about how you went to space camp. who cares? >>adam: what about, uh.. what about the rock from escape from witch mountain?

>>lawrence: uh-oh!>>james: oh! that's a good one, too! >>bruce: that is a really good answer. what about the 'sharkboy and lavagirl'? [all laugh] >>james: that's also a good answer.>>lawrence: both of them? >>james: all of 'em are good.>>lawrence: wouldn't it just be sharkboy? [adam & bruce laugh]>>james: no. lavagirl's also a prince. >>adam: i think all of this prince talk has gotten me hot.>>james: get it! oh.. >>lawrence: oh..>>bruce: oh, you gotta go right down the trench, there! >>lawrence: yeah, where's your->>adam: oh! i see.

>>lawrence: where's your depth perception, there, adam? come on. >>adam: uh... got it.>>james: boost! >>lawrence: zzzrrrmm.>>james: oh, cool angle!>>bruce: this is a disney ride! >>lawrence: pzzzooo!>>bruce: uh-oh. whoooa! >>james: you're just on space mountain! >>bruce: it's like autopia! >>adam: don't go too fast! [bruce laughs more]>>lawrence: yeah. >>bruce & lawrence: ooooooh!

>>bruce: oh, man...>>adam: dick. move. disney. >>lawrence: you did not go too fast. i would be great, i think, to get sued by... some.. royalty.>>james: mm. >>lawrence: from a country no one's heard of.>>james: oh, that's a good answe- oh! >>lawrence: ooh! whoa!>>bruce: oh! adam overtakes! overtakes!![adam laughs] >>adam: oh, that was pretty awesome.>>lawrence: damn.>>bruce: nice job! >>adam: errp! nope! it's cool.>>lawrence: oh, a little too much.>>bruce: and you probably blew it. i knew it. [adam laughs]>>lawrence: just drive up the wall!>>james: um.. >>adam: someone's house!>>james: i wanna get sued by mark wahlberg.

>>lawrence: actually, no?>>james: and he'd probably, like, at some point, like, come over to me, and say, like, "no hard feelings." >>lawrence: "hey, man. you know, it's just how it goes.">>james: "it's just, i'm just protecting my brand." >>adam: yeah. you stole his bit or something? >>bruce: you know- you know he is the real american hero, right? >>james: oh, absolutely.>>lawrence: he really is. >>bruce: he's in every single movie about american heroes. >>james: he represents the american dream. >>bruce: left! left!>>lawrence: lef- yeah, seriously.

[bruce laughs]>>lawrence: where are you eyeballs at? oh! not there. >>bruce: um, he was in- he's in 'patriot's day's. he's in 'transformers'. >>james: he owns a burger joint. >>bruce: he was- what else does he do? >>james: uh.. he went to jail. >>bruce: he did jail.>>james: for, like, blinding a... asian minority. >>lawrence: a-uh... that one music video where he has righteous abs. >>bruce: new kids on the block!

[adam scoffs]>>lawrence: yeah.>>james: good vibrations [♪ good vibrations - marky mark & the funky bunch ♪] - no sell out. [♪ good vibrations - marky mark & the funky bunch ♪]if you ain't in it to win it, [♪ good vibrations - marky mark & the funky bunch ♪]then get the hell ou- >>bruce: and the best mov- the best movie of all: 'pain & gain'. >>james: 'pain & gain'! >>bruce: he was in 'pain & gain'. >>james: that's- that movie sh-could've been called the american dream.

[bruce laughs]>>adam [sarcastic]: thank you! >>james: that's what it's all about. >>lawrence: -'ve been the american dream, yeah. >>bruce: murder and steroids? >>adam & james: yeah! >>lawrence: ok, ok, two scenerios:>>bruce: uh-huh. >>lawrence: you're going on a date with ariel. can't talk, has human legs, and a human vagina. >>adam: i'd fuck it. >>lawrence: going on a date with mark wahlberg...

who do you think you could fuck in the bathroom first? >>james: umm...>>adam: can ariel fight back? [bruce laughs]>>james: oh, boy...>>lawrence: i mean, she's pretty- she's pretty thin. >>bruce [laughing]: jeez! >>lawrence: so, here's the problem: uh... you take ariel into islands burger restaurant, or whatever. >>james: yeah. >>lawrence: you're gettin' your- you're gettin'->>adam: her favorite. "see all the bmx stuff on the wall?"

>>james: "no, those fries aren't bottomless, ariel, so slow down.">>lawrence: "yeah, watch-" [bruce laughs]>>adam: "yeah. they got rid of that!" >>bruce: "you look like you might be gaining a little bit, uh...">>lawrence: "oh boy, you're attacking that, huh?" >>bruce: "so, you know what i'm sayin'?" >>james: "you just got those legs. let's not ruin 'em now." [bruce & lawrence laugh] [lawrence popping]>>adam: she- she squats on the table.. eggs.. everywhere.>>james: it'd be eggs. [bruce laughs]>>adam: and then you-[lawrence slurps]

>>bruce: this is all in islands?![adam yelling][fart sounds] [bruce laughing]>>lawrence: "i love you, baby." [spits] >>adam: two days later, you have.. babies.[lawrence spitting] >>bruce: wow..>>adam: yeah. >>bruce: you have a million babies!>>adam: yeah, yeah. >>bruce: usually fish have a million babies. >>adam: oh! and then- and then she sues you for alimony. >>lawrence: well, yeah.>>bruce: oh, boy. that's- >>adam: and then she gets fat. she gets-

she weighs like 102 lbs. >>bruce: she already got- was way fat. you know that. ariel's so fat in that movie. there are no disney princesses that are not fat, by the way. [james laughs] they're all fat! >>james: if you were beast, in 'beauty and the beast',>>lawrence: i sit and make pig noises at the tv. >>james: would you- would you ask->>lawerence: "sooie!" [oinks][bruce laughs] >>lawrence: in the theater.>>james: would you be pissed when you kissed-

when you kiss belle. right?>>lawrence: yeah. >>james: fat belle. >>james: um.. when you->>bruce: man, she's so fat.>>lawrence [breathes out]: jesus. >>james: when you kissed her, and then you shrunk down to a regular-sized dick? 'cause he lost a lot of gain. >>adam: yeah.>>bruce: oh, yeah!>>lawrence: yeah, yeah. you're right. >>james: he was fuckin' jacked as the beast.>>bruce: oh, shit, he was jacked!>>adam: right. >>james: would be like, "what the fuck?" [bruce laughs]>>lawrence: think about- think about how belle felt.

she was gonna.. get her plumbing.. torn apart by beast!>>bruce [whispers]: nice! [bruce & james laugh]>>adam: yeah. >>lawrence: and then he shrunk down to normal dick size. >>adam: then she lost again.>>bruce: ohh, man.. >>lawrence: "fuck it! why am i here, eating all this pie-,">>adam: yeah. [bruce & james laugh]>>lawrence: "-if i'm not going to get.. ripped in half by a giant beast cock?" [bruce & james laugh more] >>lawrence: and then she just keeps eating. >>bruce: yeah. huh, wow.>>adam: yeah. teacups just watch.

>>lawrence: "when are we ever gonna have our cake?!">>james: "rip me in half!" >>adam: what about, uh, what's her face from, uh, the 'hercules' movie? >>bruce: she was supposed to the realistic -this is not a joke- supposed to be the realistic disney princess. >>james: really?>>lawrence: is that why she was so bitchy? >>bruce: yeah. because her hips were so wide. but she's a little too fat! >>lawrence: right. dependant on a man.>>james: it's easy to criticize.. these, uh, these women.

>>bruce: yeah.>>james: but the dudes are little twig pussies. >>adam & bruce: not hercules!>>lawrence: well, not hercules! he was jacked! what're you talking about? >>bruce: hercules was jacked! >>james: he's- he's prett- he's the smallest version of hercules i've ever seen. >>lawrence: prince charming had a.. cool little cape.>>bruce: what about beast?! >>james: beast was big, but then he shrunk down at the end, and then he wasn't pissed off!! >>lawrence: yeah. what about gaston? >>james: gaston was the bad guy!

he was the most jacked person in the whole fucking thing! >>bruce: yeah, you're right. >>james: and they're like, "oh, look at this bad guy!" i don't think so! according to my eyes, he's the cool guy! [adam laughs]>>bruce: so equal time: disney princesses are fat, and the princes are.. fucking lame! >>james: they're lame! >>bruce: and they're.. weak, little pussies! [all laughing]

>>adam: "fix it, disney!" >>bruce: i know! "disney, fix it!" >>adam: i wanna see bruce go into a disney meeting. >>bruce [yelling]: "hello, pussies!" "why is leia so fat?!" "you see her in that slave leia outfit?! "she was fat!" [all laughing]>>james [laughing]: and you're just shouting. [♪ good vibrations - marky mark & the funky bunch ♪]then get the h-

>>lawrence: i don't think you're gonna make it, james. >>james: yeah... this guy fucked me. >>lawrence [groaning]: ooohh... >>bruce: ohh... that'll help a little bit. >>lawrence [groaning]: ride it to the next one.>>bruce: there we go. one more. [all groaning]>>adam: yeeeah. [all laughing]>>james: ohhh-heeey! >>lawrence: oh! is he gonna make it?! >>bruce: he might.>>adam: yeah. aw...

>>james: and i miss the checkpoint. >>adam: i think you automatically get that one. >>adam: nope!>>james: nope. you automatically got it, 'cause you went far enough. >>bruce: oh, i see.>>lawrence: again. >>james: god damn it! [adam & lawrence laugh]>>bruce: oh, no! >>lawrence: whoa.>>adam: yay!>>james: oh, shit! we're losing control! >>bruce: look at that!>>james: i'm outta here! >>bruce: you breached like a dolphin![adam laughs]

[all laughing]>>james: oh, boy! oh, boy! >>bruce: oh, this is it! this is it!>>james: recover! recover! >>lawrence: oh![james laughs] >>bruce & lawrence: yeah!>>adam: aw! >>bruce: nice job! >>lawrence: so the ultimate disney film- [sniffs]>>bruce: yeah? >>lawrence: -it's gonna open with.. a bunch of dudes flexing and complimenting each other.

>>bruce & james: yeah.>>adam: yep. >>lawrence: cut to... women throwing up in the bathroom, like they should... [adam & james laugh]>>bruce: absolutely! >>lawrence: and then coming out, and removing clothing. >>adam: right.>>bruce: duh! >>lawrence: so we can see their ribs.>>bruce: they're already naked.>>adam: because- >>adam: well, here's the thing, for too long it's been implied that they- they vomit. but we need to show little girls how to do it.

>>bruce: yeah, we need to show them how to do it. that's true. [lawrence laughs]>>bruce: they either need to not eat, or throw up! >>james: is this hell?>>bruce: this is- >>james: are we in hell? >>adam: just- just a->>lawrence: woo!>>bruce: no! >>adam: a quick- quick disclaimer.>>bruce: we're in america! >>james: he's still on me. he's still near me.>>bruce: oh, no! he's gonna try- don't knock us off! >>bruce: sorry! we need to be->>james: is that the bat mobile?! >>adam: doesn't matter.>>lawrence: let's take him out! pin him!

>>lawrence: ooh, ron! you piece of shit! [adam & bruce laugh] >>bruce: oh! you got it! >>adam: cool. good move?>>lawrence: oo-aah! got it!>>bruce: wow, that was cool. >>lawrence: yeah, you can wall ride this whole thing with... >>bruce: fuck it. who cares?>>adam: he chooses not to.>>lawrence: yeah. nobody's been able to do it either. [james yells]>>lawrence: ooh! >>bruce: oh, you just- oh, wow.>>lawrence: yeah, plug it up. >>adam: you're gonna get hit from behind real good.>>james: oww!!

[all laughing]>>bruce [laughing]: oh, you fucked that guy up real good! >>lawrence: plug it up so ron can't get through.>>james: hold on. i gotta wall ride. [adam & lawrence laughing]>>bruce: oh, no.>>james: ohh!! >>james: wall ride!>>bruce: oh, you're fucking everybody up. [all laughing]>>adam [laughing]: he can't fit! >>bruce: nobody can do it! >>james: ahh![adam, bruce, & lawrence laughing] >>adam: we need to get that wall ride.>>bruce: we need to get the wall ride, yeah. >>adam: yeah. you picked a carthat can't fit through there.

>>bruce: there you go. that's it.>>lawrence: there you go. hup! >>adam: that's cool.>>lawrence: ooh! >>lawrence: and one more. ah!>>adam: wow. [all yell] [adam laughs]>>bruce: aw, no!>>james: no, stay vertical! >>lawrence: oh, ron was doing it now. >>lawrence: boy, ron, you master troll.>>bruce: stay vertical. you got- oh, no, you can't- >>bruce: you can't get any traction. oh!>>james: ohh! [james yelling]>>bruce: oh, come on...

all: oh!>>james: we're back on! >>adam: and you're out.>>lawrence: wait a minute. i think i thought of a disney woman who is not fat as shit. [james laughs]>>bruce: who? >>lawrence: cruella de vil. >>james: what? she's- ... she is kinda skinny. you're right. >>bruce: well, hold on, no- but she's old. >>lawrence: she's old, yes.>>adam: there it is.

>>bruce: old people are already fat.>>lawrence: yeah. >>james [laughing]: did you see the guy fly out?>>bruce [laughing] no. >>james: what the fuck happened? [all exclaim]>>james: oh, fuck me! >>bruce: what did you hit?!>>lawrence: almost! damn it! >>james: it's invisible! there's- there's an invisible thing! >>bruce: this is a serious question,is there anybody old that's not fat? [adam & james snicker] >>adam: what?!

>>bruce: i'm serious. every old person's fat, right? >>james: uh...>>adam: well- well, what constitutes as "old"? >>bruce: over 60. >>adam: helen mirren. >>lawrence: tom cruise. wait- he's fifty-somethin'. >>bruce: tom cruise is, like, fifty-somethin'. >>bruce: and, also, he's kinda fat. >>lawrence: um...>>james: dudes don't count! >>lawrence: dolph lundgren?>>bruce: dudes don't count. only girls.

>>james: dudes can't be fat! >>bruce: dudes cannot be fat.>>lawrence: oh, sorry. yeah, you're right.[adam & james laughs] >>james: dudes are, like, normal? [adam & bruce laugh]>>james: and, like, chicks are fat. so, like, when a dude has a big, fat belly? >>lawrence: that's just a normal dude.>>bruce: that's funny. >>lawrence: that's a normal, healthy dude.>>james: that's just- that's just how guys look.>>bruce: that's- that's- that's comedy! >>bruce: they did it for comedy.>>adam & lawrence: yeah. >>james: but women- when women don't have huge boobs and a skinny waist..

>>lawrence: oh, it's fucking gross.>>james: they're fat.>>bruce: right. then they're fat. >>lawrence: what's wrong with 'em? >>bruce: and sometimes they are fat any- anyways. even if they have 'em. >>lawrence: you know what really frustrates me?[adam, bruce, & james laugh] is that we have the tools to fix this shit,and yet there are still fat, ugly women walking around. >>adam: yeah! it's called your index finger! >>lawrence: it's like people getting the flu.we have inoculations. just take 'em! >>james: what did i hit?>>bruce: yeah, that's a good point. >>lawrence: and we have->>bruce: we have plastic surgery and liposuction.

>>lawrence: we can make->>bruce: so fuckin' do it! >>lawrence: yeah, we can make your titties huge! [bruce laughs]>>lawrence: you just have to go to the place, and let them cut you open, and shove shit inside of your body! just do it! it's not hard! >>adam: the princesses did it! you do it! >>bruce: yeah, come on, it's easy! >>adam: be like rey! >>james: there is invisible shit all over that course- >>bruce: yeah, yeah. i don't know what happened.>>james: -that i kept hitting.

>>lawrence: man, rey better get giant tits for episode 8. >>james: they sh-[all laugh] >>elyse: [adam, bruce, & james laugh] >>adam: what's the, uh, the oral etiquette? >>lawrence: dudes just smell like->>james: what d'you mean? brush your teeth.>>bruce: oral etiquette? >>bruce: we get the oral!>>james & lawrence: yeah! >>bruce: that's the oral etiquette.>>adam: oh. >>adam: so you go first...

>>james: yep.>>bruce: what do you mean? who goes first? >>adam: well, who g- who goes first? >>bruce: there is no "first".>>james: yeah. >>bruce: we get it, and that's it! [all laughing harder] >>bruce [laughing]: oh, my god... oh, jeez... >>james: that was that. >>bruce: that clip's gonnacome back to haunt me in 30 years![adam & lawrence laugh]

>>james: i already see the thing with your quote with your face there. >>bruce: oh, gosh. >>adam: oh, wow.>>james: oh, i got tears in my eyes.[bruce laughs] >>bruce: lawrence, you're doing really well! >>lawrence: thank you! >>james: he's in 2nd.>>bruce: 2nd place! >>james: but he hasn't gotten to the walls. >>james: the warped wall, or whatever.>>lawrence: yeah, i haven't gotten to the death wall. the- the- the phantom wall.

>>bruce: you'll do it. >>lawrence: i'll do it. >>bruce: you'll get it. >>lawrence: c'mon filthygrape.[james breathes out]: ok. >>lawrence: we're in a.. fuckin'.. f1 duel now.>>bruce: oh, man. >>james: you gotta- you need yourspeed, but not so much that you catch him! >>james: oh! he crashed!>>lawrence: fuck you! >>bruce: you got it! >>lawrence: shit! >>bruce: oh, no. no, you helped him.

>>lawrence: aw, i helped him!>>james: oh... >>bruce: oh, you're not gonna- or, he might not make it. >>lawrence: filtygrape... >>adam: pull back on the stick!>>bruce: you're not gonna make it.>>james: recover. just recover. [lawrence sighs] >>adam: he didn't do that on purpose, though. >>lawrence: fuck him. >>bruce: that's true.>>adam: ouch! >>bruce: but, fuck him, yeah. who cares?>>lawrence: i don't care.

>>lawrence: it's still a race.>>james: you're gonna hit this guy now. >>lawrence: stop! being bad! ok, i think- [bruce laughs] >>lawrence: there we go. ok. >>adam: there we go. >>bruce: nice.>>lawrence: hup! >>bruce: equal time, though... we're all kinda fat too. >>lawrence: what?!>>bruce: just->>adam: yeah. >>james: we're not jacked enough! >>bruce: no, we're not jacked enough.>>adam: could be better.

>>bruce: but!>>lawrence: i could see m- >>bruce: we are sexually attractive, whereas most women are not. >>lawrence: oh, that's true.[all laugh] >>james: that's very diplomaticof you, bruce, and i appreciate you now.>>adam: yeah. >>bruce: i'm trying to be unbiased.>>james: yeah. >>james: straddling the line.>>adam: yeah. >>james: bipartisan! that's what i love.>>adam: that's always good. [bruce laughing]>>lawrence: don't fuck it up. don't fuck it up. hup! >>bruce: that is true. that'sone of the questions i've always asked. is, like, >>lawrence: hup!

>>adam: what? >>bruce: other dudes.. being, like, "man, dudes are so jacked, and women are so ugly", and, like, "man, they're so fat". and i'm always like, "... are you straight or gay?" >>bruce: like->>james: no. you're hanging out with gay guys. >>bruce: yeah, they say- [laughs]>>adam: that's bruce talking to the mirror. [bruce laughing]>>james [laughing]: we've- we've been telling you that. >>james: you always hang out- every time you introduce us to someone new,>>bruce: ohh...>>lawrence: oh! >>bruce: i'm always in west hollywood, and that's the problem.>>adam: yeah. >>james: yeah. it's always a gay dude.>>adam: yeah.

>>bruce: oh. ok. alright. >>james: but those dudes are jacked! >>adam: mhmm. yep!>>bruce: yeah. i know!>>lawrence: yeah, they are. >>adam: they have.. a goal.they k- they can see the finish line. and it's.. some dude's sweet cornhole. [bruce & james laugh]>>lawrence: yeah. >>adam: looks like a hairless, glazed donut. >>lawrence: man... >>bruce: damn![adam laughs] [james breathes out nose]

>>bruce: why is it so big?! >>adam [offhand]: oh, it gets- it gets inflamed.>>lawrence: why didn't god evergive women something they could shove into people? >>adam: what?>>james: pbbt! >>lawrence: they would enjoy sex a lotmore if they could penetrate somethin'. >>bruce: 1st place, lawrence! yes! >>lawrence: take that, women. [james imitating horn][controller thumps on desk] [bruce laughs][lawrence's hand slap]

>>adam: i wish cars could talk. >>lawrence: yeah, that'd be great. >>bruce: they can! haven't you ever seen elon musk's car? >>james: no. >>adam [robotic]: "hello, elon." yeah. "how's spacex going?" "just kidding. i know." >>james: it's a car.>>lawrence: it's a cooler. >>james: way too high. oh, land in it!>>lawrence: whoooa!>>adam: land in it!>>bruce: oh, whoa!

>>adam: pull the- push up- erp erp!>>bruce: waste it! waste it! aw... >>james: first try. every single fuckin' should've stayed on the ramp! bruce, is that you?! >>bruce [chuckles]: it is me!>>adam: whoa.

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