liposuction post op

liposuction post op

(tiny hello) i am going to put subtitles on this later. because you probably can't hear what i'm saying. this is 12 hours after my surgery. everything went fine. i'm surprised about how good the anaesthetics were. i was totally asleep. i don't remember anything. didn't feel anything. i was very surprised when i woke up. i ended up having a size large implant. not an extra large. mine is 7mm.

the biggest one was 10. the biggest problem right now is this headwrap. it's extremely tight. i'm also experiencing numbness under my lower lip. and (on) my lower lip. that's why i can't speak properly, because i can only really move my upper lip. i can't open my mouth more than this. :o so i'm having difficulties eating.

i'm on a soft food diet, mainly eating yogurts, ice cream. uhm, and water. it's all i can eat right now. since this is so tight, i'm also having difficulties swallowing. and sleeping. i have been trying to take naps. but since this is so tight, i snore. which i usually don't do. and when i snore, i wake myself up. every time so, i haven't been able to sleep.

is there anything else i'd like to say? i was going to use a better camera. but i'm too exhausted to get the camera and edit the video in my computer. so i'm recording this on my phone and i will not edit at all. so i'm sorry if it's a bit incoherent. but this is what i look like right now. and a closeup.. my doctor.. or my surgeon, whatever you call it. he was extremely nice.

i showed him the picture that i made. the one in my previous video. and he told me that it would not look as good as the photoshopped version that i did. but he was going to make it as close as possible. and that felt really good. and i can actually feel the shape of my chin underneath this. and it feels great.. i feel like i have more of a pulled up neck instead of a full neck which i had before. right now i'm hoping that i'll be able to sleep. during the night. (this is 19:00)

pain levels are not too high. some discomfort. the most annoying and difficult part is of course the numbness and the swelling. i look like a hamster. i feel like (one)... tomorrow i get to take this off. and i get to have a shower. and then i have to redo this every time i'm going to sleep. for the next week. but this isn't bothering me. i'm just hoping that the numbness will go away soon. so i can open my mouth more and properly eat. more food, because i'm really hungry.

but it's such a nuisance eating food. and that's it for now. i will make another video tomorrow. bye.

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