liposuction pills

liposuction pills

welcome back. a tummy tuck results in postoperative pain that can be controlled in many different ways. a medication called exparel recently came on the market; it is an injectable medicine designed to decrease your postoperative pain for 72 to 96 hours. so, what is exparel? exparel is a medication from the family that includes lidocaine, among others. it is a long-acting medication that has been combined with some fat lobules that prevent the medication from being reabsorbed too quickly in the body. this allows the pain medication to stay in the body for a longer period of time,

decreasing your pain significantly after surgery. you can see in this video that during thesurgery, after the abdominal wall has been tightened, i am injecting exparel into the abdominal wall and the lower abdominal incision. this will result in a complete block of thenerve fibers that anatomically provide sensation to the different areas where the liposuction and abdominal tightening have been performed. the advantage of having better pain control after surgery is that you will have a decrease in the complication rate by being more mobile. this includes decrease in blood clots and respiratory problems. it will also improve your satisfaction by controlling your pain,

which typically is the worst in the first72 hours after surgery. exparel is a wonderful medication. the drawback is that it is expensive. the company sells this medication for about $400. nevertheless, it is something that i recommend to my patients as an option. every single patient who has had this medication has nothing but good things to say about it. pain control after a tummy tuck isvery important, and using exparel after a tummy tuck is a great option to control your postoperative pain. in this video, we discussed one of the many options for pain control after a tummy tuck.

next week, we will cover why it is important to do liposuction on the mons areas after a tummy tuck.

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