hi, i'm dr. john connors, and i am a boardcertified plastic surgeon, practicing in atlanta, georgia. and one of the popular conversationsthat i have with my patients basically centers around aspects of body contouring. patientsthat are active and typically notice areas where they might not have the contour thatthey'd ideally like to have, whether it be their abdomen, their waist, flank areas, inner/outerthighs. these are areas that can be somewhat stubborn to exercising, running, even swimming,and they'd like to contour these areas to help them fit better in bathing suits andworkout clothes and dresses and even jeans. typically what i use to help those patientssurgically is liposuction. that's one of my most popular procedures. i probably performupwards of 10 procedures a week, both in my
procedure room as well as in my operatingroom. one of the real game-changers for me overthe last number of years has been the incorporation of smart lipo. it's laser-assisted liposuction,and it has allowed me to really focus attention on removing fat in very specific areas, specificareas that patients and i identify together. the laser really fine-tunes my ability toremove that fatty tissue. another aspect that i've really developeda real affinity for has been high-definition liposculpture. i use this technique in bothmen for ab sculpting, developing a 6 pack, as well as in women to really help developthe v shape of the abdomen. and the laser really - not only has it helped me developthose anatomic, fantastic results, but it
also has minimized some of the down time thati've seen in patients. patients recover quicker. they typically are back to work in a coupleof days, although many times we have to coach patients not to be too active after surgery,and really minimize too much impact. but the results have been fantastic, and patientshave been very, very happy with this aspect of it.
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