welcome back. from injectables, to peels,arm lifts to tummy tucks you can sculpt your body in just about any way these days. recentadvancements in cosmetic surgery have cut down on the time and risk involved. dr. patricks. carney is a board certified dermatologist and fellowship trained plastic surgeon. thismorning dr. carney is here to tell us about the treatments he offers and why it’s soimportant to find a good doctor before getting the work done. welcome back dr. carney.good morning corbin. congratulations on 20 years in your business.there’s a lot that’s going to be going on, we’re going to talk about that in justa minute. but as i understand it, you send out a questionnaire to your former patientsand you ask them about the whole process from
beginning to end, going through, getting somethingtweaked, tucked, pulled, worked out, and what some of their responses were. if you giveme a few seconds here i’m going to go through some of the questions and answers. the firstone said, “why did you choose dr. carney.†one person said, “when i asked about theprocedures that would meet my expectations, a wide variety of treatments were discussedand explained. i never felt pressured.†another patient answered, “at the very firstconsultation i could tell he was really listening to my concerns and wasn’t looking at meas another opportunity to make money. another question was asked, “how would you describeyour results?†which is key to women and men, anyone who is going in. “phenomenal, “ one patient wrote. another one said,
“i look younger and i don’t feel the needto hide my neck anymore.†something i think about all the time. so there are lots of greatresponses that came out of that really seems to me it lets you go full-circle with thesepatients. were you surprised by the reactions and the comments? i was very touched. you always hope that theimage that you have of yourself is how your patient population sees you. i was overwhelmedwith some of those comments, thank you. yeah, how you’re changing people’s lives.now, let’s go through a few pictures quickly. maybe you can just touch on each one of these.tell us a little bit about what these patients had done. boy, that’s a remarkable change.thank you, that patient had the upper eyelid
and the lower eyelid bleferoplasty or eyetuck with the lower eyelid bags as well as a chemical peel. the entire procedure wasdone under local anesthesia. which is very key, as you go through thisif you’d talk about the local anesthesia a little bit because that’s very unique.yes, corbin, same with this beautiful woman, i believe it was upper eyelids only. the localanesthetic is safe and effective and eliminates the cost of a general anesthesia, as wellas having this done in a surgery center or a hospital so we can reduce the cost substantially.and as a matter of fact, one of the comments here was, “don’t be frightened about beingawake.†because your patients are awake during these procedures.that’s right. there are some studies that
have shown that physicians tend to do evena better job if the patient is awake. i really would agree with that. this one is a womanwho had a face lift, and it was done under local anesthesia as well, some startling,remarkable results. this is a very interesting before and after of what looks like a facelift, but believe it or not, this woman had a deep chemical peel using phenol. so shechose not to have a face lift, but it looks as if she had one because the chemical willtighten the skin as if she’s had a face lift. this is liposuction. the woman had herupper and lower abdomen done under local anesthesia. you can see a nice redefining of her abdominalshape and contour. we all want that after-tummy dr. carney. it’sa good looking tummy. it’s really important,
as we said before, to find a great doctor.talk about, quickly, what goes on in a consultation. what are people’s biggest concerns?i think one of the most important things is for the evaluator, in this case myself, toreally listen to what the patients are asking for and not really impose what i think maybewould be right for them, but to hear what their needs are. sometimes you could lookat someone and think, “i bet you their here to have their neck re-suspended.†but they’remore concerned about having a mole removed or maybe their lips enhanced. so, i thinkyou have to be really sensitive, and listen to the patient, and be kind to them.now we’ve got another quick series here, if we could just fly through these, some othertreatments that you do that are the fillers,
and other things like that.this we did kind of a total makeover on this lovely young lady. she had a chemical peel,and we put her on a good skin care program to give her skin some pizzazz. here’s abefore and after picture of a woman who had permanent silicone injections into her lips.silicone is a product that we will often transition a patient from, who’s been having hyluronicacid or collagen in their lips, and go one to something that’s more permanent.well, there’s lots more information, and you can get more information if you come toan upcoming event, i’m going to be hosting, i’m a little curious myself about all thegreat improvements dr. carney can make to your skin and to your appearance. you’regoing to be there. you can meet dr. carney
up close and personal. it’s going to beat the weston hotel. i’ll give you all those details, pleasure to see you. thanks for stoppingby. thank you, corbin i have a quick gift. we’lltalk about it later. a new go-green organisudical. it’s a coffee berry extract.great, i can’t wait to try it. i love all this stuff. skin speaks spa md is hostinga 20th anniversary carneyval on thursday, october 23rd from 6-9pm at the westin edinagalleria. admission is free. for more information or to book an appointment call 952-435-6565,or you can logon to www.skinspeaks.com. we’ll love to see you there, good food too.
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