liposuction massager

liposuction massager

hey girls, once again here with you marian from medical massage professionalsâ„¢ trying to provide you with educational videos to give you information i will show you now, in the case of a person needing a marble in their belly button and also where is the skin hanging and in the future after all your lymphatic drainage treatments, where can you apply radio frequency now we go with the camera, we won't be revealing the patients identity for privacy reasons but remember that all the videos and... they are made with patients permission and anything they say

obviously their statements are their own completely, they have not been paid or forced. they do so freely okay, let's take a look. as we see here marian: how many days...can you ask how many... val: how many days post op (post surgery)? patient: uh two days... marian: two days post op, okay remember that were there was once fat, there is now lymphatic liquid and you can see it here how we will be draining it well i don't want to show you the drainage, what i want to show you is this...this belly button which has a horizontal shape

obviously there is no support from the fat that was once there for that reason it is important to use... the marble, let me look for it here... ... this marble, is very simple that you can get anywhere you place it right in the belly button specifically to give it the round shape it has with a band aid covering it to give it its round shape and not turn into a sad belly button

take a look, we continue to the questions of ultrasounds and cavitation if you guys see here the skin is sagging because obviously there is no fat to sustain it the question is... can i apply radio-frequency? yes you can apply it after you have removed all of the liquid the radio-frequency is used to stimulate the production of collagen and to help the skin get tighter and firmer but then after you have done the lymphatic drainage. in a second set of treatments you can treat the skin

now the important thing is to remove all of this liquid that look, the patient is full of so for that reason, i am not keen on using machinery right away the manual lymphatic drainage is done with hands only with your hands so once you have already drained and done about 8-10 treatments then we can start 8-10 in total but right after the 8th we can start (if needed) a treatment with ultrasound or cavitation to help give it help with getting firmer, but first things first

it's not that you start today, two days post op using machinery. when you don't even know what frequency to use don't even know how long to use it, how to use it because i see people use it like this when the correct way is like this so please... please, for all the girls that do this, do not allow yourself to be charmed with them saying "i will do this,this and this treatment on you for so and so price". in many cases, less is more what you guys need is to drain the liquid, remove the liquid from your body first, then see how you can treat the skin

how to make it firm that is what i want you guys to know this patient here is a person who does not have a lot of extra skin because she is skinny but even then you guys can see that this skin should be a little higher but once all this liquid has been removed, we focus on helping the skin go back to its place also keep in mind we are talking about a person who had surgery 2 days ago what this means is that , she will still have to use the abdominal board, garment, and lipofoams which will help this loose skin to become tight

and help the skin connect with the inner layer of skin so please use everything correctly and we are going to continue how i mentioned before in a separate room with a face mask i currently have it on we will continue with our educational videos, thank you very much this is what i wanted to show you guys

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