liposuction massage

liposuction massage

is it good to massage your bruises? depending on the type in injury, massage maymake the affected tissue feel better or make it feel worse. that’s why i’m asking if it is a goodidea. massaging it improves blood flow. and a bruise is a bunch of blood pooling underthe skin. so it isn’t a good idea. not necessarily. but the first thing to doto a bruise is put ice on it and rest it, instead of massaging it and increasing bloodflow to broken blood vessels. how long do i have to wait to massage it?

for the first two days, you have to avoidanything to worsen the swelling. that includes hot packs, sitting in a hot tub, massagingit deliberately and drinking alcohol. that pretty much invalidates every sportsmovie i ever see, where the injured guy sits in a hot tub with a beer while recoveringwhile surrounded by beautiful women. that shouldn’t be taken as medical fact,or even as any sort of fact. yeah, beautiful women are optional when youare healing. a pretty masseuse is expensive. but you canmassage the bruise yourself two days after the injury for free. and don’t massage it if that causes pain.pain is your body’s way of saying stop that

you idiot. a lot of people don’t heed that warning,which is why they got hurt in the first place. what else can i do to control bruising? ican’t walk around with cold packs all day. you can elevate the affected area, since thisreduces blood flow. compression will lessen swelling, but you have to be careful not tocut off blood flow entirely. i’d hate to have this mark for a few weeks. if a bruise lasts longer than two weeks, there’seither deeper tissue damage or you have a blood disorder. in that case, you need tosee a doctor.

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