b & w liposuction ma

b & w liposuction ma

you won't make it.you will never make it. sleeping till eight or nine!how will you get anywhere in life? wake up! one who works will set alarm to wake up. unemployed man like megets up only if father scold. i'm one of the lakhs of engineerswho passed out wanting to make it big. on day 1, can't forget the happy momentsstanding outside my college "yes, i'm going to become an engineer!" i smoked, i drank, i bunked collegeand i went to the movies. i had many arrears buti cleared them in my final year.

i thought i was the engineer,but there were 10 lakh others like me. about ten thousand of themare geniuses, jobs find them. twenty thousand of themmight have influential fathers. thirty thousand might havefamily owned business. i belong to the remaining majority. which is...waste fellow! your brother's bike won't start.go drop him at work and come. he's three years younger to me. but i'm woken up to drop him at work.

it's just your little brother.drop him off. why can't he drop him this one day? he's been sitting idly for four yearsafter finishing his engineering, right? and so much ego! moreover made big statements. "all the buildings in vizagwill be built by me." he has to build castles in the air. if you tell anyone from morning"you'll never make it". how can one make it?

how will you get a jobif you go looking like this? if you shave and look neat,you'll get hired. my mother believes thatshaving will get me a job. brother, i'm getting late for work. please, brother. let's go. this fool is my brother.he's taller and better looking than me. most importantly, he has a job. this is my vehicle. my dad bought for me in 7th classfor getting first rank.

never gave him anotheropportunity again. hey! come here. i dropped you, right?give me fifty bucks. twenty only? okay, go. i'm an unemployed graduate. my name is raghuvaran. if a guy is jobless, they make himto do all the household work. this is my dog.his name is harry potter. don't ask me why i named him soi don't remember.

i understood tv serials are interestingby staying in home with my mother. i'm tired of filling applications. after finishing engineering,you either need to work as an engineer. or take whatever job comes your way. or else... what i think even when i sleep is, people who watched film 'shiva',most of them liked nagarjuna, but my father liked raghuvaran,okay he liked him, without stopping with that,why did he name after him?

by the way we're telugu people. where are you taking it? to the hall, madam?- no, take it to my room upstairs. the room to your right upstairs. where madam?- right side! how can i tell you more clearly? how can i find the room carryingso much weight, madam? fine, i'll take you there. come. if fate had been on my side the guy whobrought table would've come a little later.

my bad time. who's moved in next door? a doctor called gokul. they have a daughter.she looked like a movie star! she came home this afternoonto borrow something. really? i was home all day,i never saw her. you're home all day.that's my problem. a waste fellow should alwaysbe arrogant. if we bend over a little bit,they'll screw us over.

i've kept milk on table for you,take it, karthik. okay, mother. this happens in my housevery often. i struggle hard to hidethis cigarette every day. brother, give me the laptop.i have office work! give me the laptop.- hey, wait. always on facebook! you've got a group forthe unemployed people. you call yourselves v.i.p!there are 60000 members too!

you're mocking me becausei'm borrowing your laptop? take your lousy laptop! it's hard to not look atan ordinary girl next door. if she looks like a movie star.can't stop till we see her! if you don't have a job,even your pet dog won't respect you. who is it?- aunty, i live next door. the ball fell in. so come in. take it. what's your name?- raghuvaran.

where do you work? "bommalatta" serial has started!i'll come get it later. hey, you watch it too? if i get angry, i'll get my sonmarried for the second time. no, mother-in-law! this mother-in-law is so mean! even i don't like thischaracter at all, aunty. if someone troubles my daughter like this,i'll just ask her to come back. aunty, you have a daughter?- yes, name is shalini.

has she gone to school?- school? no way, she's 23 years. is she asleep?- no, she's gone to work. her father is already getting egoistic. that his daughter is makingmore money than him. she must be making around50000 a month? 50000?her father makes almost a lakh a month. her salary is rs.2 lakhs a month! even jobless girls don't look at me. rs.2 lakhs a month!no use of throwing ball into this house.

what are you doing here?- no dad, the ball fell in. i saw you coming out of this house10 years ago. even then you told methe same reason. you were playing with ten other boys then.now you're playing alone. because they've all got jobs now. three families have lived here.and it's been painted five times. but you're still the same. see if there's any work at home. how that girl gauges me is up to her.

but i need to try from my side, right? i need to see that girl who lookslike a movie star. i thought he'd study and build houses.but he's playing with plastic dolls. you just need an excuse to deride him. basically i'm a decent guy. but at times i've to be indecent.can't avoid it. is my phone downstairs, mother?- yes. wanted to feed that dog,where's it gone? what are you doing here?all are downstairs.

nothing, just like that. what's that in your hand?- nothing, mom. give it to me. what is this? i told you, right?a new project for engineering students. what does it do? it's like a telescope.things that are far away look closer. not me, mom! look up! you'll be ableto see the stars and moon.

yes, it looks so close! you can't touch it, mom. raghu, you made this yourself? you're a talented guy.but why aren't you getting a job? talent is not enough these days. what else they want?talent is more than enough. come on, mother. have you watched the film titanic? yeah, the one where the ship sinks andeveryone dies drowning in sea.

that's right. the hero shows stars andmoon to the heroine. i'm doomed to watch it with you! you devil! when did you fall in love? who would love me, mom?- what's wrong with you? aren't you handsome and intelligent? i'm unemployed, mom! girls don't love boys withoutminimum security. i have a friend's birthday party tomorrow.everyone has to bring rs.2000.

please arrange it somehow. okay, i'll get it from youryounger brother. it's better you hit me with slippers! either get it from dad,or i don't want! i'll not take a penny from him.- okay, we'll see. raghu, here's rs.200. mom, i asked for 2000 andyou're giving me 200. i could get this much only.make do with this. couldn't flick any more from your dad.

come here.- i'm coming, dear. at least get me 1000, mom. i don't have a rupee extra!why is he shouting now? coming. mother...- take it. that's it. mother! liked it, dad? what's this, suddenly? i thought you've bought a friend's car.

want to try driving? no, son.moreover new car. i'll drive. let's go for a drive.- okay, son. it's my favourite colour!you could've told us, right? get in, mom. brother, come.let's go for a drive! go ahead, i'll..later yeah, he's a busy guy.- okay, brother. what's the mileage?- 15, father.

okay, guys.we planned to share the party, right? take out money. buddy, i only have rs.200. no problem, dude!i know you're unemployed. when you get a job!you can spend! you keep this money aside. these guys are all members ofthe v.i.p group. none of them are in jobs appropriatefor their qualifications. one works in a call centre,another takes care of his dad's business.

another guy works as lecturerin the college he went to. another guy is an assistantdirector in film industry. you should hear the eight class failed directorabusing this engineer graduate. are you drunk?- no, sir. yes, sir. pay the fine. fine? sir, are we driving?we're just walking. what! creating public nuisance, eh? there is no public here.how can we create nuisance?

give me your id cards andbring your parents in the morning. that's right for you. you look like good boys.pay me and push off. what is it? sir, we're walking becausewe don't have money. is that so?take your mobiles out. call your parents! stop it. who is it?

you could have done this sooner. wasting my time! dude! that was awesome.you saved in time! at times rs.200 given by mother withoutfather's knowledge is more valuable than 2000. oh my god! life is at crossroads...oh my god! it's rocking all the sides...oh my god! why are you like this, o my god?oh my god! why do you look at me like a villain?oh my god!

hear my problems with heart.... enough, bro! shall we wrap it up? this is just the beginning! brother, cool down! you appear to be on full blast,tell me what's your problem? let's hear! my problem is... a aa e ee answer is telugu...abcd is english... my fate has turned nonsense whichis written in a language i can't understand...

never gives me a gift to keep it safely... never bad luck leaves its tighthold on me... o supreme lord! your cell is full of my missed calls only... you never call me back even once... after giving me a useless birth... you never look at me,isn't it wrong on your part, god? this boring life... problems are ones own!

what will happen at next minute... my leg! looks like neighbour kid. shall i drop you home? oh no! enough of hitting me...enough... i'll go on my own. mommy! oh god! generally girls drive like they're drunk. i'm sure she's drunk and driving.

why are you following me?- i'll walk you home. oh, company? what is your name? you're right. i'm drunk, a stranger.you shouldn't tell me your name. know something? my kid brother. three years younger to me. has bought a car!my dad is so proud! but i couldn't be happy.

maybe i'm a little jealous. but what can i do?it's all my fate. why are you walking with me? that's my fate! we've reached your place. you'll go, right? we've reached my place? the house next door? don't know whose face i sawtoday morning!

you, in blue churidhar!come here. what? there's a girl in this house. her name is shalini. she looks like a movie star it seems.my mother told me. i even made a telescope and tried to look. but i was unlucky even there. she makes 2 lakhs a month, it seems. her mother told me.

why don't you go home? got a cell phone? why? i need to call my mom andask her to open the gate. where are you? i'm coming, wait. nothing short in this. of all the words uttered by lips,the word 'mother' is the sweetest... bitterest word is 'father'...

isn't the gate locked? my mom has come.why are you still here? go. hey, why are you so late? are you drunk? why are you with him? he had fallen on road getting drunk. fallen drunk? why are you embarrassing us? if your dad finds out, we're dead.

mummy, i didn't drink. shut up.- that girl was drunk and ran over me! thank god.what will i do now? how was the car ride this morning?- shut up! have you eaten?- i'll slap you. be quiet! got it? i'll go check on your father. he's asleep.go in and sleep quietly. if he wakes up, you'll be in trouble.

don't worry, i'll say i've fever.- i said shut up. come quietly. hold on to me, or you'll fall down! i need pay milkman and paper man. i've left it near prayer table. tell the newspaper guy not tothrow the paper on plants. i hate to read wet paper. if he does that again i won't pay him. how many times i've told him,yet he does like that only!

karthik's car is dirty.ask sir to wash it. okay. why is he clutching his head?- he has headache. what's he done to get headache?- don't start off in the morning! keep encouraging him like thishe'll get nowhere. what did i encourage now!- you always do that. just go, now. you stupid dog! mom! why are you hitting me?- i struggled to get you 200 rupees.

and you get drunk?- mother! i asked for 2000.you only gave me 200 only. you got drunk when i gave you200 rupees. if i'd gave you 2000,you'd have smoked pot? answer me. mother, are you behaving like mother?using words like "drink" and "pot"! i'll hit you with slipper, rascal! you've embarrassed me so much.- what's so embarrassing? i came quietly and lay down at home, right?- lay down at home?

you were lying on the road, you fool! the neighbour girl picked you upand dropped at home. the neighbour girl? yes! it was so embarrassing! why, don't you remember anything? how will you!you were drunk to the brim. if your dad had known,he'd have killed you. where's my scooter? go look for it where you fell last night.

you're so irresponsible!what if someone takes it? cracking jokes! it must be lying there only.go bring it. look at his walk, still in hangover! he asks me to wash the carand you agree! shut up and go. even junk buyer too won't beinterested in you! again? careful!

why's he just walking away silently? didn't you hit me with your car last night?- not at all. don't lie to me! didn't you come in this same carand hit me yesterday? on top of it, you lied to my mom thati was lying on the road. already my family respects me a lot. come and tell the truth to my mother.- or else what? i'll go to the cops.- go. so will i. what will you complain?

you looked into my bedroomwith a telescope, right? no! who said so? you babbled last nightwhen you were drunk. think i'm scared of the cops? my mom said you look like a movie star.so i looked. you're not that great.you're very average. buzz off. so much dramafor this useless scooter. you call this is useless scooter? my scooter can do 60 kilometersfor one litre. can your car do that?

i'll weave my way through the traffic.can you do that? if it stops, i can just pedal it home.can you do that? go. start driving withan "l" board first. such a cheap guy! don't you need a bagto carry the flour back? hey, coming to play or not?- i'm coming, brother. jump over to that compoundand play girls' games with her. go, brother. i'm batting.

trials, brother.- okay, bowl. are you 2nd classy boys?still playing in a plastic ball. you could at least use a tennis ball. tennis ball would keep fallingon the road. the aunty who lives oppositewould yell if we play on road. hey, stop blabber, bowl to me. i'm not talking to youi'm talking to my brother. i'm not talking to you eitheri'm talking to karthik. go mind your business.don't disturb our match.

yeah, right! it's india-pak match, right?you say i distracted. doesn't your brother have a job?- he's still trying. shut it and bowl! we're all set with the cooking gas, milk guy? yeah, we're all set.the neighbour boy helped. already made friends?what does he do? his name is raghuvaran. he has done engineeringand is jobless. i spoke to his mother yesterday.

there are many offers from i.t companies. but he's studied civil engineering andis determined to do just that. poor kid, walks to 10 or 15 companiesfor interview every month. for what? for calling you jobless yesterday. and for hitting your vehicle. and lying to your mom. that's okay. i'm sorry, too.- for what?

for looking into your housewith a telescope. for saying you're an averagelooking girl. if not a movie star,you look a t.v star. look at our superstar... he's rocking with one side love... should i get it every week? if i get chicken,all three of you too eat, right? won't you send this idiot even once? he's free only on sunday, right?

for your dirty face,you want to read newspaper too! can't you go shopping? i said i'll go brotherbut father told me take rest. touch the chicken,i'll cut your hand. he's switching on the romantic gear... can teddy bear speak?can barbie doll sing? can you find black colour in rainbow? he's raising dust with hislove magnetic power... even if google goes away...even if facebook gets shut down...

can your love ever win, raghuvaran? can mobile phones work without sim card? will bbc channel telecasttv show chitrahar? will good friday ever comeon a sunday? how many interviews did you facetill now, brother? what happened, brother? these guys take up their dad's businesswithout any experience. and put the life of we,engineers at stake. if they have money why not go abroadto enjoy instead of killing us.

why did you give up ancestralproperty so easily? what could i do?they've bought all surrounding areas. first i fought and then beggedto retain it. first they cut my electricity.and then stopped water supply. now they cut milk, paper and gas supply.i can't fight them. we can't take on them. you've snatched it away!you'll get ruined! what is it, dad? you spent 3 months.for this small piece of land.

if we ignore small properties.we will not be sitting here. every inch of land is important. if we want we should buy it.if not, we should snatch it. you should learn this. you are going to take over thecompany in 2 months. i am going to look afterour branches in us. i asked you to design for nine floors.but you've designed for six! sir, the fsi allows only six floors, sir. i know all that.

but the extra 30 or 40 lakhs bribe we payfor these three extra floors, right? we want engineers who can dowhat we want! but that's wrong, sir. we've studied engineeringto avoid all that, sir. sir, my plan? you can take it with you. i've approached every company andmet everyone in 4 these years. i haven't got the chanceto even build a petty shop! i can prove myself onlyif i get a chance, right?

you could try some other job? yes but the 30 or 40 grand every monthwould kill the engineer in me. if i settle for the money,then all my dreams would go for a toss. i should just go to bangaloreor hyderabad. go wherever you want.but after the end of next month. why? will i get a job by then?- i don't know about that. but next month 30th is my birthday.stay here till then. it's okay if i leave after that? you want to leave anyway.then go after my birthday.

for this birthday,i should gift myself an apple. you silly girl!why wait till birthday to buy an apple! there are many in my home,i'll get you one today evening hey mad boy!i meant apple's iphone. come. brother? switch on the fan. idle pig makes his brotherturn the fan on. yes, brother?

how much would an iphone cost?- 35 to 40 thousand. when did he get home last night?- around 11pm. it was 11:30 pm when i went to bed!he didn't come till then. go away. i didn't see the time when he came.- you're losing track with him. 40000! you've come to your little brotherto get money from him. why hesitate now? he learnt to walk holding my hand,how can i ask money from him?

i'm asking you to do night shift,are you ignoring me? how dare you complain to team leader! aren't you afraid of paidithalli gang? tell me....tell me... will you complain against me? i'll hit you... who are you? who is that? raising your voice!come here. ht him!- brother! please no!

i'm with you, hit him.- no please, brother. i said, hit him! go sit down.go! you've grown tall like temple mast!won't you hit back? go do your job. come..come...welcome... i'm very happy about your arrival... who are you people?what do you want? are you karthik's older brother?

he's my little brother. it's the same thing. you're thin like a bean pole,trying to get smart with us? break his nose! oh my gosh! who are you people!why are you hitting my boy? don't hit him! somebody call the cops! stop hitting him!don't hit him! what will i do now?your dad too is not in home.

stop!don't hit him! what did you say?dad's not in home? yes. hey, stop! wait...wait a minute...wait...wait... what's happened to you?- it's nothing! wait. what is he doing?- don't know. who are you people?don't you've brothers? we've, aunty.they've gone to hit another guy.

shut up, man! what happened? why are they hitting you? call yourself a mother?- why? won't tell me sooner that dad's not in home? would he have let this happen? he'd have beaten the crap out of all of you. go stand aside. go!- are you going to fight? i'll give you people thirty seconds.

apologize to me and my mother forhitting me and run the hell out of here. if not...?- what will you do? i will hit you! raghu, behind you! hey, fall over there. my flower pot! put the flower pot down. you bull! put the flower pot down. oh no!

he broke my flower pot!smash his face! my wedding is 10 days away, sir. i came for marriage expenses.please don't hit on my face, sir. buzz off! discussion amidst a fight. oh no! a knife! who are those people?why did they hit you? what do you have to do with goons? i've been hanging out with them! what should be your dialogue as a mom?

"oh dear, are you hurt?" what happened?who are those people? is it you?are you hurt? i thought it was them, mom. are you not bleeding? where's the logic in this?i don't understand. if a goon hits another,there's some logic to it. if a politician hits another,i can see logic in it. why should someone come andhit someone sitting idle at home?

he must have done something. violence was all that was left. his little brother is struggling so hard,shouldn't he be determined to help him. even last week there was an offerat a call centre for 50000. he could have taken it! how long will he keep waiting to build? as if he's straightforward. when we were in college,i was two years his junior. two boys made fun of me.he hit them and was locked up for two days.

wow! like i'm tying this red threadaround your wrist, i tied a similar one around his wrist. and made him promise not tohit anyone as long as its there. he hasn't hit anyone since then.not even you boys. so brother can't hit anyone from now?- yes. then i'm safe! he could've taken it. you don't need to take that jobif you're so unwilling.

you're waiting this long.a few more days won't hurt. is it lodge to take rest? your salary has been creditedto your account, mr. raghuvaran. then, i resign.- why? i need to buy an iphone. what did i ask him? what's up? where are you going? here's this month's salary 10000. 10000?but your salary is 50000, right?

i need the 40000 for my expenses, mom. what will i tell your father? tell him whatever you want.also tell him that i've quit the job. what? you quit? why! don't know what the hell he'll raise! brother! please, brother. help me somehow. what happened? i took forty thousand from dadto pay fees for my mba course went by car.

i went to a shop to buy a shirt. someone stole the moneyfrom my car, brother. how am i to pay the fees?i'm confused, brother. it's your money.be brave! tell them you lost it. no, brother.dad would mistake me. i will tell them.- brother, no please! i don't want to hurt father. what do you want me to do now? if you have any money with you?

please, brother! i don't have! keep it. take it. brother, it doesn't matterwho starts earning first. what matters is who earnsat the right time. understand? why so late? i could have bought a more expensive gift. but it would be artificial. rose would be personal and lively.

take it. open it after i've left. you quit your job? you said that other day that it's okay to wait.it won't hurt much. you only gave ten grand? go. that man let me get away so easily? i expected a big fight!he didn't say anything, why?

i'll not get clarity tilli smoke a cigarette. you're smoking? don't say sorry! you've earned 50000. spent 40000 in one day andgave 10000 to home. why should you say sorry?why should you smoke in hiding? you can blow the smoke on my face.no problem. what's the issue now? that i'm smoking orthat i didn't give 40000?

you think if you don't give 40000this household will not run? first i was toiling alone,now your brother has joined me. that's the difference. who needs your money? if you'd given the 50000 to your mother. taken her blessings,taken it and blown it away. i would have been very happy. your little brother needsto pay fees for his mba. he makes a lakh every month.

he could have gone andpaid as he wishes. it's his money. but he gets it from me andpays after getting my permission. that's how you show respect. he's a real son.- why are you comparing him with me? you did what he wanted,what did you do for me? you put him in a conventbut i went to a govt. school. i struggle to speak in englishin interviews. you keep saying i don't get a job!how will i? i can't even do a presentation properly.

i could only afford that much back then. after that you shifted himto english medium, right? you could have shifted me, too!why didn't you? so much partiality! you keep comparing, deriding! why do you compare? even our names! his name is hero karthik!my name is villain raghuvaran! if he's so special you couldhave just had him.

why did you have me? what could we do? you were born to us first.he was born after that. at least you've admitted thatyou feel this way. you wish i wasn't born.is that what you mean? it's my body. my life. i'll smoke cigarettes anddo whatever i want. what's your problem? watch your tongue!it's getting out of control.

like what? what will happen? you'll ask me to get out of the house... you smoke, drink, go for a job, or don't.i don't care. but if you raise your voice to himor speak disrespectfully. i'll kill you. get lost! mom and dad are very fond of you, brother. he spoke like that becausehe was angry. don't feel bad.

you know how dad gets emotionaleven for little things. don't take it to your heart, brother. so much was happening downstairs. you didn't open your mouth to saythat i gave you the money for your fees. you've run upstairs and hid yourself. are you preaching me now? shut up or else i'll smash your face. sit. you're the good son.

i'm the bad son. i'm a martyr! do you drink?- oh no, brother. you'll drink coke? okay, brother. drink! it's diet coke.you haven't had it before? this is how it would be.drink....drink... want to have a peg?

already on it. how long for the construction to get over?- three more months. you've been building for so long! useless engineer. useless engineer too got a chance. but i'm sitting here on terrace. i just called you for company. zero luck... life is dull...

solo heart is sad... at least i want full kick with drinks... i'm zero with no value... i'm a good man grown strong withsoul using me as punch bag... i'm a fool who lost everything... i'm like the phoenix which rises from ash... my sorrow is my intoxication... i'm a king of dust... my fate is dark and black...

i'm a kite stuck in the tree branch... i'm a sorrow stricken king... what's his problem?- nothing, you go inside. what will neighbours think about us? we can discuss tomorrow morning? he's singing as if he'llbecome a great singer. though love is everywhere,i'm denied even a bit of it... though i'm young man with heart,i don't see any girl willing to be my partner... i've left my shame andsensitivity to wind...

pushing away the time withartificial smiles... nobody likes me if i live lifeon my own terms... without showing to the worldi cried in myself... come here. bye. what's your problem?why do you drink like this? my life is ruined. raghuvaran, failure. my mother!

slapped me so hard.i did nothing wrong. mom, dad and a younger brother. all three of them have abandoned me. why do you talk like this? your mom hit you, right? ask people who don't have mothers.they'll tell you what a pleasant thing it is. what a dialogue! you'd know if you'd been in my house. they make comparisons all the time!

he works, you don't.he makes money, you don't. he's bought a car,you didn't buy toy car also. when i was in tenth class,he grew taller than me. my dad told me back then,he's eating right and is growing tall. but you're waste. how can i help it if thatmoron keeps growing taller! he said that becausehe cares about you. care about me? you wouldn't know.

you're the only child in your house. in my house, they discriminateeven in names. he's got a hero's name karthik.and i a villain’s name raghuvaran. i like raghuvaran more than karthik. you mean? i mean it. your relatives don't like me.nor do i they like them. why do you ask me to gofor that wedding? that too all the way in narasaraopet!

i'm not feeling wellif not i would’ve gone myself. then why don't you just lie down?why are you doing all this work? i'll take care of it. you take karthik for company and go. is karthik my company? take our elder one, then. don't insult me by callingas our elder one. yes, the older one. lakshmi, you shouldn't have hit raghu.

he's a man now. what, then?he threatens to leave home. you'll get angry and ask him to. he'll pack his bag andgo to the street end. who'll go after him then?i would've to go. if i hadn't hit him,that's what would've happened. great! karthik and i are goingto narasaraopet this evening. mother is not feeling well.stay home and be of help to her.

you won't have any work outside anyway. if you do have, stay in home. we'll be back by tomorrow evening. you should've slapped him twice more. take offering. greetings! meditating? yes, had a fight in home. i know.

i won't speak to her at leastfor 2 or 3 months. how do you know that my mom hit me? you told me last night! when? you even sang and danced on terrace. you don't remember anything? i was talking to brother. i did sing a song... you won't remember anythingif you get drunk?

i said something very important. your loss! what did you say?i don't remember anything! you forgot, right? get lost. please, tell me what you said. are you free tomorrow? don't you know me at all?i'm always free. take me out, to make up for forgetting. i'll tell you then.

i've given my car for service.you'll have to pick me up. how will i pick her up on this! i can't just give you a bike, raghu! please, pandu! i'll return it in two hours.- two hours!? i'll be in trouble if the owner finds out. please, pandu.we're such good friends! friends? we played cricket togetherwhile in tenth class. it took me 10 minutes to recognise you.

just for one time only, pandu.won't do this for me? you're a pain! must bring it back in two hours! i promise on my mother.- okay, come take it in the morning. where's pandu? don't ask me about him.his girl came in the morning. he downed the shutter androde away with her. goddamn you! what are you looking for?

nothing short in this arrogance. if you don't want to talk, don't talk! my fate.i've to travel on this. i shouldn't have insulted you. i shouldn't have gone after another bike. but don't take revenge on me now.- what has happened to him? please start today! please! why your shirt is wet? coming straight from gym.- is it?

will this pull two of us? i've towed lorries with this! i've brought you out now.tell me what you said the other day. you call this taking me out?- then? take me out for lunch.i'll tell you. have you eaten? is your stomach full? tell me now.what did you say that night? take me to the beach, i'll tell you.

had a good look.this is beach. tell me now.what did you say the other night? take me for a good movieand i'll tell you. you don't need to tell me.- wait, i'll tell you. i said i like raghuvaran morethan karthik. okay.- that's it. that's it? you made me run around for this? what more do you want?

why do you keep your face like that?- my face is like that. okay, listen. take the call, please. no problem, its mom. so what if it's mom?talk to her. i told you, i fought with her.we're not talking. this is too childish.talk to her first this is normal in my family. i expected something more.- like what?

i thought it would besomething very important. why don't you assume i meantthat important thing? how can think like that! please talk to your mom.i'll tell you later. okay, i'll drop you. i have an appointment at three.i've to be on time. i won't make it of i go on your bike.i've called a friend. you don't allow me to livepeaceful in home. you won't let something goodhappen to me outside also?

sunny....sunny stop... leave me. why didn't you answer her call? what happened?- tell me, why didn't you answer her call? mother called you becauseshe had chest pain. you could've answered her call,when we came, saw her lying on the floor. she's dead, brother! why did you come?- calm down, brother-in-law! why did you come now?- calm down...

let me go.i'll kill you! i'll kill him today! calm down, brother-in-law! why are you shouting at him? what did she do wrong,except give birth to you? she's no more. she died! what will i do now?what was my sin? i asked you to stay!i asked you to stay in home. what will i do now?

why are you standing like rock?look at her! you killed her! mother, i'm your child... i'm dejected without you, mother... you vanished without speaking a word... the wound in my heart is shedding tears... you left me alone andwent away somewhere... o mother, can i hear your lullaby again? if you open your eyes for my lullaby,that's enough for me...

the lamp got put off...you melted away... o mother, why are you so angry on me? my world is nothing buta sea of sorrows... void is laughing at me... why am i the cursed like this?is it sins of my past life? even my day time is taken overby dark night of sorrows... the pitch darkness is scaring me... my breath has left me like you... what's there for me to live anymore?

this is the house, sir. come, let's go, dead. how long will you suffer alone like this? i too didn't want to disturb you. but you haven't shed a single tear. cry, the burden will ease. talk to your dad. brother, dad called you. my name is ramprasad.

your wife had donated her organs. this is my daughter.she's a c.o.p.d. patient. i mean, she already had very weak lungs. they said she neededlung transplant to live. we almost gave up hope on her. your wife's lungs gavemy daughter a new life. my daughter is alive becauseof your mother. that's why we came personallyto thank you. if you want anything.. anything at all.

i'm feeling a little delicate to ask you. we don't want anything. my mother gave your daughter new life,that's enough. i never used to listen to my mother's words. never expected this would happen. not even imagined in my dream. please take care of your health, madam. we'll come back later.let's go, dear. i killed you!

you died because of me. if i'd taken the call, you would have lived! its better that even i die. stop crying! what's the point in crying now? so many times i didn't answer her calls. if she'd died then,would it mean i killed her? what could you've done? though i can't live without you,i'm separated from you...

am i not merged in your breath? i'm living forgetting the death... wherever i may be,i'm always with your thoughts... i dream you than face reality... would time be the same always? don't fill eyes with tears... fending off the savage autumn... i'll join you as the new sprout... i'm walking every step with you...

i see only you in my mirror... o you've left me forever...your life is my smile... i'll become wind that touches skyand sing lullaby for you always... i got a bit emotional that day.so i couldn't speak. i came to know you're trying for job. dad is also in construction field. if you don't mind, could you meetad at his office tomorrow? no, please.- please, my dad no! i'll manage on my own.

won't you do this for me please? rajusundaram, would you please come in? i'd asked for the slum clearanceproject details. i've kept it on your table already, sir. after working in this office for ten long years,i'm finally getting my own project! ask raghuvaran to come. why is he calling him? oh, i need an assistant, right? after this project,i must start my own company.

swarnapushpam!- hubby! make pudding today evening.- okay, dear. i'm coming home with good news. nothing like that... raghuvaran, chairman is calling you. what's the matter, sir? it's some new slum clearanceinvolves crores of rupees. i don't know who's getting the job. it must be about that.

if it's such a huge project, it'll go tothe senior most person in the office. and that's you. sir, congrats! you never told me! nothing has been confirmed yet.why already... but why did he ask me to come? don't you get it? sir, your assistant! sir, when he appoints me as your assistant,please don't refuse! don't worry. no matter what happens,you'll be my assistant.

the government has announceda slum clearance project. we need to submit the tender in a week. we don't want even a rupee profitfrom this project. we're doing it for the poor. all the details are in this file. take a look and prepare budget carefully. why the file is going that side? sir, why are you giving this to me? it's your project, you should do it!

did he ask me to bring him for this? sir, i've only been working herefor six months only. how can i handle such a big project? to know if rice is cooked,testing one grain is enough. i've been boiling here for 10 years now. didn't you want to test my grain? i can't believe it, sir.i don't know how to thank you. that's not necessaryjust complete the project, that's all. sundaram, you can be raghuvaran'sassistant in this project.

when we were talking about this project,you too thought it would be mine, right? i didn't even expect- don't be sorry. you thought so too, right? so it's not wrong that i thought the same? no, why do you ask?- just to get clarity. we'll go to see the site?- okay, sir. let's see. come. dear, do you want cashew nutsor pistachios in the pudding? do you've poison seed? why are you talking like that? what happened?did they fire you from job?

you keep this. can i bear if anything happens to you?- can i keep it with me, sir? talk to me, dear. he said keep it and then pulled it away. did dad tell you about the project? so this is a family planning? he told me. this happened because of you. where are you off to?

to see the site oncebefore filing the budget. to the site?then i'm coming, too. to see the site or ogle? you always let your scarf trail. what an act! why don't you sit here?- no, i'll come from that side. she's asking, right?why don't you sit on her lap? what a vast site! how will i do it myself? i'm nervous.

dad's choice is always perfect. i'm telling you. no way, my foot! my mom was like this, too.she'd always encourage me like you. look at him getting mileagewith mother sentiment! what are you looking at? they're all the biggest builders of our state. there's heavy competitionto get this tender. why, sir?

it's the government's project.easy to swindle a 100 or 200 crores. how will we get it with so much competition? we won't get it. let's go. you just give a fair and honest budget.the rest lies with god. this tender is definitely ours.no one else will ever take such a tender. they should purchase cementand bricks from us only. government projects are always ours! dad knows all this.you'll know this as time passes. we've given the tender to someone else.go outside the office and discuss.

you made very tall claimshow did the tender get away? i too can't get this one. i've my man in office,i'll get information from him. how come the tender wentto another company? i tried so hard, sir.but new officer is too straightforward. he's next to me, i'll call later. he's babbling some nonsense.we'll take this matter to father. he'll set it right. this is my first project.

if i go to him for help,how will he trust me with the company? we need to handle this. how can we? the tender has gone toanother company. what happens if the project is not handledproperly and government's money is wasted? the tender is revoked and the nextfavourable company gets the tender. i'll make sure that the tender is lost. you make sure that we get the tender then. he's the one.- everyone got shocked seeing our budget. even i thought if we can do thisproject in that cost.

we gave cost to cost budget,what's the problem? sir, you're krishnamohan varma'sson ashok varma, right? i came to your company foran interview, remember? i find him so annoying.- why? you know him? no. but i've disliked theselow class people since childhood. you're a talented guy!why aren't you getting a job, though? talent won't do these days. what else they want?talent is more than enough, raghu. leave it, mother.

go...go away loneliness...loneliness... my queen is mine...she reached me like a dream... i've turned a new leaf likemesmerizing smile... beauty...she's mine... like a flower garden,come to me like a dream... my time is crumpled withouta life partner... my heart turned brightwhen your shadow touched me... sighs of despair is past to me... the wind of your fragranceconsoled me...

o little droplet, wet my heart... i'm wet and enjoying it unlimitedly... the wind that blew from youtouched me... like mother, it sang a beautiful lullaby... sir, government has provided600 square foot per home. we need to provide everythingwithin that space. the files you'd asked for. i think its swarnapushpam. you forgot to wish her on her birthday.

hubby, you left without evenwishing me on my birthday! i feel like crying, hubby. i'll come evening and make you laugh.- i love you, hubby. how do you know my wife's birthday? swarnapushpam and i arefacebook friends, sir. facebook friends?- yes, sir. why did you say yes? you asked if we were facebook friends.- for that? i asked just for clarity.

brother, move aside. madam, put that down. bring the chopper. they've sent cheap quality bricks! sir, that's how it will be.- what? materials are always of poor qualityin government projects, sir. i have paid you for good materials.not poor quality ones. sir, this is mla varalaraju'scompany materials. we always get bricks and mortarfrom him for any government project.

this is an unwritten understanding.you're new here...so.. this is not new or experienced! i don't care where the materialsare coming from. i need good material, that's all. since it is govt. project nobodywould question your work, right? return the material andorder material from quality suppliers. what about work? stop everything.wait till the new load comes. do what i say!

playing with so people's lives! let any number of buildings collapse,people like you never change. i need to go to the slum clearanceboard to collect the next cheque. handle things here. i heard you rejected our materials? it's not like that.the quality of the materials was poor. 1 25 if so change the materials. why are you insisting on buyingmaterials from elsewhere? no, sir. i was told all yourmaterials will be this quality only.

that's how it will be.that's how it always has been. which is why we take the tenderand finish it on our own. why did you poke your nosein our business? sir, let's talk decently. if we use cheap materials the buildingwill collapse even for a small earthquake. thousands of lives!- let them die! earlier the population was 30 crores,then it swell to 60 crores. no one knowshow many are there now. this is the only way we can keepthat in check.

i can't allow such mistakesto happen, sir. i'll hack you right now here! skinny fool!i'm being very nice to you. give me the tender and get out of here. you took me for a geek becauseof the glasses and the combed hair? actually, i'm very bad boy, sir.i use cuss words very easily. you're being rude,so i might lose my cool. even if you send the right materials,i don't want. i will get it from outside.

return the material andask them for a refund. go to a good company andask for good quality materials. hello, tell me. raghuvaran returned my material. what are you saying? you promised to make himgive up project. i know what to do, hang up! this is the plan. the building is going to come there.

you are going to live in concrete houses. who is this new bird? the old bird! two girls?! it's wrong to do all this before marriage. is this is a house? this is your house?- yes, for now. you're living in a giant carry bag! who lives in the ground floor?

don't mock me!this is the first house i built. here comes the new bird i made this for you. is this what you call door delivery? no door at all here.- go, he's here, come later. why this sudden silence? don't you have anything to do?you're always with him. did she scold me?- no, sir! it was harry potter. please come in.- old bird!

getting 1 plus 1 festival offer! sir, can you please get up? i'll wait in the next room.- okay. please, sit! are you surprized? nothing to eat... have cutlet! homemade.- whose home? whom are you offering?

sir, come in. is anyone else going to visit?- no more visitors, please come. can i sit? so, the girl who brought you cutlet... yes, shalini!my neighbour. and the girl who ate cutlet?- that's our anitha madam! i know that! don't mistake me for asking this, right?- ask me, sir. is it that girl who is thator this girl who's that.

or both of them those? sir, what's this, sir?- why? i feel my mother lives in her, sir. don't link me with her, sir. forgive me.- no problem, sir. i reacted like the general audience.- that's okay, sir. please stop the car.- what happened, raghuvaran? sir, this is all wrong, sir.- what is wrong? these columns should not be here.

check the plan, sir.- let's see! this is not my plan at all, sir. this is not in my plan,my plan is different, look here! they're constructing wrongly. somewhere they're making a mistake, sir. it's govt. project!lot of money, sir. what will i tell my md?- just a minute. who is in charge of this?jagan! let's ask him, come. what was the plan i gave andwhat are you executing, jagan?

sir, i've executed the plan you gave me. this is the plan i gave!are you following this plan? this is not the plan you gave me. bring that plan here.- sir, he is... this is the plan you gave me. this is not even my plan.this is not what i gave you. are you acting smart with me?- who is acting? he'll make a plan of his own,if he knows it is wrong, he'll get another plan!

that's why only experienced peopleshould handle the projects. this is what happens when greenhornsare given such huge projects. talk respectfully jagan,if not i've to complain to chairman. i'm not afraid of chairman. if he doesn't know his job,that's what i will say. what did i ever do to you?so much money has gone waste. what will i tell him now? you wasted the money,are you blaming me for it? go, learn job properly.

now i can understand. i'm sure this is act of wanton negligence. it's not your fault. there are ten divisions,how can you look all of them? someone is behind all this. it seems lots of mistakes arehappening in the project. it has become the talking point. if someone undeserving bites morethan he can chew, this is what happens. first, you need to buildsand castles on beach.

then you buy building blocks froma toy store and build. 1then take up small tenderslike building school toilet... at once if you go for 300 crore project,would we watch it quietly? what are you going to do now? demolish this whole thing, clear everythingand start from foundation again. imagining it makes me dizzy!think you can deliver on time? and you said you'd only usehigh quality cement, bricks and iron rods. there'll be 30 crore lossat least, right, jagan? if you have lose 30 crores ina 170 crore project...

can you complete theproject in 140 crores? what do you say, jagan?- very difficult, sir. don't i know that this project's budgetis 200 crores? isn't that why we gave a 300 crore budget! here comes the smart ass! we've been living this tradefor generations now. think we'll let beggars like youinto the game so easily? do the job you're capable of. declare this project is beyondyour capacity and run away.

i'll give you five, or maybe even ten. otherwise...- what the hell can you do? you foolish brat! with absolutely no talent oracademic qualification. you've jumped straight to the boss's chairbecause your father was rich... without shedding a drop of sweatsat on md's chair! if you can be so arrogant. my parents struggled to pay donationand put me in school. i studied so hard from kindergartento tenth class,

leaving easy groups in inter,taking mpc group, because only theni can become an engineer, i took a different tuition for physics,maths and chemistry. i was juggling from one class to another. tortured parents to pay my feesthrough their noses, to pass the board exam, spent all nightstudying with tea flask in tow, waking up again morningwith alarm ring to study again, even after all this when failedto get rank in entrance exam, went for a long term course,

even then failed to get rank, mortgaging mother's jewels, buying a seat in management quota, unable to catch with english medium,since i studied in telugu medium, with so many arrears of four years,i had to clear everything in the fourth year, when i entered the society, when people abused me sayingi'm an unemployed good for nothing guy, without bothering about that,knocked door of every office for job, and my father was scolding meas useless free loader,

every grain of rice was likea thorn in my throat, unable to swallow or throw up, i was going through hell, a great man came and offered mean opportunity, that too a useless bugger like youis trying to usurp it, going against a bastard like you, today i'm talking to you,an unemployed graduate! how arrogant should i be! i'll ensure you don't finish this project,

i'll make you waste entire money, if i don't make poor people to hit youwith slipper and take you to police, hey baby face! you've only seen raghuvaranas a villain till now. never seem him as hero, right? you'll see him from now. fiery unemployed graduate... if he decides he can unite earth and sky... hoist the flag of victorywinning the battle...

time changes to make you a heroto write new history... show your courage... toil shedding blood as sweatto catch the moon... you must fight to victory... what happened in the meeting? they told us to continue the project, sir. if we can't finish the project in budget,overruns should be borne by company. you don't worry, sir. i'll somehow finish within the budget, sir.

it wasn't your mistake, raghuvaran.luckily we could notice in the beginning. don't worry about making30 or 40 crore losses. think about way and means to cover it. i've full confidence in you. i'll keep your trust, sir. tell me.- greetings, sir. i'm working on a project to shift the poorfrom their hutments to concrete houses. we want to do this fairly,without taking any cuts or bribes. but there are people preventing usfrom doing that.

you mean ashok varma?i heard about him. even his dad has same mindset,wouldn't let us get a single govt. project. and his son seems to be worse! i heard you're doing a fair job.what can i do for you? if you could give us a additional discountfrom the rates you normally quote. it would really help us. this is for a good cause.and you seem like good people. i'll give 15% discount. this is for the poor.be little more generous.

what do you have in mind? if you give 75% discount we'll usethe leftover cement to erect your statue. forget 15 or 75...- won't you give anything? if you ask beyond this,i'll have to give it for free. i will take that, too, sir.- keep quiet, sir. he may change his mind.- keep doing business with us, raghu. but don't expect a discount the next time. sure, sir. vip, toil and the diamond is ours...

vip, young india is all ours... vip, the new history belongs to us... vip, you've the guts to win... tell 10 people from each divisionto work here. tell them to work extra 2 hours. we must complete the project on time. looks like you're unable to meetthe challenges you made. he seems to have struck some deals.and the work seems to be going great! we'll take this to your father?

look, this is my prestige issue now. i need to beat him on my own now. beat him? what, you're going tosend goons to beat him up? do i look like a sissy? you'll have to send men to do that.what else will you do? we'll be okay as long as we don't send men. i don't get you. why are you taking me walking now? we're riding on my bike!- is this a bike?

i meant, is this your bike?- yes, sir. this is apt for your size.who bought it for you? my dad bought it for mewhen i got first rank in class seven. just for a clarification.- ask me, sir. does this bike have an engineor you pedal it the way? sir, don't mock my bike!it's very special to me. yes, you're the only one in entire indiawho owns this bike. yes, sir don't give it away, ever!- no way, sir!

why haven't workers come yet, sir?- i too don't get it! must be some payment problem.just check in the labourers camp. we've been paying promptly.i'll check. you all know how many projectsi'm doing in this state. that boy is a greenhorn. he's here now. but no one knowsif he'll be around in the future. so you guys decide. if you work there, you will not getwork in my, my friends',

or company shareholders' projects. there's no one in the labourer's camp! there's no one?- yes. sir, call that supervisor and find out. if you don't go there, i will payyou twice the salary you're making. i will guarantee that you will workin all of my projects. he's not answering my calls.i'll meet him in person and find out. how irresponsible!he should’ve informed us if there's problem... hey, boy! standing alone?

there's no one with you, right? if you work alone for 20 hours a day...10 divisions 30 days, you'll take 22 years tocomplete the project. but don't just quit this project! i will beat you, destroy you andtake it away from you. this project is not sucha big deal to me. but a local like you challenging me! and now that you've become a hero,i need to be the villain, right? sir, why do you worrywhen you have us?

all the plumbing, painting, carpentry, cleaningand every other job is done around by us! we're toiling for strangers. you're building homes for us.won't we work for our own homes? we can manage 4 divisions with them.what about the rest? we need more labourers. we need electronic andmechanical engineers too! we need supervisors to guide them. we need to meet someone andget this sorted within two days! hey, officer! is this facebook?- yes, sir.

swarnapushpam and i are facebook friends. i need to investigate something here.give me! give me your account details.- account az12347680. what's that?- that's my grameena bank account. i need your facebook account.you have to create one. if you post it here,it'll reach the whole world. it is that powerful?what about twitter? first learn to use this.we can do that later. give me your laptop.

what happens when you post this? if any press people or the oppositionparty men see this video. they might talk it over and support us. if at least 10,000 people view it,we'll get some help. now how many viewed this?- 120 views. if we say ashok threatened them not towork for us, people may not believe us. and we might lose the project. nothing of that sort will happen...you be brave. i've given all the instructions to krishna.

ask him whatever you want.okay? go.- okay, sir. raghuvaran, the slum clearancedepartment called many times. for how long can i avoid?pressure is building up. if this continues,we will lose the project. i'm also a member of thevip community. i saw your post on facebook. so i just came to helpin any way i can. what can we do with one man... it was just the two of us yesterday.today, we're three.

come, i'll show you the plans. you said only one guy!look how many are coming. oh my god! are there so manyunemployed engineers? if so many turned up froma facebook group, how many engineers will beunemployed all over india? strength is our strength...it's a deluge...let's show it... yes, we can do it...let's the bull’s eye to show it... trickling into become a mighty army... let's fill the dark night with light...

with courage and great deeds...let's showcase the power of youth... we can do four more projectslike this with them. our community, sir! fight your way to bring the moon to earth.... hey, baby face!- call me baby face... it's pissing you off? baby face! baby face, first you need toplay tree climbing games. and then play gilly. then play girls' games likekho-kho and throw ball.

but if you play wwf directly,your face will get smashed. on top of this, you said you'rethe villain on phone! i couldn't stop laughing out loud. to tell you the truth,i don't feel you're a villain. you're baby face, right? you paid my labourersto stop them working for me. there are things that money can't buy. like the bonding between students,friendship, love how would you know this!

you were born and brought upin ac rooms. do you know who you're talking to? do you know who i am?do you know who my father is? you don't know your father's name? what kind of family is that!- i don't know. i don't like your facei'm going to work. why do you flaunt your daddy'sname to make a living? earn a name for yourself, won't you? you beggar!what would you know about status?

baby face! if i remove your surname,you don't have an identity. i may be a beggar.but i have my own identity. hey, send all the hooligans,goons, henchmen there. break the limbs of every worker there! if necessary, kill them.- no, let's take matter to father... i said send the goons. will you send goons?- do i look like a sissy? what are you thinking?

did i say like that?- just do what i say! tomorrow i'm going to china to buy material,i'll home to check if wife packed my bag. call her. i forgot my phone on table.please give me your phone. i've to call my wife.- take it, sir. you're lucky, your wife packs your bag. what is this! i dial my wife, and it says gf?- really? gf stands for girlfriend?- sir! golden flower, sir.

`what's this golden flower? swarnapushpam, in english. why have you stored my wife's number? just in case of emergencies! what emergency! in case of your emergencies, sir. you can't store my wife's numberwithout my permission! why should i ask your permissionto save my sister's phone number? he says anita madam is like his mother.

and this idiot says my wifeswarnapushpam is his own sister. but they don't look like very good people! sir, you're actually speaking that out loud. it's okay. come. i thought he was lookingat the plan in his laptop. but he's chatting with some chic!don't act like a good man. there's some trouble, check go, check! who are you?what's the problem?

who are you man? who are they?- don't know who they are, sir! they're hitting us unnecessarily. you can't hit anyone as long as thisband is around your arm. sir, there's a huge riot here.few goons have attacked us, sir. i don't know who they are andwhy they’re hitting us. please come here soon. bleeding profusely....move...move... i drew some cash from bank butanitha madam had already settled the bills.

don't worry, uncle. nothing bad will happen.- i know nothing is going to happen! he's been beaten badly.bruises all over the body. even i have never hit him! he never did anything correctlyfrom his childhood. if so many were attacking him,shouldn't he cut the thread and hit back? as if he's the only who has mother.i can't stand his mother sentiment! i've checked all the boys.none of them are hurt too bad. just minor bruises and hairline fractures.

but anand.. is in critical condition. he's in i.c.u. they say there's thin chance of survival. what happened sir? why are you silent after sucha brutal attack? tell us, who is behind this attack? please say something.- what should i say? everyone left their towns and familiesto come and work for me. those who are in power needn't help us,but we were being beaten and bashed!

engineers are doomed to get beaten upby politicians, goons and corporates. there are over 7000 engineering collegesin our state, did you know that? 5,00,000 students pass out every year. only 40,000 of them get jobs.what about the others? we find ourselves jobs andthere are people to sabotage that too. first, it was the have-notswho stole from the haves. now why are rich stealing fromthose who don't have? you're stealing the rights, the hard work,opportunities and his whole life. how many of you have finished engineeringand carrying a mike around now?

hands down! tell us who is responsible!- please don't ask me anything. if i say some name, they'll comeand hit others are fine now. no need. what should we report aboutthis brutal attack then? we slipped and fell in bathrooms.report it like that. come on, boys. please say something, sir. such a brutal attack,why you not revealing the name, sir?

there are many ways toworsen the situation. but there's only one way to solve it. i struggled for 25 yearsto make this company, not to shut it down with your stupidity.one after the other mistake. like kids playing with remote car,you're playing with this company. it was my mistake to hand overthe company to you. no dad, it’s not a big issue as you think. he would have realized our power now. that's why he didn't revealour name to the press.

he would have got scared.he would have ran away. sir, one raghuvaran is hereto meet you. you must know everything.your son had my men attacked. you're mistaken.my son isn't like that. i came here because i thoughtyou might be a gentleman. your son should come andapologize to my men. my son apologize to your men?i said he didn't do anything. father and son are both sissies. who did you call a sissy?

yes, i got those men to hit you.what can you do about it? boy, when elders are talking,you should be quiet. if my boys had wanted it,they could have taken down you and your office. they have been very patient till now. you'll be responsible forwhatever happening hereafter. though press wanted to know,i didn't reveal your names. i don't want to prolong this issue.i want to end it. trying to scare me? you're talking to a big business man.don't you forget that.

you quote 300 crores for200 crore govt. project, and swindle 100 crores,that's what you big business men do! swindle?we use intelligence to make money. you need talent for that. even cheating has become talent now. i don't need to answer you. ask your son to apologize.- he won't go. i will take him by force. will you hit my son?

try to hit him...hit him! i told you i'll hit him andyou incited me to hit him! how can i not him? your son sent goons to hit us,one of them is fighting for life, but still i'm talking to you patiently,and you're talking to arrogantly. hey baby face! your father insistedon hitting you, so i did. think i couldn't have done thisin the first place? i thought you'd be dignified,that we can talk fairly. my mother asked me not to hit anyonewhen she tied this around my wrist.

but if she'd been around today,she would have hit you too. pray god that the boy strugglingfor his life should make it. if he doesn't,even god can't save your lives. you hit my son right before my eyes, right? your entry, attacking my son,fighting my men, everything that happened here isrecorded in my security camera. i'll file case against you,i'll get you arrested, not that project, i'll ensure younever construct any building in life. this is jammer.

no electronic device workswhen this is switched on. my boys designed it. this is hd camera. before i switched on the jammer, i mean before i hit him, whatever you said and your son said,everything is recorded! using a transmitter i've sentthe video to my boys. if your son doesn't come in one hourafter i go and apologize to my boys, i'll upload the video in youtube

i'll handover a copy to print and tv media. i hope you're not as stupid as your son. what are you doing here?how come you're hurt... you're hurt! go lie down inside. getting bored inside. why are you playing with wheelchairs?stop it. i'm telling you guys. just say yes, we'll thrash them. violence is wrong.

i think he'll not come. say it quickly. hey! anand has regained consciousness! doctor says he's out of danger, come! he hit me in front of you...you stood like a statue. then you made me say sorry to him.aren't you ashamed? what you want me to do?you wronged him. had you told me a word with me,it wouldn't have reached this stage. he took my whole history witha small camera.

i don't know who and all has it. if it comes out then my name.my company. forget everything andstart some other business. your son is crying with insult..you're worried about your company. if it comes to company or you,i will prefer company. minister will be here any moment.where is raghu? he said he'd go to the templeand come here directly. thank you, mother. did you call raghu?- i did, he'll be here in 5 minutes.

are you sure he's coming in this route?- yes, sir. sure?- i know, sir. i'm giving you all 30 seconds time. apologize to me andmy scooter for hitting me. or else? i will hit you. start the car! start the car!- not starting, sir. he's coming. start the car.

i'm doing, sir. get down. don't do this...no...it's wrong. you shouldn't do this. take your shirt off.- no... you know who my father is? give me.- i'll not bother you anymore. hold this. what is your problem?

your parents didn't raise you properly. tell me, what is your problem?- nothing. nothing. what do you want now? i should lose, right?- no! i've lost! okay? are you happy now?- it's not like that. what is it like, then? we don't have any issues, right?- no.

sure? wear this shirt. wear it. i'm sorry if i did anything wrong. okay?- no, it was my fault. i'm going for the building opening.will you join me? no, i've to go. come, it'll be fun.- no. what?- okay. where are you going?- my car...

sit properly! are you comfortable? why did you bring this fool?i'm furious. don't get angry, take it easy,nothing will happen. why are you so late?- nothing happened. father, he's my friend ashok varma. go inside...go inside... greetings, sir.- greetings. please come, sir.

greetings, minister.greetings, brother. super construction! is this original or spurious? please don't make fun, sir.- hands off me.

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