b cup liposuction reduction

b cup liposuction reduction

hey guys, dr. axe here, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of draxe.com. in this video, i'm going to share with you the foursteps to naturally lower cholesterol levels, also talk about a healthy cholesterol diet,as well as the best supplements in natural remedies for lowering cholesterol. so starting off, the number one thing youneed to start doing if you want to lower your cholesterol fast . . . by the way, in justthree months, you can dramatically lower your cholesterol, your ldl and raise your hdl,that good cholesterol, if you follow the advice in this video. so again, the number one thingyou've got to do is add in these five categories of super foods. number one, you've got toget more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet,

especially epa, dha, which is found from consumingwild-caught fish. if you just add wild caught salmon into yourdiet, twice a week, you're going to see some tremendous health benefits there, gettingmore of those omega-3s, also other fish like wild caught tuna and mackerel are fantasticfish as well. if you're not a fish person, you can get some omega-3 fatty acids by consuminggrass-fed beef, as well as consuming things like grass-fed lamb, venison, organic eggs,and some other omega-3 rich foods, in terms of meat products. but again, wild caught fish,especially salmon, is one of the best. the number two super food is going to be foodshigh in soluble fiber, specifically berries, as well as green, leafy vegetables, cruciferousvegetables. and seeds, such as flax and chia

seeds. one quick tip, every morning, consumea super food smoothie, add in a cup of berries, along with a little bit coconut milk and twotablespoons of either flax seeds or chia seeds. if you do that, you're getting a good amountof soluble fiber. soluble fiber can help cleanse the colon andalso helps the growth of probiotics in your gut, which is crucial to overall health, aswell as lowering cholesterol levels. and so again, step number one, get the omega-3, stepnumber two, get soluble fiber. step number three, add in some extra virginolive oil. extra virgin olive oil contains polyphenols, vitamin e, and mono-unsaturatedfatty acids, that has been shown to naturally raise hdl. that's the good cholesterol inyour body that's linked with increasing your

lifespan and anti-aging. so again, one totwo tablespoons of olive oil a day, drizzle it on your chicken, drizzle it on your salad,add it to, let's say, a hummus recipe, but get a little bit of that good quality oliveoil. the number four food you want to be addingin if you want to naturally lower your cholesterol levels is going to be herbs, specificallyturmeric, basil and rosemary. turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, andso, again, if you want to really want to reduce inflammation in the body . . . by the way,that's the cause of your high cholesterol. if you want to know why your cholesterol ishigh, it's chronic inflammation. cholesterol is not even the bad thing, it's that you haveinflammation in your arteries and then your

liver starts producing cholesterol to patchand repair your damaged arteries. and so really, the high cholesterol is just the symptom ofan inflammatory diet. so turmeric, what i do is, i take about ateaspoon of turmeric, i sprinkle it on my salads. if you're making homemade burgersor chicken, i use it as the breading on chicken, or i put it in the burger meat, maybe a littlebit of cumin and that there. when i'm making chicken, i sprinkle on some rosemary. andof course, basil, what an amazing seasoning, it's great on everything. and so again, addingthose medicinal herbs in are fantastic for naturally supporting your body in healingthere as well. and the next thing you want to do is stepnumber one is adding in those healing foods.

the second thing you want to do is removecertain foods that cause inflammation, that cause your cholesterol level, your ldl toincrease. number one is going to be sugar. that surprises some people. most of us think,"oh, well, it's fat or high cholesterol foods like egg yolks that will cause my cholesterolto raise. in fact, if you're eating healthy, real egg yolks, just one or two a day, theyactually won't cause your cholesterol to increase. in fact, they'll increase your good cholesterol,your hdl. but again, back to this point, is that sugaris the worst thing you can consume, processed sugar, when it comes to increasing your cholesterollevels. so nix sugar from your diet. number two, eliminate conventional grains.now, a little bit of true whole grains, like

a sprouted oatmeal on occasion or a true,let's say, a good quality brown rice, on occasion, doing those things in small amounts here andthere maybe one service of grains a day for some people, that's going to be okay. butif you're doing any wheat products like wheat bread, any traditional cereals or white flourproducts, those are highly inflammatory and are going to cause your cholesterol levelsto skyrocket. so again, stay away from those. also, excess alcohol causes cholesterol toincrease, excess caffeine, as well as hydrogenated oils like canola oil or any sort of fats thatare added to things like salad dressings or pasta sauces. staying away from those is essentialto lowering your cholesterol levels. step number three, you've got to take theright supplements. my top two number one is

a quality fish oil supplement. again, you'vegot to be careful with supplements. stay away from those cheap brands. invest in a highquality brand of a fish oil or cod liver oil. but fish oil is great, those omega-3 fatscan help lower cholesterol. my number two supplement for lowering cholesterolis taking coenzyme-q10, and this is very important, especially if you're a person who is takinga statin drug like, or any sort of cholesterol-lowering medication. you want to make sure to talkwith your doctor about taking a coenzyme-q10 or ubiquinol supplement, typically, 200 milligramsdaily is so important for your heart health. number four step here, is if you want to loweryour cholesterol, you've got to get out and move and exercise. and i'm not talking . . . listen,you don't need to exercise an hour a day.

you need to exercise an hour a week, that'sit, 20 minutes, three times a week, can get you in great shape. you want to find a greatfitness program. i've got a program called burst fit, justdo a google search for burst training or dr. axe burst training. you can find the exacttype of exercise i recommend that will help lower your cholesterol the most rapidly. andyou can actually lower cholesterol by exercising, just even as little as two to four weeks ifyou're doing the right type of exercise. but even walking is good, in general just gettingup and moving is crucial. and then my last one is my bonus tip, takea detox bath at night, work on reducing stress, look at your schedule, start scheduling intons of relaxation, tons of fun, and take

a detox bath at night with some lavender essentialoils and epsom salts. epsom salts are high in magnesium, which can help lower cholesterol,lavender oils helps relax the body, lower cortisone, which can lower cholesterol levels.so three nights a week, take a 20 minute bath and add some epsom salts and essential oilslike lavender. if you follow those five steps, i guarantee, you're going to see your cholesterollevels lower fast. guys, i hope you've enjoyed this video. thishas been myself, dr. axe, talking about natural ways to lower cholesterol. and by the way,if you want more of these tips, make sure you go to my website, draxe.com, or just searchdr. axe cholesterol. i've got some articles, if you want a written outline of what you'veheard on this video. also, i've got more videos

coming out with natural remedies if you wantto subscribe here to my youtube channel. hey guys, thanks for watching.

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