ankle liposuction

ankle liposuction

i found dr. amron on the internet. i was searchingfor a surgeon to do it. i met with quite a few and was very disheartening because itwas scary, they all made me feel really nervous about it, didn’t feel comfortable. i founddr.; once i found dr. amron’s site i was super excited because he like answered allthe questions; on his site he answered all the questions i was thinking in my head andhe just seemed like very knowledgeable. i called in and made a consultation with himand was super excited after i found his website. his website was pretty impressive so… i healed pretty quickly i think. it’s beenabout six weeks so i’m still in the healing process and i’ve already seen huge resultsand it hasn’t even; i think he said four

months we will be at 80 percent and then ayear complete results. i just can’t; i’m just excited to see what i look like becausei’ve already shrunk so much. everybody’s like, “wow you’ve lost a lot of weight.”i’m like, “yeah.” some people know; some people don’t. some people i’m like,“yeah liposuction’s great.” some people i’m like, “yeah i lost lots of weight.”it really works, it’s awesome, i’m very happy. i really like dr. amron’s approach for localvs. general for a lot of reasons. he’s explained to me how it’s safer, there’s less complications.the fact that when you’re in there he’s sculpting your body and it’s hard to sculpta body that’s just dead weight you know.

if you’re moving around, he can see yourmuscle contour and be able to get there and really just shape your body which is in theend, that’s what we want – we want our body to be shaped so more proportionate. ifeel like there is no way you can get that with general after being through the procedure. he really is the real deal. i met with manydifferent surgeons and they just made me feel really uncomfortable and nervous really. honestlyi didn’t feel confident with them, i really backed out a few times you know thinking i’mgoing to get it done then saying, “no.” because i just couldn’t find the right person.when i met him he was the right guy and i’m glad that i found him.

results have been spectacular. i’ve noticedthem, friends have noticed them, co-workers have noticed them. my husband says i’m shrinkingaway which is great, that’s exactly what i want to hear. my pants are, they fit me,all my clothes fit me better. this dress that i have on today, i’ve had it for two yearsand never wore it because i felt insecure and didn’t feel good in it, and now i feelreally good in it, it’s comfortable. i just, i feel better about myself and people arelike say i look amazing; and i feel amazing.

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