alternatives to liposuction

alternatives to liposuction

jeannie: in researching doctors and liposuction,i obviously wanted to go to somebody that i could trust. i came in for a consult anddr. hall was very understanding. he was patient. he listened to problems that i was having,and i just felt him very trustworthy. the infinity clinic was accommodating with schedulesand they had an excellent website. i'm a very active person. i hike, bike, workout, walk the dog, and i've always had a trouble spot on my outer thighs and it just wouldnot go away. this was something i wanted to do for me. i didn't know what to expect, somy experience was very good. i came in for the surgery on wednesday morning. that afternoon,i was home. i was out of work for two days, and within 10 days wearing my garment, i wasback to normal. the very first thing i did

is i went and bought a brand new pair of jeans,and for the first time, these jeans fit perfectly, and i'm actually wearing those jeans today. i would say it has changed me in as far asbeing able to wear clothes i hadn't worn before. it's also changed my self-esteem because ifeel better, because i look better. i tell everybody i know that is interested that ihad liposuction because of what it did for my self-esteem, what it did for me being ableto wear the clothes that i want to wear. i used to get out of the shower, look in themirror, and i used to push my hips together and say, "gosh, i wonder what that would looklike if this one trouble spot was gone." when i tell somebody that's interested ingetting liposuction, one of their first questions

to me is, "does it come back?" my answer is,"no, it doesn't." five years ago, i had my hips done and bought these pair of jeans shortlyafter that, and five years later i'm wearing them today.

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