liposuction 33647

liposuction 33647

okay now this was a harried worst tom coburnis a lot of fun harry's with a lot of shots thatrepublicans lately he said the ted cruz but was basically i'll a laughingstockto everybody but him he said that senator david vitter fromlouisiana isn't playing with a full deck so that's a lot of nice little kidneyshot kidney shot from read reasons so much tougher lately then inthe past so that's refreshing to see if your progressive and apparently tom coburn republicanoklahoma did not take kindly to that

so when asked about in new york he saidquote there's no comity with harry reid i think he's an absolute asshole day and that's a cat fight over if i've everseen one okay so a now that doesn't seem like a verygentlemanly thing to say so is basically a softball lobbed up forari so his spokesperson comes in and saysnothing says comity like childish playground name-callingespecially from a senator who's not sponsored a single piece upsuccessful bipartisan legislation

during his entire senate career andquiet her i allows any easy elbow for harry to deliver on coburns head erie it's tough to say hey that guy can't getalong he's an asshole from should go in the same sentence okay now what's the substance behind the storylook if the republicans see you lovely thingsabout a democratic senator or a democratic leader then you're in trouble that means thatthat democratic leader is giving them

everything they want so when they get a guy like that they'realways i got joe lieberman what a swell guy well a champion otherpeople well we love joe lieber now he's gotalberti exc is a comedy but melodica and comedy it'strue but far too much of it right so when they say nasty things aboutdemocrats that might mean the democrats do some damage man this is a turn of events that isvery unexpected

hair re being so strong now therepublicans keep crying crying about how he keeps kicking their ass look i love to predict things on theshow that is not something i would havepredicted okay once again they have all your clothes fixing their a bogus a harried is such atough guy that he's an asshole to %uh scottie keepbattering us i feel so worn down by how much terryhas kicked my ass war as my grandma used to say

want to

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