liposuction 32256

liposuction 32256

[speaker 1] in 1992, the incidents of teenagershaving plastic surgery were probably around 30 teenagers per day having plastic, believe it or not, it's almost 200 teenagers per day having a surgical cosmetic procedure.i think that the standards of beauty have really changed from, let's say the 50's untilnow. miss america, in the 50's, was 5'7" and weighed 150 pounds whereas last year it was5'9", weighed 117 pounds. all this tends to influence the child who is growing up andwho all of a sudden is faced with the reality that appearance does matter in our society.i think that being a teenage girl is almost like being a walking miss america contestalmost every day. [speaker 2] but as with adults, surgeons won'tdo any procedure without first meeting strict

criteria. [speaker 1] the main thing is, first of all,that the patient themselves initiate the request. in other words, that the parent isn't theone that's wanting his or her child to have cosmetic surgery. obviously, if there isn'ta problem then there isn't anything to do. and the final thing is that they be psychologicallystable and fit. that there isn't any problem with eating disorders, there isn't any problemwith bulimia, with overly anxious depressed individuals because obviously not only wouldthey have a difficult time with the cosmetic surgery but it probably won't affect whatthey want it to affect and they may actually make it worse in their life.

their feelings that everything depends upontheir appearance is true, in most cases. unfortunately, our society definitely places too much emphasison appearance but it's neither for me to say or change.

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