

i’m jodi olson from the american societyof plastic surgeons and this is your plastic surgery update. there’s something abouta new year and a clean slate when it comes to finding motivation to lose weight. it-is-hard-workand there are no shortcuts…including liposuction. it’s a myth that the procedure can be usedin place of weight loss obtained the old fashion way—through diet and exercise. truth is,liposuction is very site-specific and just for stubborn fat that won’t go away no matterwhat you do. “well liposuction is often misunderstood. it’s not a form of weightloss. basically, it’s done for diet and exercise resistant areas like saddlebags andabdominal wall fat like in males, but it’s certainly not a magic wand. it’s done toget rid of unwanted fat that’s diet and

exercise resistant.”)) keeping it off—that’sanother story. a new study says obese people who lose weight have a better chance of keepingit off if they get a tummy tuck at the end of the weight loss journey. it’s in plasticand reconstructive surgery, the official scientific journal of the american society of plasticsurgeons. researchers believe that removing fat tissue during the tummy tuck procedurereduces the production of brain chemicals that stimulate appetite. in other words, fatcells may actually trigger a chain reaction that results in feeling hungry…now there’sa vicious cycle. subjects in the study who had tummy tucks did say they felt fuller sooner.“i attributed the sense of fullness the patients would tell me, and their loss ofappetite, to this simple tightening of the

rectus muscles, the six pack muscles at themidline. and in fact i think that the subject is more complicated and it may be involvedwith gut hormones that are released from the fat as well as the gi tract that are inhibitingthe brain, neurons which inhibit the appetite. i think we’re just getting to the bottomof the subject in terms of how to control appetite.” also from plastic and reconstructivesurgery, more reasons to stop smoking, especially before having any kind of surgery. researchshows smokers have significantly higher overall complication rates, tissue death at the woundor surgery site, and are more likely to need “re-operation”. complications occur becausesmoking interferes with oxygen getting to the blood, which then affects the body’sability to heal. it’s nothing to take lightly.

many people deny they’re smoking and havemajor surgery not realizing the risks. for information on these stories and other trendsin plastic surgery go to plastic surgery dot org. remember for any cosmetic or reconstructiveprocedure, make sure your surgeon carries the asps symbol of excellence—an assuranceof the highest standards. the american society of plastic surgeons.

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