liposuction quebec

liposuction quebec

dr. bill deagle:welcome back to the nutrimedical report, and we're joined now by michael alpough. i callhim an electromagnetic evangelist, i guess, it would be the best term. and a lot of peopleare getting the somapulse, medithera and pmt-100. what people need to realize – and i'm goingto put in my first book called, quantum books for medicine – is that the body is firstly,of course, a biochemical or cellular structural, the body is a bio-plasmatic light body. andthat light body is composed of frequencies in the spectrum of infrared light. it is activatinggene complexes by spreading along the collagen side groups, and it has amazing effects inactivating gene complexes. michael, are you there? i can hear a lot ofsound in the background, are you traveling,

michael? michael alpough:yes, i'm right here, bill. can you hear me? dr. bill deagle:i can hear some whooshing sound, like you're either surfing. you must be surfing whileyou're talking, right? (chuckles) or you're traveling? michael alpough:no, no, it must be a bad connection. i apologize. dr. bill deagle:it's good now, i don't hear any whooshing sounds. michael alpough:it could be frequencies that i don't even

know about, that's going around us. dr. bill deagle:one of the things about the somapulse, since you're talking about frequencies, is thistechnology – somapulse, which is the most portable; medithera, frequency-specific; andthe pmt-100 the most powerful – they reset the body from electro-pollution. what happensis, in the ancient world before electronics, before electricity, we've had experts alreadytalking about this. the electricity itself increases virtually in everything else youcan imagine, from cancer, mental illness, heart disease, et cetera. the reset is totake the right nutraceuticals we use for electro-pollution, and technology like somapulse, medithera andpmt-100.

a few years ago, basically november 2010,they put a smart meter on the other side of my house – literally 8 feet from my studiowall, outside, on a power input box – and i certainly had a horrifying insomnia. wheni did discover what the problem was, i, of course, immediately went after them legally.the process is following a federal suit on now, san diego gas & electric and the californiapublic utility commission, which misinterpreted federal lawsthat did not give them authority to do this. and even if the data would violate other lawslike the safety of the person, et cetera; right, to life, liberty and the pursuit ofhappiness, which includes a very good pursuit to be able to live. and i discovered thatthe somapulse, medithera and pmt-100 will

actually reverse electro-sensitivity, whichis its rate now is 45% of the population are quite electro-sensitive. the other groupsare actually becoming electro-sensitive, and some people are so electro-sensitive, theycan't even live in their community with any power lines. somapulse will reverse that, medithera andthe pmt-100. the nice thing about the somapulse is it's portable, it's very affordable andyou got some new deals to offer people as well as the somapulse, tell us all about it. michael alpough:well, we're really excited about – there's an opportunity that we can actually put chargeback into our bodies. you see, it's pretty

simple, when you're really talking about thatwe're electric. i think, that people just now discovering that we are, dr. deagle. thesomapulse, you can wear this on your body, and it continues to replace frequency backinto the body to rebuild the immune system and stimulate stem cells. also, for any painissues that you can have, you can use it on, like on your knee, you can wear it 24're only going to need a light bulb battery that lasts about 36 hours, so you can getthem 2 for $1 at the dollar store, so it's very economic to have one. the medithera is a home system that everyoneshould have to energize their cells. the frequency, it's interesting, i turned off my internetand the storm that was between us went down.

it's really interesting, and wondered howit worked. you see, frequency is about us everywhere, ladies and gentlemen. dr. deaglecan explain it to you in scientific terms. at the same time, if you're not putting theelectrical force back into your body, then you're taking it away. gradually, it's goingto cause more havoc on your body, long term. dr. bill deagle:right. i'll give you some examples of it, kind of laterally. everybody knows about therapeutictouch. everybody knows that roughly 20% of all health professionals are what we callhyper-empaths, so basically means they can empathically feel what's wrong with the patienton an intuitive level and on a physical level, and may be able to see for us or intuitivelyknow where things are wrong, they can go over

a specific organ. they developed a device,actually, in italy, it's a wand that can actually pick up specific frequencies, let's say, cancer.they tested it over 4 or 5 years ago, and they can literally bring it over someone andsay, “hey,” – if the disorder is over your your breasts or your abdomen, they cansay, “you've got something wrong, and you go see your doctor.” this is like, if you want to call it an early21st century version of the tricorder from bones, i'm in the process of actually workingat patenting some technology for what's called spectral analysis of different biomolecules,in what's called frequency-coupled bio-circuits in the body. i was using a machine from keithleyenterprises, which is used for micro circuits,

actually i do this – i haven't publishedit, but i want to come over the patents first before it's published, so it won't be turnedinto something nasty, and certainly prevent it from being used to actually develop a weapon. but what happens is, the body's bio-electricwhen you reset it with the somapulse, the medithera, the pmt-100, when you're resettingit, you're basically raising the electron density of the tissue. you're making the tissueimmediately alkaline. you're increasing the ability of the cells to produce more atp andnadh high-energy molecules. you're immediately activating genes for the stem cells, theseare stem cell amplifiers. so when you use the somapulse, this research by nasa, it willamplify stem cell activity up to 400%.

so let's say you have knee problem, and youtake our collagenmax, mountain red velvet and say, neo mask. what you'll notice is thatwhen you start using the somapulse, you're actually regenerating the cartilage. if yougo back 6 months for your knee later, the hydro viscous layer will restore, the cartilagewill start growing in from the edges, and the knee joint that connects the tissues willactually regenerate. the stem cells will have the energy to move in, migrate into the tissue,you'll have the building blocks because you're taking your nutrimeds, and it will heal. the same way if you put it over your heart.if you have congestive heart failure, we have people who will talk to dr. gary gordon, i'mtalking about pmt, and later you'll hear pmt

therapy were scheduled for heart transplant.after using pmt she actually regenerated her heart, to the point where she did not – ona cardiac index – need a heart transplant. we see it with real dysfunction, people withbrain injuries. i think, on the sides of any context, of course, we should be giving themmild hyperbaric oxygen, our nutrimeds for traumatic brain injury and transcranial pulsedmagnetic therapy. in fact, i have a relative – i think, you know who i'm talking about,michael – had a central retinal vein obstruction, and we're going to actually help her reversethis eye condition. heal the retina using somapulse energetic therapy. the body is a bio-electric organism first,and both of the dna actually codes for how

to interpret these frequency signals to maketissues respond for their structure and function. i presented the data in quantum energy transferequations 31 years ago, to a panel of biophysicists at the university of calgary. i developeda machine called the dynatens, which i've built, one of the dozen machines, i workedwith bearcat, the team trainer for the calgary in flames. we had one gentleman who actuallyhad his hand cut off on a traumatic accident – it was at quebec nordique, they transferredit and moved the nordique to calgary – and then transplant the hand back on, and saidhe had about 10% chance of any function. he got my dynatens machine around 6 to 10 weeks.he had 90% of the function back, he is back playing hockey, holding his stick with a hand.

what people need to realize is, we're movinginto the 21st century now, where senescence and aging and organ regeneration – eitherin a laboratory or in your own bodies, always better in your own body, because the scalarsignals build it based on structure and function, including connective tissue in your centralnervous system – amplification with somapulse, medithera and pmt actually works. so if youcontact michael, at 760-420-2788, he'll give you more information. and michael, i wantyou tell us about the financial thing, if you can stay over just a minute until thestart of the next segment, on a deal to people wanting to get the somapulse. (music playing)

the nutrimedical report. but i want michaelto give that special you have for somapulse. what is the special that you're offering? michael alpough:well, right now, we're offering free delivery for all dr. deagle's listeners. we're alsooffering a 5% discount on cash, and we're also offering a finance plan. so if you wantto give me a call, we won't want anyone to not be able to have the somapulse, ladiesand gentlemen. it's so important that you get your health straight. this is not aboutmoney. it's about regaining your health. dr. bill deagle:yes, exactly. in other words, they can put a certain amount of cash down, and they canmake payments over 6 months, and they get

their somapulse. michael alpough:yes, yes. dr. bill deagle:i tell people, this is such a transformative therapy, whether or not you're dealing withspinal pain. i have a gentleman the other day that has spinal stenosis. in fact, oneof the developers of this device uses it for basically, spinal pain. so if he's wearingit constantly, no pain. in other words, this has the effect of having better pain reliefsince spinal stimulator pump, which has limited life. you can literally get one for 18 to24 months, of the only 35% of people that have chronic spinal pain qualify to receivea spinal pump or stimulator. there's no danger

of spinal inflammation, chronic arachnoiditisof the spinal canal and membranes around the nerve roots and the spinal cord. the spinalpulsed magnetic field therapy stimulates the tissues to actually heal the collagen, elastinand other tissues. it acts as an anti-inflammatory, where we use it for traumatic brain injury,for heart failure, for regenerating any tissues, organs, joints, et cetera. i tell people, even if you go to your doctorand have a platelet-rich plasma injection stem cell injection, get a somapulse, andyou're going to dramatically increase the chances, that you're going to have a muchbetter healing response, a much more amplified response. there's a number of clinics nowthat do platelet-rich plasma injections, they

can literally take your stem cells now withliposuction, separate them through flow cytometry and give it back in the same day. and theycan inject it say on your knee joint or another joint, let's say with your arms, so they canbe right on the part of the joint. they can do transistor spinal injections as well withdr. centeno's clinic in bloomfield, colorado, in his facility where he does two-week multiplicationof your stem cells in grand cayman islands. but people don't realize, we're already inthe 21st century, you don't need this offer. but you also don't need to do stupid, unnecessaryor dangerous surgery, you don't need to do toxic poly-pharmacy or narcotics to controlpain. so here, you've got a deal now, 5% off for cash, free shipping in the u.s., and nowwith the cash down, you can actually make

payments over 6 months and get your somapulse.that's amazing deal. michael alpough:just absolutely amazing. dr. bill deagle:and the number again is? michael alpough:760-420-2788. 760-420-2788. dr. deagle knows what he's talking about, ladies and can use this to get your electric current back into your body. dr. bill deagle:by the way, this is nasa technology. nasa patents. this is basically decades of researchof nasa's space administration, showing that pulsed magnetic fields are necessary. if you'regoing to do any kind of deep-space travel,

our space station is only a few hundred milesabove earth in the near troposphere. and they emit pulsed magnet field in their chambers,which is discovered by russia, they literally fall apart genetically. you have to have ahuman resonance generator or you can't exist in space. that's how important magnetic fieldsare. so when you start doing this, you reset your body from electro-pollution, you stimulateyour stem cells, you lengthen your telomeres along with things like our micro d2 and anti-agemax. you literally are reversing the clock. you don't have to get physiologically olderevery year. you can actually turn the clock backwards, because the dna, the blueprintto rebuild the better you is there. you just need to have the building blocks,and the eneregetics and the oxygen. and the

power of ones: oxygen; nutrimeds; energetictechnology, somapulse, medithera, pmt, lumen photon; and stem cell therapies like silver100, et cetera, anti-age max, collagenmax and a new one we're going to make, mountainred velvet and mountain red velvet stem cell scaffold is coming out this year. if you takethese nutraceuticals, you can be the master of your own anti-aging fee. you don't haveto be toxic poly-pharmacy or to have unnecessary dangerous surgery to change your biomechanicsand ruin your health: unnecessary. so it's amazing. thanks a lot, michael. we'llhave you back. we're going to have some special talk again with dr. dennis, research scientistthat did work on nasa; and also dr. william pawluk.

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