liposuction needle

liposuction needle

dr. craig: hello. hi. i'm dr. craig jonovfrom gallery of cosmetic surgery located here in lynnwood, washington just north of seattle.we are here to do some procedures on facial rejuvenation basically concentrating on non-surgicalways to facially rejuvenate an individual. today, the first procedure we have katie,who is our aesthetician. she's going to be doing ipl which is short for intense pulsedlight or a photofacial in which light energy is used to treat areas of the skin and whatit does is helps soften some of the effects of aging. some of the effects of aging inenvironmental in nature of the skin that causes little capillaries to come to the surface,maybe some sun spots, some pigmentation areas and irregularities. the whole idea is thatthe energy is superficially placed across

the tissue and it's absorbed from the areasthat are the object which is in the red capillaries or the melanin pigment. it allows it to bedisrupted and then the body's natural healing process allows that to be discarded and allowsfor a smoother, cleaner facial appearance. filler injections. we want to replace thevolume over some of the areas that have kind of shown some areas of deflation and descent.we are going to put in a local anesthetic just to make the area numb. this is goingto be the site where we place our micro cannulas to help augment those areas of'll feel a little pinch. are you doing okay?female: yeah. dr. craig: good. we're going to do this inpreparation. when we use the cannula versus

a needle, the cannula is similar to a needleexcept it is no longer sharp edged and it's flexible. it reduces bruising anywhere between70 and 100% and it actually makes it less painful. it makes it a little bit more comfortable.the other important part of it too is even the movement of it through the tissues actuallycreates some stimulation in the dermis to get some repair and filling action that we'retrying to incorporate. in women's eyes, the brow tends to want tobe a little bit of an elevation or a curve with the lateral aspect of where we see thecolored portion of our eye. here, we can see we've kind of elevated this and increasedthis area where the tissue has been filled. we turn this way, we can already see thatthe elevation of the brow has been obtained

just in that little bit of filler. the amountof filler that we used is very small amount. you can see this area has been softened alongthe bridge where this is here and you can see there's a better definition and fillingof this area along the side with some elevation of the brow just in that little bit that wedid. now, we're going to move towards the loweror the mid face area where we're going to begin to inject to fill some of the areasaround the lower orbit and the lateral aspect to build some of what we call bi-zygomaticwidth. we want to raise where that cheek should be at a higher elevated position and how that'ssupported so then it gives more youthful contours. so, you're going to see we evened out thewhole areas of the cheeks, to the folds, pre-jowl,

jaw line. so, now what we're going to do iswe're going to get ready to do a little bit of subdermal heating with a cynosure smartlipotriplex unit that allows us to use two different forms of heat to heat the tissues, undermine,and contract the tissues. we're going to kind of get started with that.female: hold the lines. forty five. dr. craig: are you okay?female: mm-hmm (affirmative). dr. craig: we can see already it's kind ofhelping redefine this lower jaw line just by the initial heating and subtraction ofthat area in heating and dissolving some of that fat. our next step is we're going toa fraxel repair by solta medical in which the fractionated co2 laser is going to allowfor complete resurfacing of the epithelium

and stimulating the dermis so it's regeneratedby improving the skin texture, tone, fine lines and wrinkles, and also getting someof those deeper pigmentation changes that the ipl was unable to get. what she may feelduring this procedure is little heat and that's why we added topical to begin with and gaveher some of the local anesthetic from the underlying filler substances trying to makethis a little more comfortable for her.

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