hello, i’m dr. amir marashi of greater charlotteoral & facial surgery. i’m a board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and have botha dental degree and a medical degree. when you’re in need of a tooth replacement, adental implant is one of the best options for restoring both function and aesthetics.clinical studies show that dental implants are the most cost-effective, long-term solutionto restoring your oral health, and now more than ever, consumer awareness of this procedureis growing. at greater charlotte oral & facial surgery, we believe that every patient deservesthe highest quality dental implants placed by very experienced providers. unfortunately,many patients are not aware of the level of training of their dental provider. while manygeneral dentists are adequately trained to
perform the implant procedure, asking specificquestions of your provider is always advisable. how many implants do you place a month? forhow many years? are your implants guaranteed? what is your medical training to administeriv anesthesia? as an oral surgeon, i’ve placed thousands of implants, and have overtwenty years of experience with dental implant placement. i’ve been trained in dental implanttechniques by experts nationwide during eleven years of post-graduate work. if you’re inneed of a tooth replacement or are looking to upgrade your current prosthesis, i encourageyou to call our office and schedule an initial consultation. we’re happy to answer anyquestions you may have to ensure that you receive the reliable, high-quality treatmentyou deserve. oral and facial surgeons are
uniquely qualified to offer dental implanttreatment and to perform this procedure while you sleep comfortably with iv sedation. forall of your oral surgery needs, please visit us at greater charlotte oral & facial surgery.we perform general tooth extractions, wisdom teeth removal, dental implant placement, andbone grafting procedures, as well as facial trauma surgery and many other facial reconstructiveand cosmetic procedures. we service the entire greater charlotte region, including mecklenburg,union, gaston, cabarrus, and lincoln counties, as well as cherokee, york, and lancaster countiesin south carolina. we look forward to caring for you at one of our state-of-the-art surgeryfacilities. if you have any additional questions, please feel free to call our office. thankyou.
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