liposuction knoxville tn

liposuction knoxville tn

well, we’re back now with a wonderful wayto turn back the clock on your look. the folks over at skin speaks spa md are using stateof the art technology to reverse the aging process on both men and women. here to tellus more is board-certified dermatologist dr. patrick carney, and esthetician emily goedtel.welcome to you both. i have to say, i just saw dr. carney yesterday afternoon with myyoungest daughter, helping with some skin issues. you were fabulous with here, she wasvery intimidated to come and then you just put here completely at ease. so thank youfor that. we’ve got some new stuff to talk about here, it’s all this new technology.what’s happening at your office? what are you hearing from women that they want to changeand have done?

well you know, in the past we’ve been onyour show talking about surgical options, doing face-lifts, liposuction, eyelifts, andchemical peels under local anesthesia. we’re still happy to offer those services. but peopleare continuing to come in, interested in looking younger, improving their appearance and self-esteem.they’re trying to determine if they can accomplish this with less invasive, less surgical,maybe less downtime. so today i want to talk about some of our newest lasers that we’vepurchased. some technology that is less invasive, but still offering patients the less surgicallook that they’re pursuing with less down-time, less cost, and less risk. you get that fresh look, not that overdonelook, as i understand it, which i think is

very appealing to all of us. you brought emilywith you today, hi emily. emily does a lot of these procedures, she’s an expert inthis. yes she’s been with us for five years. she’sa medical esthetician, sedesco trained, but also she’s a certified laser technician.emily’s been providing the thermage, and fraxel treatments in our skin speaks spa forthe last four years. good, okay we want to jump into this, we’vegot all kinds of before and after’s. we’re going to explain the technology as we go along.we’re starting off with dual fraxel sulium treatments. yes corbin, we’ve had the fraxel restorefor four years. fraxel restore is an erbium

laser that does skin resurfacing, particularlyfor acne scaring, fine lines and wrinkles. the new laser is a new wavelength, thulium,which specifically targets pigmentation. you can see on some of the pictures, the beforeand after’s for sun damage, hyper-pigmentation, melasma, which is a pigmentation disorder,often associated with pregnancy, oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy. these last twopictures are probably hyper-pigmentation, freckling, sunspots, liver spots from thesun. those were before and after pictures with the fraxel thulium, which is a’s safe for all skin-types, specifically dark skin. some of the other lasers were notas safe or as effective if you did not have fair skin. those are very effective picturesfor the fraxel thulium for hyper-pigmentation,

sun damaged skin and freckling. here’s abefore and after for acne scaring. this is not the fraxel thulium, but the fraxel restore.the new technology is the same laser for acne scaring, but it’s quicker and less the fraxel restore for acne scarring, the one that you just saw, provides a quickertreatment and less discomfort for the patient. and what an amazing change because you feellike the pitting on the skin is something you can’t do anything about. it’s terrible. acne is a terrible disease.scaring takes on a real emotional component right deep to the patient’s soul. so we’rehappy as a dermatologist, this is me area of expertise, acne, acne scaring and tryingto enhance the improvement of people’s skin

and ultimately their confidence and who theyare as a person. this is the thermage cpt. this is our newest technology for deep tissuetightening, this is an immediate after result. those arms, that was a before and after. here’sa skin of color patient who has a defined chin-neck angle. you can see an enhanced,here we go again with this picture, you can see tightening in the cervical-mental anglewhich is the angle between the chin and neck. here on a gentlemen, the jowling is reduced,look at the jowl and the neck, you can see a soft enhancement, but it’s there. thislast picture is a patient who’s had a combination therapy of fraxel and thermage, we call ittherma-frax. they’ve had deep tissue tightening

as well as resurfacing, helping fine lines,wrinkles and hyper pigmentation from sun damage. wow, what amazing things they can do. i’mgoing to tell you right now about the holiday happy-hour they’re going to have. you canget all kinds of price breaks and everything. if you want to go it’s free. it’s niceto see both of you. thank you for coming by. skin speaks spa md is hosting a free happyhour even this thursday, december the second from 5-9 in their location in burnsville.for more information, or to book an appointment, call 952-435-6565 or log on to,we’ll be right back.

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