liposuction kids

liposuction kids

i'm not famous i'm not an actress and i'm definitely not amodel i just work in an office outside of work i am just a normal girl i just do regular girly things i really like getting my nails done i like to go shopping and doing happy hour with my friends living in arizona, i really like totake advantage of the beautiful weather

love being out at the pool butdefinitely don't like being in my bikini if i do you have a bathing suit on i definitely always have a cover up aswell i really try hard you know to do the best i can to be healthy i really try to cook and eat healthy and clean i go to the gym several times a week i am on the treadmill

even take my dog out on runsand walks at the park but despite all these efforts i really have a lot of stubborn areasthat i just can't get rid of my problem areas are really like: my abdomen waist hips and outer tights. i feel like i canjust totally see the contour just little like lumps and bulges i wish they were just more smooth i really want to like my body and i've been so unhappy with it

i'm just ready for a change i've been thinking about getting surgeryfor about five months now i am doing it now, because i really like it to be done before summer comes i think it would it be nice to be bathing suit ready i choose dr. hall's to do my surgeryjust because after extensive research online i felt like he was the one that was bestfor me. he was the only one in the valley that specialized in liposuction and brazilian butt lifts i really also liked his websitei found it very informational

he had a lot of before and after photos along with videos of surgeries today is the big day i am getting my liposuction and the brazilian butt lift i'm a little nervous. i just filled out all my paperwork. i'm just waiting for the nurse to come and get me amber is going to be getting a microliposuction procedure along with a brazilian butt lift the true definition of a brazilian butt lift is actually utilizing amber's own natural fat

sculpting it out of certain areas and then putting those living fatcells back into the buttocks region to enhance for shape in that area amber's areas that she's seeking to improve on her body are very typical of some girls.both men and women can have areas that are absolutely resistant to diet and exercise this is the most important part of any surgical plan when we go into liposuction or fat transfer to get an accurate body map

so that when we do our sculpting that we put you back together veryaccurately so we don't have any ripples irregularities in the skin that's one of the main benefits of thisform of liposuction (micro liposuction) with the small instruments that weregoing to be using they are very accurate very precise and the fact that we have you awake so you're going to have muscle toneso we'll be able to get a very accurate result now we're going to bring it around to thesides

to create that tiny waistline so you have potential for a very small waistline you have a very small waist line underneath there so this is called framing the buttocks where we take out that extraneous fatall the way back to the spine clearing this whole waistline out then we will feather a little bit right under here we can't be too aggressive with this area this is a very delicate area with liposuction there's a lot of soft tissue and littleattachments that give you that

that nice crease in your buttocks,so we don't want to destroy those delicate little attachments by weakening them the area's that we want to build up are a little bit up here that's where it gets a little bit flat we are going to bring this down but we still need to maintain alittle bit of width up through here and then we will build up the dome even more so that it gives the butt that nice high profile if we divide the buttock into four quadrants

we want to make sure that the majorityof our fat resides up in here so that even if the butt does start todrop maintains a nice high-profile i think it will be just a reallyreally nice change and a very graceful change for your body we started this business about 15 years ago with the sole intention of becoming a boutique liposuction and buttock augmentation orbrazilian butt lift specialty clinic i don't do any other surgical proceduresand never have we focus our whole practice on these two procedures

the methods and the techniques that we use are very innovative and very modern we use a hundred percent local anesthesia people stay awake during the entireprocedure which makes it very safe but it also makes it very accuratebecause by having awake patient we can do more than just simply suck out fat we can truly sculpt the body we have the ability to stand somebody up anddouble check to make sure we got our curves where we want them

in other words you just give yourselfmuch better chance as a surgeon if you have an awake patient that hasmuscle tone so we can really follow the muscular contours and curves giving somebody the right liposuction thefirst time they have it our average client is back on their feet the very next day, walking 1 to 2 miles, usually back to work within 48 hours and certainly able to resume theirphysical activity like exercising within two to three weeks certainly with doing cosmetic surgery and liposuction

we're not saving lives but we absolutelywithout a doubt are changing people lives, changingdramatically most of the time it's a confidence issue it's the way you look and you feel about yourself and your body certainly defines all in yourinterpersonal relationships with your husband, your children, your friends the way we view ourselves is very important and certainly forsome people "more than others"

we're getting ready to start surgeryhere so you guys need to get out and will see amber back in couple days it was the easiest thing ever we did surgery, it took a couple of hours i would say on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst it was probability a 2 or 3 the whole time so it was easy breezy, it went by pretty quick it wasn't uncomfortable or anything i had really no pain whatsoever

i probably could have been to work very next day although i wasn't i definitely could have i have an undergarment on right now that's probably the most difficult thingabout the surgery just being in the undergarment because that restricts you a little bitbut other than that i feel like it was super easy everything just looks amazing and i can't believe the result especially only 48 hours afterwards

i absolutely love my body now it definitely has given me the confidence that a need to wear bikini and it also has given me that push to really work out even harder than ever before amber really achieved amazing results with her procedure we're very happy with it of course she's ecstatic with it, her boyfriend is ecstatic with it but it's more of a tribute to how far liposuction has come in the year 2015

this is not our parents liposuction it's not the liposuction and we all know that's been done for the past forty years her liposuction and brazilian butt lift we're done in a very minimally invasive manner and she was back on her feet the next day i'm so happy i decided to do this it's literally one of be best choicesi've ever made in my life

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