liposuction kentucky

liposuction kentucky

about ten years ago i had theopportunity of traveling to belize with a missiongroup to perform surgery and that was my firstexposure to such a mission trip and i foundit to be extremely rewarding the belizian people are just the mostwonderful happy and grateful people that you would ever find it's a verypoor country there is not even a single plastic surgeon in the entire country of over 450,000 people and so

that motivated me to make that trip so over subsequent years i startedrecruiting other physicians to go with me and itsort of snowballed and took on a life of its own.we do surgery on four days and during those four days we've done upto a hundred cases which for that country's a great dealand that consists of children with cleft lip and palate deformities other congenital deformities tumorsburns and all kinds of scars. the trip to belizehas become

something that i i'm very fond of sonow not only my current fellow but my pastfellows go back to belize because they enjoy theexperience so much and find it just as rewarding as i have.over the past 10 years going to belize we've operated on little over sixhundred patients with all kinds of problems and needsthats what it's been all about.

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