liposuction kansas

liposuction kansas

and on the home you get my 14 reasons as my the firstone assist and ryan this and i sexual enhancement the dirty one ish on friday and thefourth when a spiritual i'm if you can understand why someone cutstheir hair or shaved their beards a

certain way that you might be able to take that nextlevel all what had to in your face is just one more step down the spectrum it's notat all said and done two different categories its here's the line some people are hereand they go to hear some people here they go to hear some people start out here yeah it's abroad spectrum that we all exist on to me by modification is is

everything from the extreme which is to do some radical modifications yourbody to the very simple which is just jersey years including iran's ifsomeone's trying to to express themselves in a certain way i thirty-something of realigning readjusting you fine team stretching to you that's body modification they say skin and it's free blank and

i think you know i got one shot at thisthis campus class pretty sure she decorated all igot that's much for me it's something that actually arechanges your life has become the teacher clipart your life and i really all a matter a framework%uh after all your shared by my vision is using as buy any kindchanging the your body here simply had to in brandingstart occasion cutting your nails grow your haircertain way and getting a tan is all by location is changing your dietto did in asia

baywatch did you find attractive i'msimply placing things i was important work correctingyou know birth defects that i wasn't born with ahorse it's not like i'm really trying to modify my body it's kinda like just thepath that i've picked a fight notification is just what you have to do to do well to gold has chosen and a fineline patient do anything are changing your mind anything from an implant 31 anything child after dinner cannotforget whatever it is

the reasons for five find the body theintent a body modification is what i'm moreinterested in than just the general aspect of modifications to buy this will include all these things likebranding and tattooing and body piercing even call or email here paying the faceof all these things your body modification 0 my name is frank marino i'm to start the longest-running show inlas vegas called an evening at the guys were here the riviera hotel

way every night for the past 20 yearsi've been portraying joan rivers that how much stage and i do love mylove this job on the audience at wonderful audience i am so glad to beout he and i did my own creation other character something just told exotic andtheir host a drag show that has bothered name's been adamantly this trend now ilook like big bear originally from new york's liable and myvision to life has become a doctor and i was in new york is working a verylarge drug store had made a section in the front and i guess they spend alittle bit too much time in the makeup section for halloween i would as myfavorite character which was diana ross

maitama family i was leaving the medicalprofession to become a drain cleaner we needed after a very quickly the some of the biggest challenges that haddoing drag itself was twenty years ago getting people toaccept rate is an art form i think when the few reasons that i cnapart from some the other day numbers and it is is dead june i don't consider the job iconsidered a career by thing any character then you canimpersonate has to be somebody who really enjoysomebody did you feel then presence

within you mom and then you have their basiccharacteristics all right now not to increase in my eyeto gimme that face lift look there john is a very famous poem makersa very expensive part of that process i say use about 200,000 megan megan the1990 customs which in turn like five thousand dollars apiece and ig 17 times for shallow we spent over a million dollars andcustoms i keep all the shoes from the old customs and stuff so there you know just in case you ever want likebanana two main body modification means

altering your body's physical appearanceto make it more appealing to what you wanna look like i did a lot of plasticsurgery and i gotta say i person doing it and take it it's likewhen people say i was a pill to lose weight that's a plastic surgery is it's a it'sa pill to change looks she the wrc our you and processor aerospace where this is pretty much just a minister shirts only do allthings

to enhance people here base but his noseeyelids necklace breast surgery tummy tucksliposuction after transplantation this the modifications an interesting conceptso then we do it every day well after judge i'm here be to assist and to help people my do this please do it safely anything but make sure that you don'tcross a bridge you cannot go back hold sir

most people don't consider classicsurvivor not the case most people don't considermany things as they do every day and by page shaving your beard comb your hair sure or in your hair things like cashthe the show greek the get plastic surgeon just came under fire forthe last 34 years in the fifties and sixties no one of his soul tattoo just for the retina celebrities and nowit's

this is an everyday the commonality anypreconceived has matured is obvious drawn done liposuction alone in the united states there is over 300bala here temporary modifications like botox were molitor paralyzed over way over a couple million just injections done here breastaugmentations over 250,000 here just a one-year just some 100 she wed slam call hills

she get she's this seems like an okay she done it for a hot amateur level for people fortheir own gratification whether sexual or most and i think that's all that stuff i maybe shocking a and some concern that i will do i his plastic surgeons are some i'llpersonals

per 0n0 expansion sometimes poison young men do you he had toreconstruct rubles is your most basically have a very largehole i didn't do that dominance to join another and personal for a little over 15 years now model ismohammed city i've lived all over the world spent eight years in the military and ii do everything i do to to make a part of our society as andlegality issues as a little very nice item on how my body is like aninternational

but mid-eighties as this was somethingthis on the call that look good the pool and we're gonna send k might begood info nice school revelations group for years i think %eh individual personhas their own issues in line to ensure it i'll some people sexual some people itis a rite of passage this is means this is what i did likeit's not a defense it's not hey i'm showing off its not like that

society i want to decorate myself tobecome who i am i almost everything personalize my body%uh relates a different more your hood anddifferent cultures dominance and sturgeon me the shani said an insanity defense attorney i wanna play with my mind i don't dodrugs i do my mind i wanna know what makes my body clicklot what makes me think this way are seeking answers stufflike that

dreams i'll social group on on structuralritual evolution better known as core we do plussuspension the way in do modern-day theater combined withancient rituals to include change a rich on evolvingthat's what we do so we're taking ourselves to extremes ofputting large host or face for performance or hanging from hooks aremcdonald %uh do

ste day d my name is alan parker i professional piercer by trade the body modification world wassomething i fell into romero fifteen years ago or so relief now ijust can't see much for separation barrier between them my medicationcommunity enemy case meeting with my life prettymuch

i got most might have to work andpereira meet a june 21-22 forget my entire and mister maker i'm my right arm holder future have to restmy body fairly well planned out seven had timeto do it on got my ton split i got the ipad rob youknow in which is vision is a blow to the head for sexualreasons i for sure the jury it because when itwill not it actually goes in the wrong hole time i the most profound

body modifications are his changes eventhough it's a temporary morgue occasion a it affects at least to me prime news so many levels physicallyspiritually emotionally you name it i guess the question all thetime why do people make the books ten years ago the answer was easy it wasfor shits and giggles but now there's not just a dozen two dozen maybea hundred overstate suspensions there now thousands probably tens of thousandspeople in the us during suspensions why do we do it i enjoyed i can tell youthat

for a lot of people out there why theydo suspensions it's because it's along the same ideas walking on hotcoals it's physically possible to do but itseems mentally impossible when you walk across hot coals arrestyou like this easy because you've got to make the bestpossible same with suspensions the idea came from books seems verydifficult but it's a life changing experience is what you doing this arrest you like to be skating thesuspension i was the first person who did it iwoulda came up with that that's my

better my hands pretty much everything else suspension ihave taken your ideas over the place pending suspension our one personhanging in the numbers is hanging from the epicenter hooks i'm we came up with that whatever youcall it through three different things yeah i feel that it's been my personal quest to present suspensions in a positivelight you can present suspicions as a freak show and mostpeople do

c many class the max in-camera status i am happy koreans have 10 i michael lingerie handle do performances and i do a little acting plotting onoccasion but have are my breast implant plan my own head really big breasts when i was a kid itake baths workers ago when i get have the eu these are so call ones like going to get just wait iwaited

waited who knows 22 years old theyshould be there and i didn't get i wasn't happy so igotta know to me it's no different call getting inclass here are rules for forehead just in adifferent area i came from a christian family too so iwas like really depressed you know when it broke away and just haveexploded into everything anti them then i got over itnow just me and doing stuff because i likeit not because i'm trying to piss people off anymore

and had almost everything on my facepeers and has killed by aren't had to use by that eschews myfirst tattoo i had lasers of but headed tigers he's the double holding agthis latest one shot close about this big on my back it waspoorly don't and black was just kinda wished hehadn't really looked see what it was bills let us go on likethat and at the middle nice to make alsostuff coming out my forehead it was a widow's peak that went down 0.8

10 all that later i don't think i'd bethis fire face still have my forehead tattoo well it's a real you want their likesyou should get into the water loops getting good if you look in themirror you're happy it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks there's adifferent aspect but i might occasionally obviously there's temporary permitpiercing writes the cast waterways is temporarybecause you can take it out later and i think that really is good forpeople games

texting permit so here i am it k it really depends on whatever you wantto take people don't really bring this into the body modification history but bodybuilding thats bodywork a lollylolly lolly lolly the my name's mike marshall 33 years oldpinata buildings for 20 here's status shows patterson know me originally from northcarolina he to los angeles this past october some ofher personal life of our own good thing the vehicle that'sgonna give me the platform

to help change the world i love lifegoing i have a passion for so i just want to be the best i can beand that involves growing your body to proportions that are different thanthe average you head injury started on train lace and my lecture screening room real like yeahbottom heavy so headstart randy cooper all body with my legs and just can't help but thesport from trying for the usa in july first come to 1985 i wake up without a a13-play o'clock sharp rtl

30 minutes lying i do cardio on an emptystomach for about a 30 40 minutes late every twohours eight times a day daily average lowercome in later for fractionally lower 15 minutes a daythen later in the evening i like you know the session cardio it'sa full-time job it becomes lifestyle you have to keep going to the gym every dayyou gotta keep following your diet 24 hours a day gotta make sure you getyour rest i mean it's really there's no offseason and there's no um time to relax you know you're constantlypushing your body

through every second of your lifeusually the people that don't fully understand the sporter theones that say they have to get there you know the steroids in the growth hormoneat a bit and the people that fully are in thesport understand and realize that you know it's here it's here to staythis nice it would be to stand up on stage have a title this things that i won't do tocompromise kinda extreme sport picking up to the piano attending all the time in jail in yourbody and

a little trucks are you know they havecourse they think it's kinda different strange people try to use my fatherbodies for happiness and happiness comes from within there's nothing you can do house i wasgonna make you happy you can go and do we have reached ring thing in theworld but a few knots comfortable with who you are ispointless and if you don't get that forget to let you can really destroyyour body storyline i've seen people who did thingsimplanted into their bodies i'll csa saying things wrong with thatbut it just looks painful to me

when it's just your old a sculptor body designers motion to serve you towards targets attached toyou money to the body i was raised by toloving years the world both getting degrees inbiology put it was cool when he talked with youall the time i was in junior high pictures tomorrow for my body becausethere wasn't satisfied with it i i really think that the human form isnot finished a source for implant great loss

car it is server they're making us all the for softballcoach the bottom of the nation world it iswilling to review this is a much nicer are heading for atough one they realize generous would not considerwith flexible joints in between the two so they canexpand and contract the muscles and then i'll never saw go to pieces forlike 4 was a little bit nicer to theconsistency is a fresh going there's yes it's usually always the samequestion you know that i heard it's

going to be about them especially make avast christopher hitchens weapons this is my first pair medical claims good mate i was so distraught to to schools recited a season engineeringthe bars letting the other the modernist at thepark so problem this time was right at the sameplace workers and you can really get much more richmond jersey /a a good researchers species isreally capable

already are visible 40 with their own free will think it's it'sall related fetal status low on the whole ride thewave are the munition merges location seems to bemore a matter of perspective than anything i there were people who do things theirmind i would use mutilation but maybe they don't feel that way and i don'tfeel that i rode a person to judge that i think that mutilation is whensomething is jan 27 reuters which will be debilitating were later inwire i think that actually im

her forehead which mutilation becauseit's not really something she talked for it's not something she really wanted hisfacial tattoo mutilation no it was a specific scenario peoplelike the lizard man who has full facial tattoos who loves to go outside at aparty here but i think it was a really good decision if it's not safe sane and consensual probably mutilation what i did i see isbody mutilation this compare to body modification is themere fact that you of questions or news and that couldbe very damaging

i think body modification bodymutilation on are i think mutilations getting hit by acar the difference between my bodymodification everybody mutilation has won aperspective my feeling is generally good you knowharming anybody else for their actions they usually just be left alone use at all just eisin to be a burdenbeing human experiment i'm not a psychiatrist and they'reshooting mutilation and modifications probably find online

sometimes in the eyes of beholder ok so i'll say probably involves more intoline is what society terms susceptible when sign in terms isnot if you look at various other societies somebody prime minister science andcenter in other cultures what they consider beautiful we mayconsider you relations i wasn't a difference between body modification and body mutilation that body modification can enhance

my you'll asian shorts when mutilation is for me mine at peoplefor the next person i guess they know that person that you know divided spit dick tonge having ordered to havesneaked don't is neg you know that you make a distincton any way not to me was extreme but to have with ie criticizesomeone will die without judging my whole thing is my is my is my job to do that i don't thinka shit any line to really do all that we shoulduse to judge

the body modification is when he won'tchange their bodies to look beautiful in their own minds into themtheir own selves embody mutilation i would be when you destroy your bodylaw destroyed someone else's body to i'm maybe not making a look nice but tonearly nine i don't see why my cation being mutilation i'm but again this that's all upon a person top-tier you the morn hehe to remove loans if youlike i you know castration anything like thatthat's your body that's great

if you want to do it i think that's cooli know a lot of people have locations that i've never considered getting i'm that i thought was awesome on them you know there is no lines where youwanna do is your body your view for you which one you the blog people consider bodymodification mutilation by shield can if you are modifying your bottom to a way that you find moreaesthetically pleasing that that is the

relation i believe that if you were modifyingyour body in such a way that it will detract i'm from your ability tofunction on that that's the election it's not something you wish someone elsehelp you all who my name is steve hayworth i'm an artist my are for his 3dmodification is extremely vigilant something they want to express theirsoul to the world around them one of the ways they can do that hisbody modification collector re-branding

here this something that i had ended in 1994 what happens when you select over ourscouts vaporizes the tissue yeah june i did a passing fad leaving the cellular structure next to aalmost completely and angie when you get a hearing branded thisdecade that area time it's frustrating and the actorshere so you know it's just so easy and yeah really wanna and me no indu outlook andmere

anti-missile looking this way fictionaland where is education job ilok animals candidly on believe france and i can heredity and what had happened atthe other end gender class and and that okay with me bk i'm usually occurs soon people around haha me and let meknow exactly what you think it means anyway okay happened there you the aboriginal i modify my cell purely had a vanity and

i'll be damned if i'm going to abide bythe laws and rules in a culture that doesn't exist anyway nothing exists there is no culture thereis no you there is no me i'm kinda gray area on me i think i theclosest your definition to my beliefs on thingswould be that i would be a narcissistic nihilistic i have no idea what i wasn't really ishow it got is the hearsay i'd like two or three different people so i don'treally know what it means i hear flee said that there was anothing exists so that's what i'm basing

it on second-hand information somebody listensimply say that nothing exists there's a lot of gravel genitalmodification i get requests for engine it appears that does not travel through the course course can address i would consider a kong pairs something more i wells services when you put a hot dog inthe microwave how only one side of it splits that'swhat i got and joe l word

i added a i'm three-quarters some incision just playing the lowerarether canal and now i did implants instead of trainers fourbeats down each side one to 34 to bar bells on top mail worksreally well i used to have the middle of and that's probably what i'm most and fromthe floor i have a triangular my right forearm my nipples are piercedi have large islands in my ear lobe

steve cauterize mike on several people that ilook up to in this industry %uh the players if youwill %uh the forefathers there's there'speople like share in this so far in general or thosemen are definitely a major reason why i am here today and they're definitely amajor reason why by implication as a whole has grown too late yes i am hopelessly stuckinside the box

me this is cylinders squares tot he i you what this man did it againplan his failure to years single-handedly defined news s in mankind there hasnever existed he he now has magnetic fish he can walkaround and processing subconscious level keepking and actually a knowledge the magnetic fieldsin the room is actually a new human sense i he saw promotion think i but i i guess on the

my husband and i 3d modification invented the surface to surface barbellsisters and tracks terminals were my mentioned said case parking iscreated then a europe which is used courthouseon your skin then that's all i was removed andtransdermal was placed in a minute located head screw it does and it has a for if you well parasites in the lastseventeen years later and the section that comes through %uhshould be at the heart and then airlines white and servicesschool whether it's it's a

tickets for us or bridges or transdermal horns or transdermalstance on its forehead up forehead work is my favorite like my favorites to got third-generationwarns which means that one and three times andmade my forebears waiting for does force generation bornmy grandma actually here is a picture of me with their everywhere she goes shows the bartenders where she's with the time this is mygrandson

union supporters i was on abortion and ididn't feel like i and ii because hey shield comment here you get here look exactly where you in adevoted my life to buy implications i want something set me apart from everyone this so horny were just some day could dothat for me t the regular version down here my familyno different than anyone else and ass to dh can define which issurgical steel

which was done by stevens implants that a resemble body jewelry like to when my arm are not actual bodyjewelry under an actual one-piece design if you were to implantbody jewelry under the skin the gap between the ball in the broadwith collect plasma and blood the plasma blood i and then it wouldbecome a bacteria trust and respect to read into the system so we have tocreate our own classes one solid piece syndicates elevators then use i inventedmanufactured as there is nothing in the medicalindustry to do this

work so i small was made assessorssearch engines elevators created to make it hard for the implant to be placed into him the implant isplaced in the pocket 10 any openings close says iscompletely and skin sincerity slayers for bikers and by justin casual it's a scar tissueso generally within two to three weeks some people call you know like likedoctor frankenstein that's fine i don't care yeah i'm why and why would that be anything otherthan a compliment to people who want to

buy a modification to get attention more of course it's been 18 income day he magically yeah class keta need to get he knew how see lean on c weekend the militants do stands no you

mentioned glad to know apology the nixon do lookin yes day no there dog in last release his whole demeanor placement

you know ensure only in new zealand simple but which campbell yeah she moved today shit the report is a spender you know i and after spending months and i don'tbelieve another people with boeing's do you think andhealthy me the procedure is at hand i'll and seventeens

the standard suspension may action suspension iran's absolutelybeautiful and his i had to do it a proper size talk place properly can hold up to perhaps iis it there me so many times tiny teen 1980 i et great day and very fresh attention camera and a hi he'll still gay mean got in mind i'm cation my and is now 1415 franceschini

died in the night cares indicating new a depending mostly on the south end yeah kick some ass do you hey i'm that seemed in the k sunlight this sad style its time

young star on the chest is a similar protection no see do just a sample protection being done forehead work that day get just so completely changed person and her parents just so completely thatthe the few years the pc and i'm not sayingis my hard work i'm saying is as the combination what i did and what that person was star

home i disaster you know the cash he no longer lookshuman i am not not quite getting lovewhatsoever here's he is by far the most extremetransformation a a human i've ever met the like your nameto be a stocking cap great american and no i followed theteaching said i learned when i was young themodifications that i'm doing are are part of a very old here oncreation and i it's getting closer to where i want to be and getting thecloser to my total

and alternately here dark rakesh dealing with father day to day life alot easier i want more control to lie down i rightafter the crash cross right wing a tiger airliners i cancarboys iraq i can flash reported my nose tranmere bridge or wires players arepointed i dot dot tiger cage tigar piercing for whiskers startpredator or implants are here car for the eye roll which furnish ofwire separator relocated

real-live for plath gunfire at shoulderprocedures that garth she retired gotta have nstuff but i'll come up with the concept of how to do it but whenever i want lolwhat the procedures handjob shower thank mister just aren'tof either materials or technology there todo right now sought counseling pushing the envelope right now not working on locating show do youthink you are our cat doing it sure doesn't mean for so that i y rather than cat eyes only tiger i didnot regret

the next upcoming saying he is going toreally are doing some trash barrel i am plants that i can round white guy carriers upon top my head are still looking for somebody capableof doing thorough due to a genetic differences are not sure that's gonnahappen even are still well within the realm of possibilities have a few people working on engineeringa possible way of doing are retractable claws are there are quite a few other thingsin the works are just a matter of law

are what can we got a particular timefor an hour technology and materials are my personalfinancial barack my keys were done by a local dentistthere was a i impression rate at all like athree-and-out these were gone mom the alexander mowlam i i mean what's called a dental ceramistmy own up own this is laboratory in town boardsince 1976 when the patient named comes to youtube or something especially alarge scale eg paul mouton rib elite asian of course that'simportant and it's beautiful when they

give they give me a chance to up to recreatethat smile and be able to see me know that the year you know thesmiling in the end they can we the candy can stop smiling and is nice to know that you havesomething to do with him and nasdaq is that's the biggestrewarding they could possibly get dental implants with them tremendoustremendous progress for dental implants the greatest thing with the guys at 180gold tooth with a diamond that though that was a little

a little bit too much but dad you knowhe was even motorcycle guy even big guy rough guideme looking guy in whenever whatever he wanted had to give it amonth have some friends that love tattoos and nicest amazes me to thinkthat they can do you know we tend to lead right as justsajid beautiful beautiful art it will do when i'm jim davis i and the white and a homemaker and a tetanus and i certainly intend todidn't they just 17 estimates

then i would be mad that was mine and extend why not tested okay the i'm finish getting tatted and because that it hurts and i don't want to do anymore the moreoften than not the when i'm texting from for the firsttime they're already thinking about what they're gonna get their set my mind tothem for everything comes first right

the i work from people who are fourteenfifty years of hiding it from their parents i love my job and very fortunate they would help i'm always gonna learnsomething and i'm actually help it the two-degree everything i do will be alittle bit challenging the just make sure that is exactly whatyou want don't get it because somebody else once you get it it doesn't even always have to symbolizeeating doesn't always have to have meaning

behind it a lot of the boys ass was thathe was that mean sometimes people just think something's pretty that minus the build i'll the company through mesh i'm 24 yearsold forget sensitive that susan cornercalifornia san fernando valley person every guy i was a twelve-years-old the backyard is somecholos house paid 20 bucks in a game you little bull

my name on the list skateboard companyrandy came out looking like a pig with horns but i was reallyproud of the house only kidding i was that he that he was who is jacking people i was cool in myfriend mike both got him at the same time we bothgot one and we both made machine at work the sala he had pretty much betterreproduce that nice a scratch on his leg did couple a really remedial crappy butleaves on a leg pretty much like very stealth in thepatio west i don't say that there's a limit creditcuz

as soon as they do and i'm gonna crossthat limit i wouldn't wanna get a tattoo miss you know i was going to showeverybody else everybody to see that so i sat there and get the paper so i knowwhat i mean the most intense body modification everything would be triggered puttingbeans into his penis finds trigger i work incident and 152 the body piercing i love a everyone so i'll be like a little bitugly like all overdoes i got my first had toi

got my mom's name but she kinda big gotemotional i cried i like oh my god bless i must be so much so that was our free-for-all than 90student at him america's got more stuff here and there com i was like 16 or 17 i started game stuff army my neighborhood and a to progress more more 1985 by yeah coalition

be i did some implanted russian president foreign with itsharpened toothbrush avastin claim finish our between birth i'll bleachwould ever burn it def with their own hands related peoplejust put a %uh stainless steel balls that are insidethe bank and and whatever get those in goesunderneath the skin to i came up with the somatic base thatis used to tabor and i cut the whole to know pushing ataper through that whole you read it right now his platoon rightnext to each other

but as you like eyelashes on those do i just edited basically sitting at thetable was like parkdale doctor protest up bros i don't handle pain below 200 peopleliving in like a guy and it had 29 heard that a an awesome i get older mother a well demanded i think anybody can should beable to do whatever the hell they want to have %uh the state i guess you can't pairs titleheard

catch your face stuff like that done not changed hmm day on they have never happened tested like get his life and then doing by dr.person rather than went down to treasury time but maycomprise the cube and store on so they do have to be me cash everytime things the

the tender bits of colors in the years he may come too dark to an attorney tochange made his day with clear collars i just using your basic on hereyou can call to the car the kids with said sheshe there now they're not the same textures can ittakes a lot of effort to get out marc is connected to a keen eye color i'm doing here's a shady newman let meknow this has seven point lead over wellbecause we want is to hurt my knee tactical

and natasha carries now landed so crystal a year is did not happen herethe chechen we were using primary colors like tattooartists here course you never need to detach be from depending on who im i am forty-years-old i am a tackles a specialized and spiritual

markings markings that 33 people parking spaces people use throughout show who they are the decision to get my face that thing was the greatestchallenge i've ever faced allowing the certain events in life that led to this and nowi would not feel complete i wouldn't you like me i will remove your human if i didn't have that 20 then theshop is

salute action required the my fatherworked in the prison system so you can imagine what he is your taxeswere all he saw were presidential attacked that i actually change someone's life they are ugly andi think they're beautiful bass the power that this pass more than people think number course there's discriminationhome out in the world because we look likethis but those superficially because i don'thave to

to you with those people i don't walkbut yes it's surprising the inner workings ofsome discriminating factions even within the bodymodification world a guy with a big heart like size postage stamp this is mom isdiscriminated by a guy that has a full body pieces this is really got going bad guy hedoesn't really have anything i mean a lot of people i think isprejudge just on a parent's uniting which and i thinkmaybe i dnt

some some nice growing up i was never released sociallyaccepted it was a one of the cool kids so did did in witheverybody else and that bothered me at first you knowhe as a child he was financially i realize that my mind doesn't even workthe same as most people and on a base level i don't tend to relateto two large body the populace and as i'vestarted to find ways to make myself look physically different major visuallyimpaired i wasn't the same as everybody else

the more it it said and i feel more likemyself there are places where its you know we let their kids of people leave the restaurant becausethere's about you know a group of us are gonna go eat peopleleave the restaurant misconception is just that it makes him you know danger answer me are dirty and want a bigger ones i think is on the jobit'll make you actually work works which i've never understood have yournose pierced that's not going to change how effectively do your job you're stillthe same human

i started off as a piercer and i gotfired for doing my homers from the man discriminate against that one just i mean just the way peoplelook he and any kinda way other people like polar i walk into the mall and just give it uplook like they're just discussing that he'd like to the dollar something i kid like going on and that is a littlei've been called saw the devil i'm evil that song

i will burn in hell are my opinionthat's does probably the worst thing he wantedto good sending other times i guess because of myshocking appearance they considered dead job there are nosocial graces involved anymore they just look at me and say you crazyam a nap unless ob versus ceo doesn't like you for the catchewed for your tattoos can realize that your tattoos are thenext steps their spectrum is they started 0 they went as far as weirdyellow suit that's that we're there to you as far as get to my body yellow andblue

and their life they see you if somethingelse is that a further down the spectrum your problem is that you think thespectrum is here with early it goes this far and the guy who takesup a pic easily this far down editor somebody else to do somethingeven weirder far for that that is all it that same unit drive did decorateexplore experiment and it's just some people are going further some people are finding a comfort zonewhere they are you live in a mall in to use in ndsu's dj raju kids on sale asong theme

are i mention at last on ok me very surely 29 years old missing for about four years i'm sellingout my resume and senators deciding to move to suno harvested dream you know a lot of people i'm been completely fascinated thearticle at hand stage fright manned dec 10-13 cm love that are in a scant find the reason i

became selection to choose my phone andyeah 30 you know standard on arms blanket and he's done a lot with a lotgoing on right now is nice and in fact is define a day page for my first had to use discuss itwas you know go home and change shot at you and expect me to go you know kinship with start getting myhands and fingers and a deadlines is a fears we just heard quick switching onjury one quick answers

most people communication even if they're pretty gung-ho will youtune it also knows couple here love seeing 3 using ourcomputers into the time when they're when you have someone comein and lay down at nyu tenders and 50piercings understands day reaches into a littlei'm yum no one walks away with jewelry big lay down participation holiday from eastern

the experience rather than hispanics mar service stations some isn't think datashows trata de carros a lot cluster really the last forty can bedias on my news bears pitcher at tribute tattoo piercing inaustin texas i'm a mexican-american five-year-oldsare stretched about 5 1/2 inches right now i want them bigger i want to start standing to see how form my years will allow me to go

and if i get to that point bulldogs my years we'll let you know and mikeyears wall allowing 2g stretchy strategy instruction and hopefully to you know more of youwho put my hero this year long around my head and thenthis year low grounded so they're gonna look awesome years thatok %uh no one should dictate to me what i can and cannot do to my by do what i want to do isworkable will be having more

up the for mom as time goes on %uh i started dunno getting my bodytattoo black on one side looking like a 50-50 for and tribal on the other %uh that my face in my head maori you know maori inspired eyebrow piercings are nostril piercings i need one more bigbro pictures from positions

they understand there %um went down the i was given the opportunity to of visit with and spend time withdifferent cultures as a child i am truly truly blessed to be day here and doing what i said therewasn't for perfect here gym or oola all this probably would have but kurthas it they were the ones who google

who developed the procedure school saidyes this could be years know that my name is jim word my main claim to fame was as founder abusiness call gone let which i found in back in nineteenseventy time at the instigation friend of mine named%uh longings game anyways dog was so the father abi body piercing movement done provided kinda the basic concepts in the basic the procedures i went home to

perfect those techniques my particularfocus some it was doug's focus as well was on bodypiercing is a form of sexual enhancement the with the prince albert the way inwhich we did it we took a a cutie and a little anesthetic point man on it andinsert into town to be a wreath room him pierce threw him to the head with abrick your chairman and the it's been extremely difficultthing to do the one-day trip i was out driving itwas just right it's a little like gold went on tired and went back to my workbenchmagnets look

stainless steel tubing that kind of alink love it about 34 inches long x those of the edges goodso i would insert the to down into the your reach her peers intothe two me the dole just very easily went insideit it became and i standard take me home i think goldberg to the primary extentis responsible for all the popularity of almost all of thecommon body piercings figure if you had a rounder and you'retrying to follow them pointed to have a long way thehypodermic needle back through the

piercing that it just didn't work i had one ofthose of our moments then all i did was take the needles backto my jeweler's bench cut the syringe couplingof filed of a little burgers then i couldgo do the piercing can follow the needle through with thejewelry and that's because pretty much the standard procedure tothis day for doing piercing and inserting jewelry my name is paul stole i'm the ownerplanning manipulation

here in san francisco class most peoplehappening in this is very beginning this is what i didn't high school in 30min drugs against slows things down and try to test yourlimits for you grown ups and get something done and sooner or later concerned about thenew this to me their communities veryresistant for a very long time but eventually need and strangers were knocking on my door atany money spell just starting from the commons help was on my knees

phone design sheet the i superstar something fierce pretty set upbooths that most painful your house i don't think the people's like it i sprains pearson's are necessarilyafter the pain in easy you just send in the store repeatedthat's the that the bank then is a common misconceptionhow much the stuff hurts the people screen everybody's really nervous veryscared

sitting in this chair convened her coming in somebody named herman can youlet her play yourself pushed through new economies of town doit there a blasi financial women i super anti love thosegirls coming to get there is beer stein i think it's great to have it out theregemstones on give him a treat for here and there there are usually boringhomeland for whatever it is on my mind sure but

it's great it's a comment the meetingwith my he saw a whole room are keen other person it's getting londoners having a blast with itexciting com it's a bit at a time there well trust slow most it's not for everybody when i thinktattoos are addictive to certain degree because i think thisis my theory it takes five years for

someone to figure out the first had totake some five minutes to get there said i updated about qualification i have had i have a cold i have i see a beautiful picturethat i campaign it's going to be completedlater in life this is probably not the kansas so no i'm addicted to it it's somethingthat i want to do as is addicting the yours went to outdothe last one in something it's a meanie better

and there's some people that seen youknow on tv and things actually every single feature their bodies are covered withtattoos where they go from there long i think body modification isdemanded the limit can stop them 30 try to think about what i do when irun a scan a one column in addition because i stop being sad to me i'm not going toconvulsions and i'm install right now i jus its isomer a thank you you learn toenjoy it

modification rather than muddiedmodification when calling dation i fine but my vacation they did he actedreally mines and i can never have there never be enoughfor me some people a man what a little plasticsurgeon something very simple it had a test the waters put their feet lol see how to hold warmwaters and they usually find out that it's notas scary as is often the progress to other things that's not in addition what's happened is they've releasedthemselves from fear

they say hey this isn't as bad as a fire let me go to where i really wanna go and is outdated i don't think so i think it's selfactualization is what it is body on a cation is addicting of because you're getting the naturaldorfman's the kenyan and it's just its it in absolutelyincredible field

sporadic it's rewarding hey think it'srewarding is something you want to do again 11 realized they had they have howard to change themselves the day thenhowever with the ability to change themselves how can that not good a lot and it'sabout the experience the body modification people it's like a new experience citingthrough some anything that's like that can beinjected i think body modification

definitely be addictive in whatever bodymodification you choose to do because it's something that you first try maybeyou're scared to try to first the menu you do it and then you find out theenjoying he get from it and then you want to do it again what kinda like a drug i guess in a waywhere he must get some type a high from you know i know i get a high frombodybuilding i don't know as to addictive beyond that thang airsoftmyself in a lot of people out there cobb start outgoing cargo or other realto find me what you could do whatever i need to do

and as they find it there are people outthere like steve who can't do various danish get opened the door to where they cancontinue doing what they really want to i wouldn't think that is an indication iknow i was addicted to cigarettes after four years a highly kk tired an idea what that's about i hadfriends and people are on the lower ones corrugated do one thing or another so iunderstand i know what the nature addiction is about but i don't thinkthat what i've been doing is dated necessarily addicted to anythingit's an alignment

i'm fuck your militia far name which i took back in the 1970s help facilitate are all kinda rituals what people have a learningexperience park use the word this comes from the middle east from here it's a kind of another word that you usefor medicine man or sham the person who can deal withphysical and the nazi cassini unseen world always admiredtalking with your car who was it raw century mystic soupy

way around for eighteen years partlywooded areas improve the piercings chest and back be pure purchasing wat sniper shoes andstuff come from his message was if you want to get nearto god get pierced i was raised in a %uh farming communityon any reservation south dakota now is not quite the ordinary boy oh boyout there i was a little different than the others i started at early age piercing my bodywith nielsen tabs an early age looking those up to courts in calling on them

my mother used to print a clothespin sheadded me begum so in private in secret i took those itstarted to clamp them onto my skin i can kick on this he gave me endorphinrush i didn't know what was at the time but that's what i realized i was the first person as far as i knowyour kennedy a united states they had a big blackwork symbolic act to you can ask me fuck your own attack torussia harris's i don't have a clue you go we have a vision use it in a homefor three days if you see something that's what you need family you know ishould be something he comes to you it's

not just something you pick of the lawin a tattoo studio head there has little or no me anything i'vedone is a body modification has been providingritual was done for purpose put myself in a lot of restrictions likeus to help it was only about 18 inches around and stuff like this love all the s south india where for centuries i wehave their praises the rituals they wanna do by virtual fate cook for pierce the skin and so ona book on

our checks to got these metal balls iput little hooks on them and they started is so those all in the chest andtorso on the back in your arms away socialist comedy %uh the hindus this large free-marketyou where are the arches 50 or 100 long rods for high he lostyour on second down appears in your chest and back and as you can see new contra motionsamo removed the more the right shape you knowunraveling the more the deen to you the deeper they call there is no suchthing as pagers only intense

physical sensation tiniest onlyconnected to you when you live in your body and you don't have to live in your mindyou can walk away from it is time to come back meet the heaviest thing i've done whichnobody has it as far as i know has been able to do after five or six times as a suspensionby two piercings in my chest a lot of things in our culture they'rebeing upset accepted we have to keep in screen people on theother side who do anything at any cost

to try to stop us from being who we are exercising our polled guy given on call pride yeah powers that be he takes a deal 18 you crush stopputting people in prison boom boom to anything you can do anybodywho's learned not to be under our control the apocryphal reading thislatest you can control people people arestarting to invite my eyes and dying your hair purple get spikes in binary syou can be sure the dangers are gonna be out on the street wanna college i changeyour gng

in washington parent it's all verydangerous to powers be the most for for the hard part with governmentregulations body modification industry is that it's a lot of gray area it's not a goodblack and white there are certain laws that make a whole lot of sense andthey're really good there are laws like in texas you can't buy

until the what the hell just don't getit i handgun yeah there's there's a lot a lot thatreally don't make any sense to me it comes to our own bodies i feel that the government should nothave control over our own bodies some people wanna try to legislate bodymodification i'll their legislative body modification they should legislate body film i don't think the government shoulddictate to me what i need to look like the two countries are telling you what icannot do

to modify some by default they'retelling me what i cant i and eventually then go to what ishould do and that's my fear far as the governmentin karachi in all rights poor old what we're doing there's of called appeal state ofgeorgia that would prohibit are piercers ingeorgia called from pierce even are a woman's hood they're not banning of breast augmentations not ban facelips

but their bank they're trying to ban putyour shoes himself there's a lot of laws here inthe united state right now but bisecting the time cutting a time splitting of the sameknow it is a medical procedure well the if the medical community would provide this service then we wouldneed to have someone in a piercing studio comingsummer style the most intense thing i have ever seenin person would-be someone's transplant

you can't buy it don't know i stillcan't figure out why that is paths except no sense whatsoever i have requested in various pino home formulation procedures which arenot had to reconstruct wanted to mend thethat have opened up their you reach for a bit wanted closed up again themselves limitslide easier to make other deformity than it is torepair they'll thanks buddy consider doingthose kinds of applications

that's not so easy to texts there are no legal issues in terms ofthe courts and and i was doing this transsexual surgeryand now per patient to have their sex and theirbirth certificate change they have time to go sex change surgery and has certifynotarized by me et cetera et cetera and goes to the courts make get therebirth certificate changed there are no laws and rules that state whether i cando something not terms sex change surgery my name'sgary alter

i am a board certified plastic surgeonapostle board-certified urologist the reason why i went into the 1 i'mgender reassignment surgery is is because i'm both a plastic surgeonany religious so therefore i have that understandingso the anatomy and physiology the sexual organs jenna talia as aurologist and i have the knowledge andcapabilities %uh gambling tissues et cetera a plasticsurgeon so the combination being a plasticsurgeon and here are just makes me rather unique

for a person to undergo sex-changesurgery is a long process that ass person has to undergo i past lives as their chosen sacks for at least a year has to be in onemonth's for at least a year and has to be on constant therapy released in here theimportant thing about the japanese 10 about transgenderpatients visitations that have the altman identity crisis becausethey're caught wrong my for the wrongs settlers and

nobody knows for sure how many patientsundergoes gender reassignment surgery whether maleto female or female to male there's no question that thousands arebeing adhered i will take them skinner's penis andthen i will take some skin of the scrotum and has already have the hairremoved by electro house is i have them together and i make thespace between the bladder and rectum and burned the skin and used askins for the cavity that now becomes thejohns for a clitoris at every logically thehead of the penis

cams they have the clitoris is the samethe nerves in the same nurse the difference is the effective formonths celled to making clitoris for a sexualreassignment surgery i take a small portion of the heavens penis andi dissected so that the nerves arteries and veins are camped attached to this very small littleportion is it helps penis hide and folder nerves arteries andveins in a place that right were normal clinger says a sex change is done really well we'llfor most people

when i will do as i will free up theclitoris house straightened clitoris so that onethat congress gets sounds like a normal reactions then thepatient will hang out a small penis in addition out protestplanned plants in the scrotal sacks so that the patient looks like lookslike he has tassels bolster my patience getting gas generally speaking oncethey've made the choice to have sex change four live research shows and sets there's somuch

happier because now they can finally bewas the literally kill the arms i'm a jewish guy just do my thing youknow i know: you know got my nap in a big religious firing don't go i'm drawn to thefundamentals christians about best i'm on theserabbis and whatever they may have problems with them wet transgender surgery and i amchristians of a poorly christian and of course the the normal judeo-christianvalues and load them

ginger look what you've done to the bodyexertion they'll start protein arm bible passages said find are well this is just my extension have my own spiritualitywhich happens to these questions i don't believe in anything billion ibelieve in the possibility that you could always bewrong it's it's a really had a service i to pick mindset almost eight years somewhere between mehe is summoned the exhausted i guess i

are have no real use for the white man'sjob them religion is opiate of the masses peopleneed to be controlled it is not home big people needing tocontrol the people is little people being lost tothe needs something to grab onto fight about vacation industry pullpeople as well cuz their lost i'm everything you canimagine that lies the two be eligible gone i people to comic-con the home i gone

actually no i'm not but thank you human a different think there's a higher poweron up there somewhere and i'm i think you just have to keep anopen mind and large yourself religion is a thorn in my side like pay it's sunday afternoon it'sgridlock i want a beer with lunch i cant get onebecause two thousand years ago somebody got nailed to a cross had abunch of people sense then that had a stick up their ass about itthat somehow they think relates to whether or not i should have a beer withlunch on sunday

gainers the charger the goddess there isa line that says model rides on love and pleasure: are my rituals and i think to bed pretty well sums that upon not to be here mine very large demanding organizedreligion think if you you wanna be spiritual andreligious in your mind that's bitch but don't know ever pressurepeople in a learning year iraqis there are many many many peoplewho have who are very religious from manydifferent face

do have chosen to modify their bodiesand in doing so head becoming outcasts within the faith that they believe it beans i'm no one should dictate to me what i can. cannot do to my body down a on red that i won you them

the there e the man i decorating my time how just good for my spirit it's pleasing to me without hurting anyone else in the world it's something that %uh tend to do withus talking to myself and i have a right to do it

really i'm nearby missing you year now that badly holland down mine my winners gennady zyuganov time

not the way you want you to look so noin mind realize collins the bottom line is he is dead anythingthat helps make someone feel more comfortable with who they are years fine i mean jobs i'm not here tojudge someone else's point of view now it's for you to go out andexperience it on your own llamame because you can experience in online are p.m.

in the new hmm who 0 loans lost first west up

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