liposuction jowls

liposuction jowls

welcome to new techniques in cosmetic surgery.i'm karen carey along with board certified plastic surgeon dr. matthew galumbeck.another area of concern that i would like to address today with dr. galumbeck is theexcess fat that people tend to carry under their chin. even though they might not beheavy, they tend to look heavier because of that area under their chin. and what can bedone for that. well lot people come in and, your right, theyhave extra fat but good skin tone, so they don't need a neck lift or a face lift butthey just have a little bit of fat there. it makes them look older and heavier. by performinglaser liposuction, we can remove the extra fat. it sharpens up the jaw line. it givesthem a better neck angle. and they can achieve

great results with a very fast recovery time.with the old type of liposuction, when i was doing standard super wet, tumescent liposuctionon the neck, people would have to wear a chin strap twenty four hours a day for two weeksand then two weeks at night. it was kind of hard to go work with this thing wrapped aroundyour neck, and not tell people you had something done.yeah, that would be pretty embarrassing. with laser liposuction, they wear a littlepiece of self-adhesive foam under their chin the first night after surgery. then it's offthe next day. the incision is right underneath the neck in the crease. about one quarterto one eighth of an inch long. we use one stitch to close it. patients have a littlebit of bruising and swelling, not very much

at all. they can go back to work and socialactivities the very next day. oh, is a patient that we did liposuction of the neck. and, you can see in her beforepicture that she has good skin tone. she's young; she's in her twenties. she doesn�tneed a facelift, but she has got this extra fat. so by performing the laser liposuction,permanently removing the fat, you see the after picture that she's got a much sharperdefinition of her jaw. her neckline is better. she has a better neck angle. you can see thatshe's got better proportion. she looks thinner. she looks younger. she doesn't look as tired.and it's amazing. it�s a short procedure. it's a very quick recovery time. and madea load of difference, a world of difference,

to her self-esteem.isn�t that great. isn�t that great. because i know a lot of people walk around and saylook in the pictures and you see my grandmother had it and my grandfather had it. so theydon't have to have it and they can stop it then.right, and if they remove the fat early enough, before the skin gets stretched out, they willnever have that turkey waddle. wow, that's encouraging when you think aboutit. thank you for joining us today for new techniquesin cosmetic surgery. i'm karen carey, along with board certified plastic surgeon dr. matthewgalumbeck, until next time. galumbeck plastic surgery1817 republic road, virginia

beach, virginia 23454.telephone 757.491.3204.

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