liposuction jawline

liposuction jawline

thank you for your question!you’re asking if kybella can reduce some fat under the chin with the hope that youwould get a very taut skin as you see in film. and certainly the question is whether or notthat can be achieved with kybella. well i can certainly give you my perspectiveon this modality. i’m a board certified cosmetic surgeon and fellowship trained oculofacialplastic and reconstructive surgeon. i have been in practice for over 20 years in manhattanand long island and helping people improve their facial appearance particularly sharpeningjaw line and reducing fat under the chin, etc. has been an important part of my practicewhich is focused a lot on facial aging. now that being said, in the absence of a photo,i would have to give you just basically my

process in how i consider the role of fatreduction and what modality to use to help patients maximize this desire for a more crisplooking jawline. so to begin with, first we have to determineis there truly excess fat. i think that with the introduction of kybella, it has restoredor renewed interest in this perception that under the chin, everything that is undesirableis the equivalent of excess fat and that simply is not true. the appearance under the chinis based on a variety of factors and let’s go over several of them. one of them is thejawline in terms of the position of a bone under the chin called the hyoid bone. whenthe hyoid bone is low, it makes the distance between the chin and the neck, what definesthe angle, short. so the jawline can sometimes

look less defined because there’s shorterangle between the chin and the neck. there is skin tension and whether or not there isrelative laxity of the skin. there’s skin thickness and in terms of the overall facialanatomy, what does the fat or volume under the skin contribute and of course, the overallimportant question is there loose or excess skin. so if you think about it, there area lot of variables that contribute to the appearance of under the chin and jawline area. so when i examine someone, i first start bylooking at their skin quality, skin tone and their anatomy and ask them what are they reallylooking for. if they’re saying they just want to have this tight look, well we haveto understand that fat isn’t completely

the enemy. a certain amount of fat under theskin provides a youthful quality of the skin. many years ago, before lasers were aroundto help tighten skin, it was kind of an idea amongst our colleagues that if you suctionaggressively the fat, the skin will retract and contract. and although these made forsome very nice before and after results, a lot of times, there was too much fat removedand the skin actually looked irregular, rippled, aged. and we learned of course that you haveto leave a certain thin layer of fat under the skin in order to have a natural look.if you think about it, a younger person looks youthful for a variety of reasons amongstwhich is this nice layer of fat under the skin.

so before you move forward with anything,you have to have a proper evaluation. for example, if we see a patient who feels likethey need a little bit of fat removed or they need lipo done under the chin, very ofteni will lift the skin for them and show them it’s more than extra fat. many times, infact it’s not extra fat. when the skin is redraped, then they see that the skin andeverything looks better and they’re actually more of a candidate of facelift. so, with kybella being around, kybella beinga chemical called deoxycholic acid which is a bioacid that basically digests fat whichis fda cleared for under the chin use but of course doctors can use it for “off label”.however, this a little bit of hesitancy amongst

a lot of my colleagues who have more experienceusing this material because there’s a fair amount of inflammation that results. so ioften have to ask myself in the perspective of just that specific area, under the chinand possibly the jawline, we have options such as liposuction which can be done witha syringe and reduce and improve the jawline and that can be done with one setting. wecan use non-surgical fat reduction using laser where the skin is actually heated in a waythat allows the laser to penetrate through the skin and reduce the fat and cause skintightening and that’s with or without superficial ablation which means we actually have a solutionwhere with the laser, we can improve both the fat and tighten the skin. it just makesme wonder where exactly does kybella fit in

all of this. it might be that the practitionerwho offers kybella may not have the opportunity to do the other modalities. also, kybelladoes require multiple treatments and that is something else that one should factor in. that being said, i advise that you meet withqualified, experienced surgeons who can offer you both the non-surgical, the minimally invasiveand the surgical options so you can see what can be accomplished. to speak about the movieor film look of a jawline, you have to understand that a lot of times, actors and models arechosen because of the advantages they have genetically where they have a naturally crispstrong jawline which films very well. many times also, actors will lose weight to furtheraccentuate that angularity so they look good

on film. so we have to understand that wewant to try to aspire to look our best but we can’t look necessarily the same. we haveto look the best we can for yourself. so again, meet with a doctor who can guideyou and go over the options. get a proper examination and learn and make a decisionbased on the options provided to you. so i hope that was helpful, i wish you thebest of luck and thank you for your question!

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