liposuction jacksonville

liposuction jacksonville

despite all she’s been through, dinora rodriguezfeels lucky. she underwent surgery to have her breast implants replaced - but woke upto much more than she ever bargained for. the surgeon botched her implants causing themto merge together. and to make matters worse, during the same surgery, decided to operateon dinora’s eyes - without her permission. now she can no longer close her eyes completely– and must care for them constantly. i have to deal with these doctors for therest of my life, and having to put in some medication at night, and it’s very uncomfortablefor me. it’s a story doctor steve teitelbaum ishearing more often. as a member of the american society of plastic surgeons, he was able tofix dinora’s implants. but says what’s

even more disturbing thanstories like hers - is a medical system that allows it to happen. it’s actually legal - it’s legal in thiscountry, as advanced as it is, for a non-board certified plastic surgeon to perform plasticsurgery. part of the problem, says dr. teitelbaum,is that once doctors get their medical license, they can practice in any field they choose.only four states have tough truth-in-advertising measures on the books, requiring providersto be more transparent about their training. but there’s nothing on a national level. so, the american society of plastic surgeonsis taking action. a new campaign is warning

patients that, just because someone offersa procedure, doesn’t mean they’re qualified to perform it. what should happen is that state medical boardsshould say, ‘you were trained in pediatrics, you were trained in orthopedic surgery. so,you get to do pediatrics, you get to do orthopedic surgery. that’s it. it’s that simple. until that happens, it’s up to patientslike dinora to learn exactly what their doctors are qualified to do, before doing anythingat all. in los angeles, this is clark powell reporting.

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