liposuction injection

liposuction injection

alright so today's my big day i'm finally getting that laser lipo procedure i've always wanted i was always a little nervous but since i work for dr. goodman i've seen his before and afters totally impressed and now today's my turn hi brandi

hi you ready for your big day? i am a little nervous but a lot more excited alright well let me make sure you're checked in and let's get you started alright, let's get you back

to dr. goodman alright let's get started i'm so excited for you we've been looking forward to this for weeks just as a background i've been doing liposuction for many years but i've come here recently to the new radiance med spa in palm beach gardens

maybe we've done seventy-five cases in the past three months and we're gonna try to demonstrate the specifics of doing liposuction of the abdomen waist lower back with fat transfer to butttock and also to face so let's put the markings on so take that off and let's see what you got

and now we'll take some photographs of allthis i would say that the better part of 2000 ccs or 2 liters of pure fat should come off this middle and more or less we would be putting 300 ccs of fat per buttock and since we're putting a little fat in theface we might as well mark that too so now we're going give the

tumescent local anesthesia the first thing we're going to do is wash her abdomen with a little bit of soap and then we're going to inject in a few spots and then we're going to put a larger needle in under the skin to flood the fatty layer with anesthetic solution and the purpose of this is to create anesthesia

but just as importantly it is to constrict the blood vessels wow, that was easy painless? yeah good well you did great and we got about a twenty minute wait before dr. goodman comes back in

and we start the liposuction alright so we're back to live action we're ready to start the removal of fat portion of the case and now we make little tiny holes with a hole punch we're not making any incisions these are just two millimeters

did you feel that? nope okay you would tell me i hope if you do feel anything? yes now that we have the holes made we will set up the power assist and we'll collect the fat

that's always exciting now this is a vibrating cannula the vibration knocks the fat off it's not sharp the little holes suck it out we gently slide this back and forth throughthe fat the nice thing about this is it removes fat quickly but it doesn't destroy the viability of thefat

i cannot use a laser yet because i'll destroy the viability later on i will use the laser tilt a bit to your right wow! the advantage or one of the major advantages of liposuction on local anesthesia is the ability to stand the patient up

squeeze it and feel that it's correct thickness milk out a little water and if it's bigger on one side than the other or if it's too big here compared to here you can correct it see this is thicker right now than that so i need a little correction right here centrally so you're almost ready to go home

how did everything go today? you know, it went great. i can't believe it's already over the procedure was virtually pain-free and i just can't wait to get home and start showing off my new body was it what you expected? it was, it was actually a little bit easier

but pretty much exactly what i expected so we'll see you in again tomorrow for a follow-up and then dr. goodman will probably instructyou from there alright so here i am about three months after my procedure extremely happy with the results muffin top's totally gone thank you dr. goodman already down about three sizes on my jeans

and i would highly recommend this procedure to anybody that's considering it

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