liposuction in

liposuction in

kelli: hi, my name’s kelli. i’m havinglipo today and i’m just finishing up a few things for work before i head off to go havemy surgery. i work out four or five times a week withweights and cardio. i eat well. there’s just nothing i can do to get rid of theseproblem areas due to my lovely genetics. i’m still a little nervous, but i’m pretty excitedto see what the results are going to be like and how amazing my body is going to be afterwards.i’m off to go have my surgery now. see you later.hi. speaker 2: hi. how are you doing? kelli: good, how are you?

speaker 2: good. welcome to infini. you cango ahead and just have a seat, kelli, and we’ll go ahead and bring out somebody willbe out for you in just a minute. kelli: okay. great, thank you. speaker 2: thanks. dr. hall: all right, kelli. welcome to thephoenix clinic today. the day has come. we’re ready for your procedure. you pretty excited?kelli: yes, i’m very excited. can’t wait. dr. hall: i guarantee it’s going to be alot easier than you thought. it’ll be over in no time. the first thing we’re goingto do is we’re going to stand you up. we’re going to look very carefully and go over theareas again that … your areas of concern.

then we’re going to snap a few photos. theni’m going to draw on you very carefully the outline of exactly what we’re goingto do. okay? kelli: okay. dr. hall: all right. we’re going to takethe photos. go ahead and put your hands over your head. we’re going to take four differentviews. now turn and face that way, please. good. now face the blue. and face the otherside. okay. we’re going to draw very carefullyon the areas that we’re going to go over today. one of the first areas that we’regoing to do is the abdomen. kelli: it tickles.

dr. hall: yeah, you’re not used to havingpeople draw on you every day of the week, are you? kelli: no. dr. hall: these are where i’m going to putthe little incisions. it’ll be five little incision marks right there. this is just whatwe call a topographical map, showing the high points so that it guides us during surgery.okay, and let’s have you turn all the way around. good. for you, yeah, you have sucha tiny waistline up here. once we take away this, it’s going to really bring your bodyback into proportion like we talked about. in medical terms, this is what we call thewaist/hips all this up here, and then this

is this is the outer thigh. people call itdifferent things, flanks, but this is what we really … kelli: i am so happy to be having liposuction. dr. hall: yeah. speaker 4: phoenix liposuction dr. hall: i like to do first is i kind ofoutline the buttocks, where we want the buttocks to be, which is right here. this is wherethe buttocks should be. then finally, the outer thigh. there’ll be three little incisionson each outer thigh, one, two and three. okay, turn around and face the front again. allright, perfect.

all right, kelli. we’re going to get startednow. we’re just going to make some, just inject a little bit of novocain and then makethe tiny little holes that we talked about with this little punch [biopsy], okay? dr. hall: you should barely feel that at all. kelli: yeah. dr. hall: just a little poke. kelli: hi. i’m kelli. it’s been a littleover three months since my surgery and my clothes are fitting so much better. i’vegotten compliments on the new, rounder butt that i have. everything else has gotten alittle bit smaller. i can really feel my muscle

now. overall, just a lot happier with theflatter tummy and smaller everywhere else. it’s exciting.i’m very happy with the results dr. hall gave me. everything he did was just reallygreat.

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