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are you guys excited to be here? yes?! clapfor me. okay so its my pleasure to introduce to you the 2007 speech debate team and whati'm going to do is i'm going to say their name and a little description about the student.after i finish the description we're going to clap like this, ready? ready? okay we won'tcontinue if i don't hear a louder clapping. ready? okay thank you very much. hopefullyit will get better as the night goes on. our first student on our team is rebecca benjamin..waitwait wait...let me give the description. come out here yes don't be shy. she's one of ournewest members of the speech team. she's a speech communications major and plans to transferto a university. let's give her a hand. our next member we have paul hooper. he's 20 yearsold a communications major and ladies he likes

long walks on the beach and to cuddle. i justread the cards. i just read 'em. our next member we have megan loveless she is a teachingmajor. she plans on attending csu stanislaus to receive her ba and eventually her master'sin elementary education. give her a hand. next we have lorna linenut she is a speechmajor who plans on transferring to uop next fall after graduating she wants to join thepeace corp and as ghandi says "be the change you wish to see in the world" next we havejohn mccarty. john plans on to transfer to san diego state. he's leaning towards a degreein business and to his friends you can be my wing man anytime. next we have angela norwood.she's a speech communications major who plans on transferring sooner or later. we won'ttell you how long she's been here. and plans

on one day having a perfume named after hercalled the essence of sexy. thank you for those lewd comments. next we have jenniferramirez she's a broadcast journalism major who plans on becoming a reporter in the future.she plans on transferring to humboldt state university and jump starting her career. okaythis is a longer card so bear with me. next we have heather wayburn. she's a speech communicationsmajor with a minor of french. she plans on attending uop or fresno state where she willreceive her ba after completing her master's program...really goes on for a long time.she has high aspirations of becoming a speech pathologist and working with young childrenwith speech disorders. next we have peter syeed is a custom home designer who has returnedto school to study communications. his future

plans are to open a student hostel in austria.and finally we have jim sampson who believes that being on the speech team is the mostfun you can have with your clothes on. okay guys this is your 2007 speech and debate teamat mjc. give them a round of applause. so our first presentation for you this eveningwill be a speech to entertain. a speech to entertain can be an informative speech ora persuasive speech. it doesn't matter which. but the main emphasis of a speech to entertainor an after dinner speech is called both on the forensics circuit. the main emphasis ofthis speech is to make my audience laugh. i think in the next 10 minutes you will findyourselves laughing. the individual giving this speech is mr. paul hooper. paul wentto a tournament 2 weekends ago as a novice

speaker. in novice it's for students who aredoing an event for the very first time. have no high school experience in the field. attimes in a tournament the novice speakers in the preliminary rounds compete againstthe open competitors. the open competitors are usually people from san francisco state,uc berkeley, ucla they come up from southern california, chico state, fresno state, sacramentostate, san jose state. on the 2 year level we have to compete against the universitiesas well. in speech to entertain mr. hooper competed against those university people becausethere weren't enough novices competing as well. mr. hooper came in 2nd place in openspeech to entertain. so now sit back and allow paul hooper to tickle your funny bone. paulhooper. how's it going guys? can you guys

hear me? we're good? alright. first off around of applause because i am fantastic. no just joking. okay i was joking. bob barkercome on down. george hamilton oh i know toasted and vanna white the woman that always knewhow to push the right buttons. now what does these three people have in common? well they'revery rich besides that they're immortal. they never seem to age. they always seem to staythe same. now you're probably wondering paul paul what is the key to looking that goodfor eons? is it exercise? or liposuction or botox? well today i'm going to talk aboutexercise and how exercies leads to immortality. i will cover this in three easy steps. beginningwith mentally preparing yourself for exercise. they the types of exercises and lastly we'lltalk about the benefits of exercise. now as

you know the new year just passed. and whatdo you think the most popular resolution was? well states it was to lose weightand to become healthier this year. now as you might know the us has become the mostobese and unexercised nation in the world. states 75% of us citizens areconsidered overweight. which means over 20 lbs. 49% are considered obese; which is over50 lbs. now obviously we got to do something about this right? the key is exercise. nowexercise is defined by webster's dictionary as a physical exertion that leads to or maintainingfitness. now as most of us citizens like myself define it very differently. we define it asanything that makes us get out of our chair for longer than 15 minutes. now i know ifi have to do anything longer than 15 minutes

i got to mentally prepare myself. and if workoutslast longer than 4 hours then please call your doctor and seek medical attention. sorryone subject...sorry. now lets waddle no lets walk to my first step. mentally preparingyourself for exercise. now first off you have to hook your mental state up with your physicalbody. now apacrotes once stated that all parts of the body has a function and if maintainand used in the way it was accustomed becomes healthier and ages slower. but if unused becomeliable to disease as well as age quicker. now what do we have to do to mentally prepareourselves? we have to have a plan and some goals. now first off of our plan, what dowe need to do? well, set a routine time. that time you know when you're going to exercise.for instance my favorite show right now is

american idol. and i tell myself that everycommercial break i will run key word run to the refrigerator. now i also do other workoutsduring that time such as abdominal crunches to pick up chips i have dropped on the we have to set rewards. things that will keep us going. for instance, if i work out3 times this week for 3 weeks i will buy myself a milkshake. no no milkshakes. how about someworkout outfit you know maybe spandex because it fits my curves nicely. what ever you gottado. set rewards. next you have to find a partner. someone who can keep you accountable. someonewho'll wake you up at 6 in the morning every morning and take you running. do i look likea runner to you? sorry that's a personal problem. i didn't mean to bring in that into it. we need to put on some music. nothing

gets my blood pumping like a little sir mixa lot "i like big butts and i cannot lie. you other brothers can't deny" um nothingnothing lights a fire in my soul like that song. now we all have a common goal for exercisewith exercising and that is health. we all want to be able to run without passing be able to walk up stairs without gasping for air. and all give a speech without runningout of breath. coughing. sorry. lastly we need to have personal goals something thatis very personal right here in your heart. that will keep you going. i want to tell youmine tonight but you guys can't can't leave the building, alright? have you ever heardof the fmoa (future models of america). son't laugh that is the one that keeps me going.that's the one thing that gets me up in the

morning knowing that i will be america's topmodel. now let's walk. no let's run to my second step. types of exercises. now you'reprobably wondering what is the best way to lose weight and become healthy? well takepills of course. but some of us cannot afford pills especially a lifetime supply of the next best thing is exercise. now before any exercise says youneed to stretch because general stretching will lead to a more flexible you in bendingand reaching as well as giving your joints and muscles allow to be more functional. nowas you see here hopefully you can see it this is a type of upper body stretching. now thisupper body stretching. hopefully you can see that because it is a professional. first offmake sure you get the right workout clothes

but i'm going to cover that a little bit later.alright so upper body stretching. then we have lower body stretching. now in lower bodystretching this allows you to be able to run. stretches out your legs so you can run. thenagain as you see here make sure you wear the right clothes. now that we've worked out orstretched out lets talk about 2 different types of exercises..aerobic which means withoxygen and anaerobic which means without oxygen. now let me take you on a little journey backto your local gym. now if you're going to the door and we turn left we see a bunch ofuncomfortable sweaty faced people running on bicycles and running on treadmills. wellthese people are exercising aerobically. its actually aerobic exercise to include runningas you see here. now running is important

as well as walking, walking up stairs, takingstairs, as well as having sex. now all of these use a massive amount of oxygen. onlyif done correctly though. i'll show y'all later if you like. okay. now lets go backto that gym journey that i was talking about. if you were to turn right we see a room fullof people whose arms seems bigger than the rest of their body. well this room is dedicatedto anaerobic exercises. such as weight lifting or bench pressing as you see here. now donot let that bar fool you, alright because that bar weighs over 37 lbs. i meant 400 lbssorry 400 lbs. now i've been training for years to lift that much weight so please donot go into the gym and just lift it right off the bat. next when i said aerobic andanaerobic let me clarify. without oxygen i

do not mean not to breathe. in fact when liftingthat massive amount of weight and not breathing you will drop the bar on your chest and youwill die. now the council for physical fitness in an article stated for health it talks abouthow you need half cardio (aerobic) and half muscle building (anaerobic) exercises to increaseor maintain fitness. now come on wouldn't we all like to look like bob barker, rightright? and be nice. bob and i care friends and you better watch out because he couldhave you spayed or neutered. now let's run no let's full on sprint to my last step. benefitsof exercise. now what are some benefits? there are 2 main benefits i want you guys to seetoday. that is looking better and feeling better. lets start off with looking better.when exercising you begin to lose weight.

you begin to slim down. your appetite seemsto subside. your able to have run and just be able to feel sorry that's next point. youwould be able to look better. and you begin to have that inward and outward glow thati have. now there's feeling better. feeling better is everything everybody wants that.everyone wants to have that tension free stress free from your work. you want to have thatnice sleep that you've always wanted, right? to be able to sleep well and to sleep also get the chance to spend time with friends and family and truly relax and itgets your endorphin pumping which makes you a happy person. now i talked about how exercisingcan lead to immortality today. i covered it in 3 easy steps first mentally preparing yourself,then the types of exercises, and benefits

of exercises in which to get the thin muscularphysique like mine you've always wanted. now before i go i have a gift for you guys andyou're welcomed to come and get it from me because i'm not going to walk out and handit to everybody. but this is a round piece of paper. obviously because you guys probablycan't see from here. but this is called a to it. now i'm sure all of you guys have heardor all have said that i'll get around to it eventually. i will get...wait..i will getaround to doing exercise. i'll get around to it. i'll get around to this. i'll get aroundto this. well now i have a to it and it's round. this is a round to it. now the to itsays "at long last we have sufficient quantity for you to have one of your own. guard itwith your life these to its are hard to come

by especially the round ones. for years you'vebeen saying i'll do that as soon as i get around to it. now that you have a round toit of your own many things that you meant to do might get done. so get to it." justremember this last thing. you have 3 easy steps to get become more healthy in your lifeand live longer. just remember that exercise does lead to immortality. you have your roundto it you no longer have an excuse. so get around to it. be immortal. thank you. as imentioned earlier as well as public speech is we also have interpretation events andwhat an interpretation event is it's taking some sort of literature. putting it togetherin a themed program and bringing that literature to life in front of the audience. the differentevents that we have in interpretation are

dramatic interpretation where we use materialfrom plays. we have prose interpretation where we take things from literature, novels. andthen we also have poetry interpretation where we take poems as poets say we take poems andwe put them together in a thematic organization. there are 2 different ways that a competitormight do a poetry interpretation. the first way would be to pick a specific theme finddifferent poems from different poets and put that together in a 10 minute program. thesecond way of doing it is to find poetry from a specific poet and put that together intoa program. our competitor speaker today lynn sampson had a poet that he truly admired andreally enjoyed reading her poetry. and at the beginning of the year of the fall he saidi have the perfect poetry interpretation.

i would like to do the poetry of ellen let me tell you a little bit about ellen. ellen lives in santa cruz and teaches creativewriting out in santa cruz and she is a poet that is known around the nation. she's wonnumerous awards. and so this evening lynn will be doing his program of the poetry ofellen bass. however, also lynn thought wouldn't it be special to actually have ellen comeand hear my program? and so this evening we actually are honored by having ms. ellen bassthe poet here in our audience. i'm hoping you enjoy her poetry because one of the otherthings that she promised to do in coming to modesto to hear lynn's program today is shebrought some of her some of her newest books called the mules of love that was copyrightedin 2002; which also won the landa literary

award for poetry books. she will be signingthe books, autographing them after tonight's speech performance for $10 a student ratewe'll be selling those books. the funds some of those funds will be coming back to thespeech team as well. so sit back and enjoy mr. lynn sampson's program of poetry interpretation.our species can enter the human body with a laser. repair the shape of cornea to sharpenall it sees. or crack the ribs and lift the heart from its home plant it again. this exquisitintelligence our brain firing one hundred billion neurons. somewhere in a barren desertsand is blowing baring the tents, biting the skin, someone cradles the skull of a beingborn two million years ago. the poetry of ellen bass explores the extraordinary insightshe finds in a very very ordinary things.

5 poems by ellen bass that explore the peopleand events in your lives that may go unnoticed and never really brought to those significancethat they actually hold and contain. think about your own lives and the things that aremundane in them that you may not even notice but in the end have profound significanceand vast importance. god and the g spot the tattoo artist with the silver stud in her full red executive lips who as she inkedin the indigo blue said i think the g spot is one of those myths men tells us to makeus feel inferior. god the g spot falling in love the earth round and spinning the galaxyspreading in the glimp flow of hubble expansion. i'm an east-coast jew we all have our ownopinions. but it was in the cabin at the silva

beach where i gave her the 30 tiny red glassheart i'd taken back from my husband when i left. he never believed in them. she thoughscooped them up like after let them drip through her fingers like someone who has so much thatshe can afford to waste. that's the day she reached in side me for something i didn'tthink i had and like pulling up fat shiny trout from the river she pulled the riverout of me. gates c22 at gate c22 in the portland airport a man in a broad ban leather hat kisseda woman arriving from orange county. they kissed and kissed and kissed. long after theother passengers clicked the handles of their carry-ons and wheeled briskly towards short-termparking the couple stood there arms wrapped around each other like satin ribbons tie upa gift. and kissing like she had just staggered

off the boat at ellis island or like she'sbeen released at last from icu snapped out of a coma, survived bone cancer, made it downfrom mount everest in just the clothes she was wearing. neither of them was young. hisbeard was gray she carried a few extra pounds you can imagine her say she had to lose butthey kissed lavish kisses like the ocean in the early morning the way it gathers and swellssucking each rock under swallowing again and again. we were all watching. the passengerswaiting for the delay flight from san jose. the stewardesses, the pilot, the apron womanicing the cinnabons, the man seeing the sunglasses. we couldn't look away. we could taste thekisses. crushed in our mouths. but the best part was his face. when he drew back and lookedat her his smile soft with wonder almost as

though he was a mother still open from givingbirth like your mother must have looked at you. no matter what happened after she beatyou or left you your lonely now. you once laid there the vertex had wiped off and someonegazing at you like you were the first sunrise seen from the earth. the whole wing of theairport hushed. each of us trying to slip into the woman's middle-aged body. her plaidbermuda shorts, sleeveless blouse, little gold hooped earrings, glasses. all of us tiltingour heads up. asking directions in paris. savez-vous oã¹ boulevard shave oui. you pronouncethe question carefully. and when the native stops shifting her small sack of grocerieslifting her manicured hand you feel a flicker of accomplishment. but beyond that all claritydissolves. for the woman in the expensive

shoes and the suit exactly the color of thesoft gray color of the clouds above the cathedral does not say to the right to the left straightahead. phrases you memorized from tapes as you drove around your home town are mumbledinto a pocket of berlitz of the plane but relay something holy unintelligible some versionof on the corner he is a shop of jewels in a fountain when the hotel arrives on shortfeet. you listen hard. nodding as though you're pleasant disposition your willingness to gowhere ever she tells you will make the next words pop up from this ocean of sound. somewhatlike a way a dog hears his name in the coveted syllable walk. if you're brave enough or verynervous you may even admit that you don't understand and though the evening is comingon and her family's wating and her husband's

lighting another galwa the children settingthe table she repeats it again another gesture. her lovely hand from which you gleam no morethan you did the first time. as you thank you furfusively and set off full of doubtand gramba sou you think this must be how it is with destiny. god explaining and explainingwhat you must do even willing to hold up dinner for it and all you can make out is a few unconnectedphrases of a word or two a way which you pray is the right direction. why people murder.i found out why people murder in the kitchen of our house back in boulder creek. we weremaking soy bean patties a dozen of soy bean patties ground up in our vitamin blendersand stack in saran wrap in the freezer. he was in the living room. in navy blue sweatpants,sheep skin slippers and his pipe. he was tamping

the tobacco with his thumb and looking formatches. i picked up the knife. we used it to chop up onions onions and carrots and whateverelse it was we put in those hopeful dry little cakes. the details of this particular fightare lost but believe me they do not matter. just imagine a neat primitive a baby screamingfor the breast lust the clawing into another wind wanting to depart the other like waterand be taken in desperation that's the big one. your shaky as a junky, the pain humsan electric current your frozen to a dog gnawed on a cord and unless we kick off. save me.i'm on my knees prostrate. i'm flat as wax across the linoleum floor. the knife is clean.i washed it after the onions. i lurch into the living room my breath comes out visiblelike cold weather. when he sees me he's started.

doesn't know if he should be scared. i'm animatinglike a rod of uranium. he says my name timidative. i look down at the knife as if i was carryingit to a drawer. and took the wrong turn. applause. asks ellen bass to stage and bows. thank youso much for that. later in the program you'll be seeing what is called the parliamentarydebate. in parliamentary debates competition what happens is debaters compete for six rounds.3 rounds they will be affirming a specific statement and for 3 rounds they will be opposinga specific statement. they never know what those statements will be until 15 minutesbefore they start their debates in parliamentary debate. so this evening before we do our informativeand persuasive speeches i'd like to introduce the 2 teams that will be debating for youthis evening. on the government side we will

have mr. peter syeed and paul hooper. andon the opposition we will have jennifer ramirez and lorna lyna. in looking through some magazinesthis morning i came across an article in the national review and the title of that articlei went "tsk this would make a good debate." and so later on they will be debating thestatement "the sun has set on the us empire" whoooah so now you have about 20 minutes togo and prepare your arguments for the sun has set on the us empire. our next event willbe the informative speech. for those of you who are in speech 100 and speech 102 thoseinformative speeches in your class are coming up soon. heee heee. so we plan on giving youan introduction into that process and a sample of what a good strong informative speech shouldlook like. the young lady who will be giving

the speech for informative speech is a studentwho joined the speech team this semester. went to her very first tournament 2 weekendsago in novice informative speaking. because she did so well also against those universitystudents. she actually placed 3rd in open informative speaking. (applause) so pleasegive a warm round of applause for ms. rebecca benjamin. (applause) picture....testing canyou....can you hear me now? what an ice breaker. alright. thank you all for coming. picturea strange new world. freezing cold and dark. the pressure pressing against you is extremelypowerful because you drastically decline in elevation. the only sounds you're able tomake out are the beating of your heart and the chattering of your team. as you attemptto examine your surroundings all you seem

to make out are shadowy figures lurking inthe darkness. you can hardly see your own two hands out in front of you because it'sso dark. the the captain of alvin turns the headlights on and finally you see it. thebottom of the ocean floor. researchers from the wood hole ocean graphic institution werethe first to witness this in 1977. thanks to the help of the first powerful submersiblealvin weighing in at 37,400 lbs, deep sea ocean exploration was made possible. their surprise they stumbled over a new discovery. one they did not expect to find.the wood's team of researchers were the first to witness a strange new habitat. an activehydro-thermal vents community. the discovery of hydro-thermal vents has led has led scientiststo theorize that life may have originated

under similar severe conditions. the nationaloceanic in atmospheric administration was recently stated their interest in hydro-thermalresearch. they hypothesize that life may have originated and evolved near these similarhydro-thermal vents systems. today i would like to focus on 2 main points. first we'regoing to define what hydro- thermal vents along with what characteristics make themunique. then we'll go ahead and discuss why scientist believe that hydro thermal eventsmay explain the origins of life. alright so let's begin by defining what hydro thermalvents are. hydro-thermal vents. are openings in the earth's surface i'm sorry the oceanfloor allow the sea water to seep down into the earth which is then heated by the magmafrom the matal to extremely hot temperatures.

these are smokers i hope you guys can seethat. basically what these are are tall chimneys composed of metal sphalerite minerals andchemicals which solidify as the hot water is exposed to the freezing cold sea watersurrounding them.surrounding these smokers some of the hottest temperatures vary fromabout 600-750 degrees fahrenheit. meanwhile some of the coldest temperatures surroundingthem range from about 33.8-37.4 degrees fahrenheit. not only are these temperature variationsso intense but the depths and the pressures surrounding these sights these vent sightsare extremely different and much harsher than anything that we're used to here in our the average depths that hydro-thermal is found are usually greater than a 1,000meters. that's about 3,000 feet deep below

the ocean's surface. it's really difficultto be specific with these depths and pressures because keep in mind every hydro-thermal ventis found at a different location. since a majority of these hydro-thermal vents arelocated deep beneath the ocean's surface the average pressures are about 275 times greaterthan the pressure at sea level. according to author mark rowe who wrote the articlewhere there's smoke there's gold published in the geographical from 2006 "the pressureis equivalent to 50 jumbo jets pressing down on you." okay so you might be wondering "howdo these life forms if any survive deep down in the cold ocean? with such pressures withinthe darkness?" well, we all obviously know that the sunlight cannot penetrate deep downin the ocean floor. so photosynthesis is obviously

not a process that can take place. on theother hand we have chemo-synthesis . chemo-synthesis is the process which bacteria uses hydrogensulfide carbon dioxide oxygen and water released from these vents and converts it into foodand sugars. this chemical reaction is called oxidation. and this is what releases the energyinto the ocean to support these life forms in the unique communities. alright between1977-2006 researchers have located more than 150 hydro-thermal vent locations. most ofwhich are found in the mid-atlantic ridge. however, discovery of these vents is not justlimited to the mid-atlantic ridge more recent discoveries have been made in the pacificocean, the indian ocean, under arctic ocean ice-caps. believe it or not even in yellowstone park geysers. obviously this map here

does not show all 150 vents locations butit does give us a great idea of where the majority of them have been found. now that we have a pretty good idea what hydro-thermal vents are along with their uniquecharacteristics. let's discuss why scientists believe these hydro-thermal vents may explainthe origins of life. today many scientists including researchers from the national oceanicand atmospheric administration have...excuse me...have stated their interest in these vents.okay according to an article that i read out of time magazine scientists have discovereda new type of bacteria called archaea. this archaea assists in the process of chemo-synthesisand helps support these life forms. it's now believed that this archaea is very similarto the first organisms that populated the

earth billions of years ago. excuse me....inthe article in the same article out of time magazine it stated that scientists claim thatthe discovery of this archaea has led to implications that life may have originated not in a warmtidal pool as darwin and others have theorized, but under conditions of sulfurous searingheat similar to those of hydro-thermal vents. also stated in the same article from timemagazine it has been long assumed that water was the minimum requirement for life's existence.recently, in these hydro-thermal vents we discovered creatures called tube worms. thesetube worms can bury themselves underground and can also survive off the bacteria andtoxins surrounding them. basically the point the article was trying to make is that ifwater can range from frigid to boiling and

burial underground is not a problem then it'sreally not that crazy to think that life may exist in the perma frost beneath the surfaceof mars or in the ice-capped oceans that encircle jupiter's moon europa or even in the oceanson saturn's moon titan. so today we've learned what hydro-thermal vents are along with someof the unique characteristics. we've also discussed why this vent research has led scientistto believe that hydro-thermal vents may explain the origin of life. so just imagine the nexttime someone is up here asking you to picture a strange new world freezing cold and dark.just think we already have one and we don't even have to leave earth to find it. thankyou. ooops now you're with me? alright here we go (background noise). our final publicspeech for this evening is the persuasive

speech. a speech that again for many of youin speech 100 and 102 you'll be doing later in this semester. for those of you in 104or 107 it begins to look at the examination of arguments and presenting arguments. ina persuasive speech we tend to do two different things. we're either looking to persuade peopleand motivate them into action or we're trying to persuade people to change their beliefsand to look at something a little bit differently maybe there is a better way that we coulddo things. this evening's speaker miss angelina norwood is really the heartbeat for this speechteam. a member who has taken numerous awards throughout both semesters and is really asuperior speaker. so please give a warm welcome to miss angelina norwood. ohhh are you guysready for this? yeah? alright. it's the first

day of the new semester and you walk intoyour classroom, what's the first thing you do? scan for hotties right? i mean we mightas well come to terms with it. it's human nature. everyone should go to school to pickup on the opposite sex. its what makes the most sense. unfortunately what makes the mostsense in our love lives doesn't necessarily makes the most sense when it comes to education.many options have been proposed to fix the deteriorating public school system. but noother option has been as staunchly rejected as single gender education. single gendereducation is a viable option for public schools. today i will give you two points. first thatthe current public school system is problematic and second that single gender education isan option worth considering. the current public

school system is problematic. a major flawwithin our current public school system is that neither male or female students are encouragedto step outside the box and take an interest in subjects contrary to their gender this i mean, that after graduating high school female students are less likely topursue majors in math and science whereas male students are less likely to take an interestin the arts. in fact, dr. leonard sacks, a prominent family physician, psychiatrist,and published author wrote an article in the world denying august of 2006 that girls whograduate from co-education high schools are 6's less likely to major in math and sciencethan girls with a background of single gender education. this lack of diversity among maleand female students in terms of subject matter

has a lasting impact on modern society. thismeans to say the lack of integration of males into female dominated subjects and femalesinto male dominated subjects creates an imbalance within our socioeconomic structure. basically,what this means is that basically what this means is that because women aren't in goinginto fields such as math, science, and business and men aren't going into fields such as socialwork and teaching. what we have is the perpetuation of the glass ceiling and gender the glass ceiling and gender stereotypes bring huge disadvantages to modern society.even today we see that women are paid substantially less than male counterparts even while performingthe same duties. we also see that men often met with opposition when it comes to jobsthat include teaching small children or acting

as child care providers. until we can balancethe educational goals of both male and female students we will never have a balanced socialor economic system. now that we've seen the current public school system is problematic.lets look at why single gender education is such a viable option. now before i get intothis next point let me post a little disclaimer "fellas i know it's going to be a little harshbut i still love ya, alright?" don't shoot the messenger. so single gender educationcaters to the developmental and biological needs of each gender. now differences beyondgenitals are real and just not perceived. according to research published by the nationalacademy of the sciences in april 2006. here we go guys, calm down. the female brain developsfaster and stays more mature than the male

brain from birth to childhood and even intoadulthood. clapping. whoa whoa whoa. also according to the national academy of sciencesand research the brain of a 6 year old boy is comparable to the brain of 4 year old girl.and the brain of 17 year old boy is comparable to the brain of 11 year old girl. now waitwait wait wait wait calm down. this does not mean you are dumb. this does not. what allthis research is just saying is that men and women learn differently. their brains developat different rates. therefore it is not fair to have these two genders with all of thesedifferences housed in one educational system. now with that said. dr. elise elliot authorof what's going on in there? how the brain and mind develop in the first 5 years of lifeexplains that because the female's brain develops

faster women on average has hastier developmentof language proficiency skills. now as i said before with language as a formidable differencebetween genders is it really any wonder that female students continually out perform theirmale peers on tests such as spelling, capitalization, punctuation. language usage, and reading comprehension?it's not fair. you boys are being judged against the girls and you guys learn in a completelydifferent way. so lets move on and open our minds to this one, okay? now, with that saidwith that said we need to examine why single gender education is such a viable option.according guys want to give me a little something here...can i get an applausereal quick? thank you. alright. so okay so like i said dr. elise elliot explained thatgirls continually out perform their male peers

on tests such as spelling, capitalization,punctuation, reading comprehension, and language usage. single gender education has been provento substantially increase standardized test scores in all these subjects in both men andwomen. lets take for example shenfill high. as principle of shefill high, john ferraswas discouraged he had watched the students' academic performance slowly decline year byyear. so taking his cues from studies suggesting that students from single gender educationenvironments have more zest for learning. ferras put the change into effect. he united2 single gender education class under one roof and since then the proportion of shefillboys achieving higher scores on standardized tests has risen by 26% leaving the women toimprove only slightly less by 22%. now researchers

across the world have investigated this occurrencetest whether the academic success achieved at shenfill high can be replicated in otherschools. and the results show tremendous advantages for single gender education. 68% of boys onstandardized test for language proficiency skill subsequently passed if they were insingle gender education classrooms. compared to only 33% of boys from co-educational backgrounds.among the girls 89% of those tested that were involved in single gender education passedthat same standardized test as compared to only 48%. so basically what we can see hereis that when two genders are encompassed into one house they don't perform well becausethey are measured at different standards. so the next time you walk into your classroomand think about the hottie in the front row

or the cutie in the back. the next time youmake your mental list of whose hot and whose not. think about how single gender educationhas affected your past and how it may influence your children's future. thank you. to getyou all pumped up for the debate what i need you to do is i need for those of you who wantto to stand up take a little stretch break and i want to hear the loudest cheer thatmjc bring to us right now. let me hear your cheer (people cheering) fabulous job. okayare you guys ready for the debate now? okay before we get started go ahead and once yougot your stretch on go ahead and have a seat. i know those seats are hard. it's all good.okay let me have y'all sit down. please don't be tempted to leave because you're going tomiss one of the greatest parts of the evening.

okay just to tell you a little bit about whatparliamentary debate is. now most of you didn't know, but as soon as you stepped into thegym tonight, you've all been transported to the days of parliament. and each of you ishere to pay witness to the great debate between the government and the opposition. now thewhole part of this debate is the government was given a resolution today and their jobis to uphold this resolution and prove to all of you that what they're saying is of course, we always have to have an opposing team so the opposition's job their whole responsibilityis to tear apart the government's team and prove to you that their side of the debateis correct. now they're going to be able to do this in multiple different ways. each teamis going to be given 2 constructive speeches

and 2 rebuttal speech to prepare themselvesfor this debate. the only other element in this debate is there is a speaker of the housewho will recognize each speaker as they come up. now this may sound like any normal debateto all of you but something really exciting about parliamentary debate is 3 differentelements. this first element todd had talked to you guys already about and that was thefact that our team only has 15 minutes to prepare a solid debate for you today. so theyreally have to rely on their common knowledge, on their wit to persuade you as their audienceto go for their team. the second really exciting part about this debate is there's no crossexamination. the only way they can ask the other team questions is by standing up puttingtheir hand on their head and putting their

arm out and saying point of information. nowthis may look absolutely ridiculous. the reason that they do this is back in the days themen used to wear wigs and they would be so excited about their points they would jumpup and their wigs would fly off. and so they put their hand on their heads so that theirwigs wouldn't fly off. the other part you might hear a team in their rebuttal say somethingcalled point of order. now they can say point of order in the last speech when maybe somebodyon the other team has brought up new evidence because in the rebuttal period there is nonew evidence and no new arguments allowed. now the final part and this is the most excitingfor all of you is that this is a very audience participation kind of debate. now our speakersare going to come up here and they're going

to say stuff that you absolutely love. sowhen they say stuff that you love i want to hear all of you pound your little leg andhit the table and say here here. so we need to practice this so i'm sure you're everybody on the count of 3 we're gonna do the here here okay? one two three..herehere. you guys are fabulous. you're doing awesome. now on the other side there may besomething people up here say that you absolutely disagree with and you think is when this happens i hear some of you already saying it you're going to be saying shameshame. so let's practice that. one two three...shame shame. alright so well it's time to get thismother started. so what we have today for our debate is the sun has set on the us empire.representing the government we have the fabulous

peter syeed as the prime minister. and paulhooper as his member of government. show some love for these fabulous debaters. and nexton the opposition we have the wonderful lorna lynot as the leader of opposition and jenniferramirez as her member of the opposition. so lets give them a big here here. let get thisstarted. the house will now recognize the prime minister. here here. give me a chanceto speak before you give me a shame shame. thank you ladies and gentlemen the first thingi want to do is thank charlie ewing. he's the man who institutionalize this parliamentarydebate here at mjc and nationwide. he's actually the one man who really really helped establishthis team. i also want to thank our coach todd guy. here here here here. as a matterof course of likeness i would like to thank

the opposition team and my teammate you can see it's peter, paul and if we had mary we would rock it. alright the firstthing i want to do is get straight into the topic. our topic is the sun has set on theus empire. this is a very tricky resolution because the beginning part is a metaphor.the sun is set and the latter part is literal the us empire because of that we're goingto look at the definitions and say that the sun is set means the end of an empire. whatwe mean by the end of the empire its the end of an era. what we mean by an era is the 20thcentury as of the end of the 20th century the us empire the sun has set on. empire isa very tricky word for us because of that a lot of scholars have a hard time definingit so we're going to define it as hgeamonical

military power. now i think there was somediscussion about hegemon being something to do with pokemon but in this case hegemonicalmeans dominant ruling top dog.hegemonical poiwer we're on top uncontested. here first contention in this matter of fact has to do with our criteria. how are you goingto judge this matter of fact. we're going to say you're going to judge according tothe amount of quality evidence. that means whoever has got the best evidence. so letsget straight to my first contention. my first contention is prior to the year 2000 the endof the 20th century there was not any military contention against the us. from the time of1980 to the time of 2000 the us military was uncontended. the sun was shining on the usmilitary power. you could see this in our

attack on grenada as we went in to get collegestudents out. you can see this in nicaragua as we disposed of the crazy drug czar manualnoriega and you can see this in kuwait as we went in to liberate from our crazy mansaddam hussein. here here. my second contention is as of the year 2001 the us military powerhas been contested. in this sense, the era of us military power has come to a close thesun has set on us military power. you can see this in the 2001 al-quida attack againstthe twin towers and the united states. you can see this against the military attackson the nairobi embassy in kenya and you can see this when the us backed israel showedconclusively that us military power could not dominate a stateless militia in the 20thcentury when it went against hezbollah. the

us military has been hegemonical it has beenof power but at the end of the 20th century it's no longer the power it was. the impactof this is that we as the united states need to look at our foreign policy and we needto look at this resolution of fact to decide whether or not this is true so that we canbegin forming policies. our contention then is that an era has ended as of the 20th centurythe sun has set on us military power. thank you very much ladies and gentelmen. thankyou thank you. alright of course i would like to start off with thanking everybody for comingtoday. congratualtions on being voted as new members of parliament. so here here to allof you. thank you to the speaker of the house of course the government team for puttingon an excellent debate round today and of

course my lovely partner jennifer ramirez.okay so let's get right into this. oh what am i thinking of course i want to thank ourcoach todd guy for being a fabulous head coach and scott beaderman who goes so under thankedso often. so let's get right into this. we're going to go ahead and accept all of theirdefinitions the end of an era the being of the 20th century a hegemonical power and nonot the pokemon swim team. and that this is a fact case and the criteria more qualityevidence. we;'re gonna show to you today that we do have more quality evidence that thesun has in fact not set on the american empire. here here. okay but first let's get into theirfirst contention. prior to 2000 there was no military contention between 1980 and 1999.maybe but maybe with just contentions that

previous contentions refused to that may or may not be true but that a mute point. that's not really saying that'sneither here nor there. their second contention is that in 2001 we were attacked but withthat i think we should show our military dominance we're attacked and the next day we're shippingout boys to afghanistan. here here. the next day. okay so with that but i'll take yourfirst point of information. were we ever attacked before 2000 like the 9/11 situation? pearlharbor. okay so we're going to get into our examples that not only outnumber but are ofmuch value. so our first contention is the nuclear power north korea. they start offwith their new nuclear program and the first thing we do is put sanctions on them not theun the united states. we power up with china

who is a communist country who is neighborswith north korea and you would think logically that they would want to team up with thembut instead us being such a powerful military country they team up with us and put sanctionson a neighboring country. right there we show military power has not set at all on the unitedstates. our second contention is that country in need go to us for help. countries likedarfur and uganda and other countries they mentioned go to us for military help. theydon't go to the un they go to us. because our money our military is so strong that theyknow that we can help. knocking and here heres which brings me to my third point the un saidno to iraq the un the most powerful world police said no to iraq and we went anyway.showing that we have an incredible whether

or not you believe that the iraqi war is fairor not we're there showing our strong military presence. not only to the world but to theun. here here. so if we can go back to their on-case their criteria was more quality evidenceand i think we showed that we have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that we have moreevidence the sun has not in fact set on the american military empire that we're in factstill a super power will be a super power and i can even say that the sun is still risingon the american empire. here here. and that their contentions are not of substance inthe way that ours are. with that i urge a strong opposition vote. thank you. how's itgoing? alright first off, i want to thank all of you guys out there for coming. i knowyou wanted to and you were not forced. laughter.

thank you for coming. also i want to thankour wonderful coach todd guy and our assistant coaches also for helping us out and givingus this wonderful night. lets give them a hand. alright so lets get right back intothis debate. first i'm gonna go on their case and back on ours to show you a little bitof what is wrong with this debate. first off they talked about they debated our contentionsin how first off contention one that the sun did not set on our military before 2000. theysaid well maybe and some of the administrations would not actually like to admit to that butin fact like my partner showed in three separate things in nicaragua, grenada, and kuwait theyobviously no one contended us and people know this. and administrations has seen this happenand they do admit to it. so her first argument

should not be upheld. secondly contentionnumber 2 that in 2001 we were attacked and we went straight to war with these people.we're not talking about how we're going to war. we're saying before 2000 no one wantedto attack us. after 2000 other countries like and other militias like al-quida saw thatthey had an opening. saw that we were becoming weak with our administration and saw thatour military is strong but again our sleeping giant as she talked about with pearl harboris asleep and they wanted to wake it up because they thought that they could beat us. nowwe did go to war with these people and we did attack them but in fact that is not whatthe debate is today. we're talking about how people are wanting to contend the united statesbecause they feel that we are weak nation

even though our military is so strong. nowlets go on to their case about how they talked about in their first contention which is nuclearpower with china and how we're helping out with them with a communist country. in factsaying that that has anything to do with what we're talking today about today doesn't makeany sense. no offense. i'm sorry. but the nuclear power thing. we're talking about goingout and helping out other countries. we're not talking about other countries coming andattacking us so their quality argument in that situation should not be seen as overours which is i'll go on to later. next they go on saying that the us the us because ofour military that we set up sanctions and different things but in fact when she broughtup the argument sanctions. sanction is a political

movement in a political situation. it's nota military situation so in fact sanctions is not important in this debate. next theun she talked about how the un is the worldwide police and how it gets out there and toldus no we can't go to war for one the un does not have power over the united states to tellus what to do. here here. we are a strong nation and saying the the un like our mothertold us no you cannot do this and slap their hand we do not listen to the un because weare the us. here here. now lets go back onto our case and talk about how my partner providedan excellent case. thank you to my partner as well as the opposition. he talked about2 qualitative pieces of evidence. now these two pieces of evidence again were our contentionthat no one contended us before 2000. and

he provided 3 wonderful examples and evidenceof them. then he went on to to our second contention which was after 2000 everyone wantedto contest us. everyone wanted to take us on because they thought we were weak and wewouldn't jump up and attack them. but in fact again my partner provided 2000 al-quida attacks,the attacks on the nicaragua embassy, and the us that is re-releasing constructive uspower. now we provided qualitative evidence and i hope you guys vote for the government.thank you very much. where's everybody going? come back. come back. okay. shame shame yeahshame shame come back. okay well i would like to thank all of you for coming here. thankyou members of parliament. thank you to the government team for putting up a case forus today. thank you to my lovely partner lorna

for being here. and thank you to our coachesfor training us and making us a really strong team. okay i would like to go on to the debate.i would like to review the member of government's case. his first point against our case wasthat we said that they sun has not set on the military because they have put sanctionson the military and we didn't have any sanctions before 2001. well maybe the sun might be settingbut it has not set. therefore their argument should be dropped because even though theymight think it might be setting it has not yet set. our military is still strong. herehere. their second point was in 2001 my partner stated that in 2001 when we were attackedwe went straight to war because and the government stated was because they thought we were weakbut we went in and we showed them that we

were not weak. we showed them we went in andwe put military in there and we showed them that we were not weak. therefore the sun hasnot set on the us empire. they said that our off-case that our example of china doesn'tmake sense but indeed it does make sense because it shows we have a strong military becausewe are able to team up with another country, a communist country wants to team up withus to put sanctions on their neighbor. therefore showing that we are a strong military forceand we are to be feared. yes. is a sanction a political or military stance? okay thatwas my next point. the resolution as they stated was that we have put military we havesanctions that we have put sanctions on the military and we are talking about puttingsanctions on the country so???? okay so my

point is that they defined the resolutionas the us military is losing power because it has been sanctioned. but so how does ourpoint of us putting sanctions on other countries not make sense? and of course the governmentteam came up and said that we don't listen to the un and that's a point for us. we arepowerful so we don't have to listen to the un. they told us not to go into iraq and wedid it anyway. we're there anyway. so therefore all our points do stand. we have quality exampleson way the sun hasn't set upon the us empire. they might have given examples on how thesun is setting on the us empire but it has not yet set. we are still strong and the militaryhas not lost its power. therefore i urge a strong opposition ballot. thank you. thanksfor coming guys we'll see you again next year.

shame shame shame. alright to the rest ofyou again thank you for coming. thank you again to our coaches to the government teamand my lovely partner jennifer. okay so we're going to get right into the voters. our firstvoter today is that we have upheld the criteria with more quality evidence. if you rememberin the prime minister's first speech the criteria was quality evidence. we have that. we'veupheld that with nuclear north korean nuclear sanctions which is a military strategy. powerplays with china. countries looking to us for military and economic help and finallythe us being defiant to the un and going into iraq. all of these showing we have not thatthe sun has not set on the us empire and that is in fact stronger and possibly more powerfulthan ever. our second voter is that prior

to their examples can basically be summedup into one, that prior to 2000 there was no military contention and then as soon as2000 hit there was all sorts of military contentions. this just does not stand because there wasmilitary contention before 2000. all we are saying administrations maybe turned a blindeye to it and just didn't want to deal with it. let the next administration deal withit. and that after 2000 that all of a sudden there was all this turmoil and all this warand this is just not right. then our third contention our third voter is that the memberof government came up and was talking about how before 2000 or after 2000 other countriesawakened the sleeping giants again. this is a point for us. this is a voter for us. theyawoken the sleeping giant and look at what

we've done. we've gone in and showed our militarypresence. so with that i want you to think before you cast your ballots today beforeyou go and vote. are you an american and has the sun set on you? shame shame here herehere. i think her mic is off when she said that it's time for final rebuttals. countriescome to the us for military help? which ones did she name? the administration didn't payattention to possible contentions against the us military power? well obviously theyweren't important enough. or they weren't contentions. our stance is that an era ofus military dominance was over as of the 20th century. this is a matter of fact. was itover or was it not over? our contention is as of 2001 we saw direct military contentionagainst the us. now does that mean the us

has a weak military? no. my brother a lancecorporal in the us marines still maintains that the us marines are the best marine coreon the face of the united states. hoooraaahhh! point of order. point of order. this is acompletely new example it has not been brought up at all in this debate. here here. shameshame shame shame. all i gotta say is hooorraaah! if this is true if this is true that us militarypower is being contended against in the us against the us that means that the stabilityof the world is under attack. that means if this is true that we the us have to becomestronger but the question is has the sun set as of the end of the 20th century on unitedstates military power? our contention is that it has. we see that in grenada. we see thatwe were unopposed in nicaragua, unopposed

in kuwait but as of 2001 we were opposed.we've been opposed by hezbollah by al-quida places that have no states. they are not countrieswe cannot fight against they are not people that we can go after. point of order againall new contentions. shame shame. thank you very much ladies and gentlemen. our votersthat we have provided you with 6 quality examples. our voters have shown that sanctions are nota military action they are a political action. we have brought to you the fact that the ushas been contended against since 2001. thank you very much. now in the british parliamentusually what would then happen is that there would be 2 doors one door would be for thosepeople who agree with the government. the other door would be a door for those peoplewho agree with the opposition. as the members

of parliament left they would leave throughthe door showing which side they agree with. here at this evening for this speech nightall we really want to say is thank you very much for coming leave through any door youwant to. have a great evening and drive safely. music plalying

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