liposuction in the arms

liposuction in the arms

welcome back. patients always want to know how much fat can be removed during a liposuction procedure. liposuction is a safe procedure, but there are limits on how much fat can be removed in one sitting. if the surgeon attempts to remove too much fat there can be significant consequences for patients, including death. remember, when fat is removed from the body, it creates stress in the body. there is a lot of fluid shifting, among other things. it is universally accepted that the maximum amount of fat that can be removed in any typical surgery is about 5 to 7 liters.

furthermore, when liposuction is performed, the patient needs to be within a certain weight limit. if your bmi is above 35, you are notgoing to be a candidate for the procedure. remember, liposuction is not a weight loss program. it is not that the surgeon can suck all the fat off your body and all of a sudden your body will decrease to a size 4 or 5. liposuction can be performed in multiple areas, including the abdomen, the flanks, the thighs, the back, among the other but if you have too much fat, you will need to lose

weight prior to the surgery in order to have a good result. in this video we discussed how much fat can be removed in one surgery. next week we will discuss how dog-ears can be avoided during a tummy tuck.

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