liposuction for men abdomen

liposuction for men abdomen

[speaker unknown] from galumbeck plastic surgerythis is new techniques in cosmetic surgery. if you just tuned in, we have been discussingbreast augments, breast lifts, and also breast reductions. now we are going to shift ourfocus to other aspects of the body, liposuction how that can help recontour the hips the thighsand other areas. doctor galumbeck certainly liposuction and the type of liposuction thatyou use can make a significant difference in the shape of a person's body but also inrecovery time. right, well with liposuction the real advantage of liposuction is it removesfat cells, permanently removes fat cells, so not only do we make someone smaller, butwe improve their shape. whereas diet and exercise, fat cells will shrink and the budges may getsmaller, but the bulges don't go away. now

certainly if you get liposuction and thenyou start eating fast food and you don�t exercise any of that on by people say i'mfrustrated because i do and am doing everything right, you are going to get fat. but peopleare frustrated and say i am doing everything right, i have a personal trainer, some ofthe people that come in are personal trainers. they say i am doing everything right, buti still can�t get rid of these bulges. that�s what liposuction is for. to target those areas,remove the extra fat, and improve their shape. but folks say look i want to get somethingdone, i don't have a lot of time to recover and really i think that this is one that thingsthat is really opened up and allowed more people get liposuction, because really theycan fit into the schedule you know you can

get liposuction of the abdomen on a fridayor saturday and be back to work monday. oh, you know you are a little sore like you�veworked out too hard, but they say you know i've done that before. medically there areno restrictions, and your up and around a lot sooner and people can really fit it intotheir schedule. you can really do any of the body: tummies, hips, thighs, back, arms, neck,and chest. anywhere there is fat, you can get rid of it. you said you can fit into yourschedule, you can also fit into clothes a lot better if you pursue this this type oftechnique and the abdomen, of course, is the one place. i think the men and women probablycomplain about a lot because it tends to be right where everything goes. right. so that'sthat certainly one of the areas i imagine

that's pretty often requested. especiallywoman the lower abdomen, they say, i have this lower pooch and i can�t get rid ofit. when i look at the abdomen, i usually do not only do the lower abdomen, but i willcontour the upper abdomen and the sides to bring everything so that it flows and blendsnicely. here�s a woman that we did liposuction of the abdomen. you can see in her beforepicture she's got an extra bulge mainly in her lower abdomen but also in the upper abdomenand on the sides. and by performing the liposuction not only do we give her a better waistlineyou know we're also getting rid of the extra fat in her abdomen and she's flatter and can see in her after pictures just that in the front view that she's got a betterwaistline. in the side view, you can see the

abdomen is much flatter. the liposuction incisionsare about an eighth of an inch or a quarter of an inch long. they are in the panty lineand well hidden and you can get a result like this and be up and around in no time. so ittakes about how long for this to be performed. liposuction of the abdomen takes about fortyfive minutes. we use intravenous sedation to the patients have a nice little snoozeand for them it�s just like that. and they�re recovering for an hour at our facility andthen they can go home and are up and about immediately. maybe a little soreness but thatof course also will abate. i did say something about men a little bit earlier. yes if youare a male when you're watching the show right now, certainly there's liposuction for you.and there are certain areas of the body that

men certainly complain about. and that wouldprobably be something called what, love handles. the love handles and the abdomen on men. andalso same thing, they say i go to the gym all the time to work out and i can�t getrid of this stuff. and they come in for liposuction again small incisions, remove the fat, improvethe shape. and here's a gentleman that we did liposuction, on you can see his beforepicture in front of his abdomen he's got excess fat and not a lot of definition. on this onhis back picture you can really see the love handles. they are big, they are there, andhe can�t get rid of them. and in this after picture you can see that his abdomen is muchflatter and his love handles are gone. and this is the this is the kind of result youcan get with liposuction. he�s out of the

garment in four days, back to work and socialactivities in no time. well hidden incisions and then again i do the incisions below thebelt line so in shorts, in bathing suits, you won�t see any of the incisions. andthose to fade with time. good stuff and so gentleman if you're out there looking at this,know something can be done. on that note thank so much for joining us this has been new techniquesin cosmetic surgery i'm your host jan callahan along with board certified plastic surgeondr matthew galumbeck. we'll see next time.galumbeck plastic surgery 1817 republic road, virginiabeach, virginia 23454. 757.491.3204.

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