liposuction foam pads

liposuction foam pads

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0calibri;}} {\*\generator msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\qj\lang9\f0\fs32hello, i'm paula moore the chiropractor showing you today how to prevent neck hump. neck humpis not a dowager's hump and for the difference between the two please watch my video, 'forwardhead posture'.\par today we are going to talk about how to preventneck hump, which is the fatty hump which develops at the base of the neck from the years ofpoor posture (slouching with forward head leaning). \paryou will need a towel from home. roll it up into a sausage about 2.5 inches thick. youthen place the roll in the apex (the greatest point of your poor posture). that is usuallyabout mid-shoulder level (bra-line for women).

you can hold it with both hands or place itdown onto the floor. don't do this exercise on a bed, you need something solid. \parplace it along the apex of your curve, lie back over the roll with knees bent and headtouching the floor. if you head feels like it is miles from the floor and you have tolift your chin up to get your head to touch, then this posture has already developed onyou. you may need to see a health care professional before you are able to do this exercise. \parthen take your arms and stretch them right up in the letter 'v' position. if your armsare a mile from the floor then start with the letter 't' position. after several weeksof doing this, you can flatten your legs, so you get a great big stretch right throughyour body. link your fingers and really stretch.

feel the lengthening in your spine. \paryou may want to do some breathing and relaxing. this is a wonderful way to meditate. workup to doing just 60 seconds. that may feel like a lifetime when you begin but you don'twant to do more than that. when you come of the towel, roll off it to the side. give yourbody 30 seconds to adjust and then sit upright. \paryou can work up to 5 minutes. 1 minute a day for the first week. 2 minutes a day in thesecond week, then 3 minutes. by the end of a month, you should be up to 5 minutes everyday. don't rush this process, because you can make yourself too sore.\parafter you have used the towel successfully for a month, you can purchase a pool noodle.they come if a long form and you can get them

at homebase or b&q or probably on ebay. usea bread knife and cut your roll about 1 foot in length, depending on how wide you are.this is less forgiving than a towel. this really is only for those who have been workingwith the towel for a month.\par place it in the apex of your curved posture.lie back over the roll. place it where you are slumping the most. with bent knees whileyou head touches, you want to allow your chin to tuck in. stretch your arms right up. thisis much harder than the towel. after a couple of weeks, you can flatten your legs. yourarms are either in the 'v' position or the 't' position if you find they are too faraway from the ground.\par after 60 seconds, roll off, let your bodyre-adjust for 30 seconds before you sit upright.

again, work up to 5 minutes on the roll. afteryou have been doing 5 minutes daily for a month you can go right up to 10 minutes daily.\par that combined with my 'forward head posture'exercise, will really help you improve your posture.\pargood luck and send me any questions that you have.\fs22\par}

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