for anyone who doesn't believe that the femalebody is scrutinized from head to toe come along with me as i tell you a little storyabout something called 'cankles'. cankles is a portmanteau of 'calf' and 'ankles'used to describe legs usually belonging to women that look more like musical drumsticksthan chicken drumsticks. the origin of cankles is about as ridiculous as the word itselfsince it first emerged in our pop cultural vernacular in 2001 in the feature film 'shallowhal'. in it jason alexander's character uses the word 'cankles' in the process of fat-shamingthe over-weight leading lady and the shape of her legs. next thing you know in 2003 theword pops up in glamor magazine and the rest is well cankle history. and why are slenderankles a feminine beauty ideal? well because
someone made it up. up until the late nineteenthand early twentieth centuries women's ankles were largely hidden from view due to the floor-lengthgowns and skirts that they wore. but as hemlines began inching up with the turn of the centurynew beauty standards for what ladylike legs should look like had to be established. forthat look no farther than the iconic gibson girl who was the beauty icon on that era whowas drawn from time to time revealing her slender ankles. thanks a lot gibson girl.and it's not long after that that you start to see all sorts of ads popping up for ankle-reducingcontraptions, home remedies and exercises. fact number three that's important to rememberis that cankles or large ankles are not a medical condition and as i established earlierwith the story about 'shallow hal' it is not
a medical term. swollen ankles might be symptomaticof something else such as pregnancy, poor circulation or obesity in which case exercisemight help reduce the circumference of your ankles. what's even more important to rememberis that less-defined ankles are usually a product of genetics. that's all it is. anydecent exercise physiologist will tell you that you can't do any kind of spot reductionon your ankles. which leads me to my final and most distressing fact which is that morean more women are actually seeking out ankle liposuction in order to get rid of their cankles.which signals to me that it's high time we knock this fabricated female beauty idealoff its pedestal so that it no longer has a leg to stand on because ladies if we can'tlearn to love our ankles how are we ever going
to learn to love the rest of us?
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