soldiers are getting a light borrowthere was a look on a song as you got a light pole which you moneythe stupid i was a stupid i was a stupid pollination i'm so stupid anyway arms soldiers are getting lab such thepast their military bat test according to the associatedpress some soldiers some members on militaryare turning to liposuction is a quick fix before the up backed tests which
can affect promotions career prospectsfor years to come by comparing the menu to the soldier'sneck in ways the first able to come up with abadi that estimate too much excess can send you back to contained to the pork chop platoon our military fat camp also known as andif you fail the test twice or more you are out above the military although all although there are art figures for the navy the air forcethe army
has already dropped the way one fromdropping a 168 people in 2008 for being overweight to now dropping 1815 people last year because they were overweight but the story continues so there basicallythey're measuring people to make sure they're fat or not and some individuals arm one service or a particular says eventhe higher up sometimes advise surgery to keep their min in the shape
that is true so they go and many doctorsare are agree arm and their push the panicdepending on to change the standard and the fact that bigger doesn't always mean on healthier fat but get still someindividuals have turned to liposuction to keep themselves in the military andwith that being said and i think the air force recently da permission to allow airmen who arephysically fit arm to be tested with the body massindex chart which is compares heart height and weight and how those thingssort of overlaying international could
only imagine what the total ipo daughter-in-law i think if like clearlyif you if you're your job requires you to be acertain way to get the job done then you need to be that way to get thejob done argue that all that with that being said i really though people wanna will turn in a libel tostay in the military at a little much so much there well on down
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