common question that we'll get from patients- just regular patients having liposuction - if i have liposuction, and then i go onand gain weight in the future, will my fat come back? often we'll have that same question in thecontext of a male patient who is having gynecomastia surgery, who wonders, "if i have my gynecomastiatreated, if i have fat removed and the breast tissue that's in my chest removed that's causingthe fullness in my chest, and then i gain weight in the future, is it going to comeback?" and these are kind of two similar questions. in both instances it's important to understandthat once fat cells are removed, they don't
re-duplicate or your body doesn't make moreof them, so even if you gain weight, you're not necessarily going to make more fat cellsper se. but what can happen is the remaining fat cellsthat are present can actually enlarge, or we call that hypertrophy, and so to a limitedextent patients can regain some fullness or fatty tissue in an area that has previouslybeen contoured with liposuction. but in general, once you've had an area treatedwith liposuction, whether it be in your chest, or a man with gynecomastia, or in your abdomenor flanks or thighs, that fatty tissue's not going to come back. we encourage patients not to consider havingelective cosmetic surgeries - particularly
body contouring like liposuction - if they'renot also going to commit to an ongoing diet and exercise regimen that's going to allowthat result to be optimized. but in general, fatty tissue doesn't comeback after it's been removed because of the nature, the unique nature, of fat cells.
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