in this clip, we'll talk about your consultationfor liposuction. when you come to see your surgeon, make sure to give him a completelist of your past history, and your medications, including herbal medications. certain herbalmedications can interfere with bleeding, by interfering with platelets, and it's importantthat you discuss those all with your physician, prior to the procedure, so that they don'tinterfere, and cause complications. then your surgeon will examine you, and this will involvea detailed examination of the areas of concern, to assess whether there is an appropriateamount of fat there to remove. what is the overlying skin? if there's loose skin associatedwith the fat, it may be necessary to do a different type of procedure, such as a procedureinvolving removing or cutting the skin. this
would be for example, on the abdomen, an abdomenoplasty.if a patient has a lot of loose skin on their stomach or abdomen, then doing liposuction,and just removing fat, will not leave a desirable result, and it may be necessary to do a biggerprocedure, such as removing skin through an abdomenoplasty, or a tummy tuck.
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