liposuction 40 lbs

liposuction 40 lbs

hi everybody. i'm dr. david reath, and i'mhere to discuss this week's truth-o-meter tuesday question.well we were talking about tummy tucks, and in particular, we were talking about a studywhich had come out which stated that sometimes you can have a permanent sustained weightloss after a tummy tuck. so we asked the question that: studies have found that people, aftertummy tuck, have a sustained weight loss. and the answer is the reasons for this weight loss are not totally clear. and i think it really comesdown to several factors. now one factor is that people get fuller soonerwhen they're eating. and i believe the reason for that is whenwe repair the muscles in the tummy tuck, there's

just not as much room in the abdominal cavityfor the stomach to expand. i've seen this in a number of patients.and so some people end up getting fuller more quickly, don't eat quite as much, and theysee a little bit of a reduction in the weight after the tummy tuck.i think for other people, it's a great motivating factor that now they've got the tummy thatlooks the way they want. and that they are more active in keeping themselvesfit and in shape. because unfortunately, for many people, priorto having a tummy tuck, is you've got loose skin and you lose weight. the skin actuallygets looser and it looks worse, which becomes very i think that there are a number of different

factors which can lead to a sustained weightloss following the tummy tuck. now one thing i will say is that right afterthe tummy tuck you're going to weigh more, but that's due to swelling. and that sometimescan take 3 or 4 months to get rid of all that quote-unquote swelling weight.but the answer we're looking for this week is true. so let's find out who has the rightanswer. mary doring. mary, congratulations, you arethis week's winner. so we have a $100 gift card for you. comeon into the office and pick that up. while you're hear, ask about it, and we'llshow you our elephant pictures from thailand. for everyone else, we'll see you next week.

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