how much is liposuction for men

how much is liposuction for men

hey, what’s going on guys? sean nalewanyjhere, and in this video here, i’m covering a pretty big topic. it’sone that’s surrounded by a lot of confusion. and that is what should you do if you currentlyhave a skinny fat body type and your end goal is to have a lean and muscular body, shouldyou start up by bulking or cutting? a lot of guys don’t know where to start here,because they know that if they bulk and focus on gaining muscle that they’re also goingto gain some fat along with it. that’s a guarantee any time you try to add a decentamount of muscle to your frame and it’s just part of the process. so, keep that inmind. but those guys are already carrying a decent amount of excess fat. so, they don’twant to put on even more. but on the other

hand, they could start with a cutting phaseand lean down. and that would eliminate the excess fat. but since they’re not caringmuch muscle to begin with, they’re afraid that they’ll just end up looking, if you look for advice on other youtube channels or other blogs, you’re going toget a fairly even split down the middle on this one. some guys will say that if you’reskinny fat, then you should bulk first. and others will say that you should cut first.and that can obviously be confusing. so, i’m going to give you my personal view on thistopic. so, in my view the problem with just making one sort of blanket recommendationand saying, you know, if you’re skinny fat, you should bulk or if you’re skinny fat,you should cut is that skinny fat doesn’t

describe one exact body type. skinny fat basicallyjust means that you’re carrying a reasonable amount of excess fat, but you also aren’tcarrying much muscle. and that comes in varying degrees. for example, if you run a googleimage search for the term skinny fat, you’ll see that it can come in a lot of differentforms. it can mean a naturally skinny sort of ectomorph body, but with kind of a smallpot belly. or it could mean somebody who is carrying a higher amount of fat overall, butalso lacks decent muscular development. so, in my opinion, the question of whether tobulk or cut, it should actually be looked at on a case-by-case basis rather than justgiving one recommendation to everyone. sometimes cutting makes sense and sometimes bulkingmakes sense. it just depends on how skinny

a person is, how much fat they’re specificallycarrying and also what their mentality is toward the process. some people might be okaywith looking thin if it means that they’re no longer fat and that they have a lean body.whereas, there are other people who really don’t want that type of look. and they’regoing to be okay with carrying a higher amount of fat if it at least means that they’recarrying some decent muscle mass with it. and the reality here is that neither approachis technically wrong. if you have a skinny fat body type and your end goal is to be leanand muscular, then your initial training phase, so whether it’s a bulk or a cut, it’sgoing to result in a physique that you’re still temporarily not happy with. you’reeither going to be lean, but fairly thin.

or you’re going to be muscular, but carryinga decent amount of fat. that’s just the way it is. and so, you really have to thinklong-term here, and you have to understand that that initial physique is really justa stepping stone to your end goal. so, there’s nothing wrong with being lean and thin ormuscular and flabby, let’s say, because you do have to go to one of those two placesat the start of your training in order to get to your ultimate end goal. it’s reallyjust temporary. and people will say, you know, you can’t cut because you’ll just lookskinny. but keep in mind that if you’re already skinny fat, then being skinny leanis still better than your current position. it’s still an improvement. or other peoplewill say, you can’t bulk, because you’ll

just get fat. but again, you’re alreadycarrying excess fat. so, adding some muscle on top of that, again, it’s still an improvementfrom where you are right now and it’s just a temporary phase. it’s just a temporaryphase that’s leading you to your end goal. so, ultimately, deciding whether to bulk orcut is just a matter of looking at your current physique. and then combining that with yourown personal mentality towards this. and then, just deciding which approach makes the mostsense for you. and which one is going to keep you most motivated moving forward. so, themain thing that i’ll look at is someone’s overall body fat percentage. so, for example,if you’re carrying a pretty significant amount of fat, so let’s say, you’ve gotlike the saggy chest going on, and you’ve

got a lot of flab hanging around sort of yourmidsection and your love handles, then, even though you don’t have much muscle, i’dstill recommend cutting and getting down to a good lean base first. remember that buildingquality lean muscle does take a lot of time and effort. and if you can just continue addingmore and more fat on top of a body that is already fairly fat to begin with, then there’sa decent chance that you’re really not going to like how you look. and it could end upde-motivating you as you go forward. and it could lead to that typical sort of yo-yoingback and forth that so many guys fall into. for example, these are some body types wherei would say cut first. drop the excess fat, and then do a nice slow and controlled bulkonce you’re fairly lean to begin with. again,

you could still bulk and it’s technicallynot wrong to do so. but in cases where body fat is already decently high, despite thatlack of muscle development, i’d still say, “get lean first”. now, on the other hand,if you do have some noticeable excess fat, but it’s not to a significant degree, especially,if you’re someone who is fairly skinny to begin with, you know, naturally skinny shoulders,skinny arms, a smaller bone structure, then you’d probably be best going straight intoa clean bulk just to fill your body out a bit first. get a solid foundation of musclegoing, and then lose some excess fat later on once you’ve gain some reasonable size.again, you could still go with a cut in that situation. it’s not wrong to do that. ifyou really don’t like carrying the excess

fat you have right now, then that is an option.but given the choice between the two, if someone is fairly skinny and they’re not caringthat much fat, then i would put them on a bulk. the one important thing to keep in mindthough is that you should always do your bulk in a slow and controlled manner. just usea small calorie surplus and focus on gaining quality muscle, maybe around 2 pounds a month,3 pounds the most, because the last thing that a skinny -- a skinny fat guy should dois, you know, the typical dirty bulk and rush the process. because there’s a really goodchance that you’re not going to be happy with how you look if t you do start pillingon a lot of excess fats on top of what you already have. so, the bottom line here guysis that if you do have that skinny fat body

type, don’t just take someone’s blanketrecommendation that you should either bulk or cut. the best starting approach dependson your current body type. it depends how much fat or how little muscle you’re carrying.and it also depends what your personal preferences are. either approach is ultimately okay. andit will get you to your final end goal if you stick with it. and just remember thatthis stuff takes time and patience. and that the initial body you achieve after your firstbulking or cutting phase is just a temporary stepping stone. and if you do want my personalopinion on whether you should bulk or cut, then you can feel free to message me on myfacebook page, and i’ll be happy to help out. if you have decided on your startingapproach and you want to get a complete step-by-step

plan that will show you how to carry out asuccessful bulking or cutting phase, including exact step-by-step work outs, meal plans andsupplements, then you can check out my body transformation blueprint program over at link for that is in the description. if you did find this advice helpful, then feelfree to share the video, hit the like button, leave a comment and subscribe. and my officialwebsite is over at where i post all of my latest content and other updates.thanks for watching this video guys. and i’ll talk to you again soon with more free tips.

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